
Story by Jalendragon on SoFurry

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#2 of The Dark file

This is the first story I've completed since Hunger. It's the second installment in The Dark File. As the name implies, these are stories with more extreme circumstances. This one contains semi-rape, transformation, cum from mouth and nose, hermaphrodites, and foreskin worship. If any of these turn you off, stop reading now.

This story was an experiment. I never write first person. I also broke a lot of the rules I was taught on how to compose a story by switching tenses and perspectives. I think it came out well enough, but I need to write more from the first person.

I'm a demon. At least, that's what my "mother" said she was before she crammed me into that infernal quim and ended my mortal life. That's what she told me I was when I crawled my way from her womb many years later. That's what people call me after nearly two millennia of sucking them dry and leaving behind a wake of stupid grins and erections lasting much longer than four hours.

Still, I don't quite know if that fits. I ponder this as I suck my latest 'victim' dry, a dingo with a dumb expression on his face and dilated pupils. Not exactly the richest meal I've had, but then I don't need to feed like I once did. As he loses consciousness below, I casually dismount, reach down to hold his head and adjust his memory. Great night with a hooker, lost his wallet, cheap hotel room. Ass covered.

All nine feet of me barely fits in the dingy little love motel, the tips of my ears scrape the ceiling of their 'deluxe lust' suite. A little adjustment later and a six foot female in rather trashy raver garb steps out of the room. The place reeks of jizz, piss, and who knows what else. But then, that's like sweet flowers to my twisted old nose.

My name is Aliah Silvermane, and I'm a demon. At least... that was my name before my "birth". I still use it. My real name? Well, only two creatures know that. Names have power, power to control, to twist, to rule. So you can keep calling me Aliah.

I'm not a small thing, being nine feet tall, with a dragon's scaled hide and face. I even have the horns, though mine come out from my skull and follow the line of my jaw. Being a demon of lust, things go a little overboard below. Four breasts of generous size, each capped in a fat nipple, rest on my chest. I've given up on figuring out cup sizes or measurements. I change it so much it's rather pointless. They're framed by four arms as well. I didn't make up the rules of demon body shape, I just follow them. One I am glad got applied though, is a dual gender. I'm not only a hermaphrodite, but I've been... damned? Blessed? With twice as much manhood as most. The twins as I call them, hang down to mid thigh. Though with the veil on, I look just like your typical small draconoid.

I'm satisfied after that little snack. I don't need to feed again. That's what I tell myself when the aches set in, the cravings, the need to fuck, the desire to twist some poor innocent mind. I don't need it. Then I'm balls deep in some slut or gigolo. It's not exactly a glamorous life, but it does have benefits. Two thousand years of history, for example. Not that I can say I'm any exact age. Things get... foggy.

It's foggy right now, but for much different reasons. I step out into the mist clinging to the ground and look around. Who knew society might come so far? Towering spindles of white and chrome and black, colored lights reaching into the heavens. This was not the world I grew up in. Then again, this was not my world to begin with. I slink across the street, down an alley, and to a doorway. I lift the little bracelet on my arm and the door opens for me. I step through, and into a dry, dark cave, carved into a near perfect sphere. The rift behind me closes as the door shuts, cutting me off from the outside world once more.

Here is my kingdom, deep in the earth, far in the mountains, buried beneath an abandoned convent. I thought it was ironic. This room is special, however. It is my sanctuary. In the center is a bowl shape bed hanging from five chains. The chains reach dozens of feet to the curved ceiling, anchored around the outside of a set of metal shutters. Light pours in until I turn to the ancient looking control panel and pull the lever. The shutters close upward, forming a five pointed star.

Around the room old iron and stone lanterns flicker to life, burning not with flame, but with stone. Spheres of rock glow with internal heat, letting light shine into the room. I had the place decorated once, ancient bronze-coated iron bands hold up massive plates of wood, stained to resemble cherry. These days, the bronze is tarnished and the polish has faded. I don't exactly have a cleaning crew. The temptations of other souls around would be too great for me.

At least... that's what I keep telling myself.

The hunger has been gnawing at me lately. The urge to hunt, to prowl. To find and twist some innocent soul. You can only resist so long. Most think we demons revel in our sin, that we love what we are. There are plenty that do, but... I sold my soul to lust. Lust rules me, not the other way around. There's a pang. A deep, painful longing. I look back at the portal. Not today, I just fed. Why now?

The portal's closer, I can feel the tentacles on my back sliding free, dripping with pheromone laden fluids. My sex is on fire... my cocks are rock hard. I need to hunt. My hand finds the runes along the frame. I trace the shapes at random and fall through into blackness.

Jeremy was having fun, the club was pounding, the beat throbbing through his chest. He wasn't dancing, of course. The young human wasn't really good at it. Two left feet, he'd joke. He looked out over the crowd of bodies; men, women, and probably those in between. It wasn't one of those raves. That wasn't his scene, but still, the music was deep.

He continued to wallflower for a time before approaching the bar, set off from the dance floor and raised so that the patrons could watch. A simple Tonic and Lime order later, he was sitting at a small table, enjoying watching the life pulse through the room. That's when a throat was cleared and a beautiful woman in a trashy old sweater, fishnet gloves, and scandalously too small shorts asked, "Seat taken?"

Now, Jeremy wasn't an overly attractive fellow, or so he thought. Five foot three inches, sort of a mop of brown hair, hazel eyes and freckles over his nose. He had all the roundness of his boyish years, despite being nearly thirty. The woman he was suddenly sharing his table with, well, she was a knockout. Olive skin and the most startlingly shock white hair, deep blue eyes, and curves that went on for miles. She leaned forward, showing a little cleavage down her tastefully destroyed sweatshirt's neck.

My conscious mind is taking a backseat to the demon. The real demon. The drive to corrupt and claim. I can see the human male over the table, I can smell him, hell I can taste the growing lust as he looks at the image I've presented to him. The sly instincts of a demon of lust watch him. I'm more subtle than the succubi and incubi. I still am not sure I'm really related but they are, perhaps, cousins. But we also must feed more... and we have some interesting effects on mortals. I can smell my own scent changing, pheromone cocktail shifting according to the responses of the male before me. I can see the dilating of his pupils, the flaring of his nostrils. This human... this human is well and truly mine already. It disgusts me. It arouses me. It makes me feel hollow. It makes what's left of my dark and twisted soul sing. Words poured from my mouth, they poured from his. None of it mattered.

Jeremy was on the dance floor. Not only was he on the dance floor, he was dancing with this beautiful woman! He didn't know where this confidence was coming from but right now, he didn't care. His body moved to the music, his eyes locked on her. She was all that mattered. So when she leaned in and kissed him right there, everything sort of shifted. Her arms held him up, she was so strong!

The two figures were lost in the sea of figures, no one seemed to pay them any mind despite the fact that they were making out right in the middle of everyone. People moved around them as if unconsciously avoiding an obstacle, not even so much as brushing against either of them as her tongue invaded his mouth.

She tasted so good, a hint of apples on her lips, a spiciness on her tongue! It was all he could do to not grind the growing erection in his pants against her body. When the kiss finally broke, he huffed and leaned in close. "Maybe we should go out back?"

"Oh, that's just fine. Maybe go back to my place after?" she almost growled in his ear, her voice so smokey dark. If tinted glass could talk sex, that's what would be oozing from its surface.

She took his hand and almost dragged him off the dance floor. A momentary glance at the clock told him they'd be out there for two hours. Two whole hours! How did that happen?

He was so far gone. The poor creature, trying to hide the erection in his pants. It wasn't even all that impressive. Maybe four inches, tops. Humans. But, he was the most repressed, virginal creature in the place. A delicacy, something to savor. I lead him down the back hall, back to the heavy steel door that I knew would cut us off from any prying eyes.

Not that they would have noticed us. Few can overcome a demon's glamour. No, they would just give us a glance and continue on. I could be fucking his ass over the hood of a cop car and the officer might ask us how our night's going. He'd also be furiously masturbating with one hand down his pants, and it would be like he was sipping a cup of coffee. Part of me did love that.

It was well and good that he suggested leaving. If we spent much more time in the club it would have devolved into an orgy. That does draw attention, attention I don't want. He's here now, close. Breathing. His lungs are full of my scent, full of chemicals that have him way outside of his normal mind. Now... the fun part begins.

"Just right here," she said, pushing Jeremy up against the wall. He seemed somewhat perplexed at first, then she kissed him again. All of his worries melted and his tiny cock spit a wad of arousal right into his slacks.

Her lips parted, his body trembled then he slowly fell to his knees. Her shorts were packed funny. It wasn't quite the shape she should have for even a plentiful mound But that didn't really matter. It smelled amazing down here. Her arousal... He pushed his face in unconsciously, sliding down along the long, hard shape of... wait...

"You've got a fucking cock?!" Jeremy shouted, only for his face to be crammed back against that crotch. Yes, this smoking hot woman had a cock. A huge cock. It was grinding against his face through her shorts leg. He could feel the heat of it, smell the aroma. That lovely musk...

His eyes lid as he nuzzles into that musk stained pair of shorts, his pupils dilating with each breath. "Mmn, there there, Jere. You're fine... see? A cock's not so bad. You still want me, don't you?" She could feel his head nod against her loins. Slowly she began to peel back the layers, at least right around herself. The 'trashy' trendy clothing began to decay, losing its quality. Dark patches of sweat seeped out from under the arms to darken the sweater, stains of old semen across the front revealed themselves, the thick nipples of her bra-less chest pushed it out. A darker stain formed from sweat running down her cleavage.

The smell in the air turned darker still, from flowery to deep and musky. It was like someone toasted vanilla, burnt a cinnamon stick, then mashed it together with old semen and salt. The tip of her erection darkened the shorts further, slick slime pouring from the tip from her arousal, her eagerness to feed. The dark stains smeared into the human's face. Yes, this was her prey.

Jeremy couldn't stop himself, of course. The wonderful smell of the woman in front of him, of this goddess, only got better. He didn't notice the stains, the smears, the wetness. All that mattered was getting more. Without a word he took the head of the shaft into his mouth through the bulge it made in her shorts, sucking the slimy, musky preseed from it. He let it smear over his tongue, staining it, burning his tastebuds. _ No! _ a little voice in the back of his head screamed. Shut up, he replied. I'm happy.

No! It's a trap! This isn't right! That pesky voice just wouldn't be quiet! So, he decided to silence it. With shaking hands he pulled the fly and button open, then tugged the shorts down, revealing the naked thighs below, the heavy, masculine ballsack, and the dark flesh of an uncut cock that must have been eight inches long.

I could feel his resistance waning. His body was on autopilot, worshiping as instinct demanded he do. Still, he could yet break away. He's pulling the shorts down... this is it, this...

Lips on my cock. Just one, for now. Just one until I'm done. Once he's broken, I can tear off this constricting form and grow... grow and have my way with him!

His tongue is under my foreskin... digging, caressing, exploring. It's funny, I know he's straight as an arrow yet here he is, treating my cock with such skill and care. Lower now, lower... More of my shaft is in his face, more of my taint is sliding into his body. I can already feel the dark seed taking root in his soul.

Part of me, that part of me that remembers, is jealous. I was here once. I was in his place, sucking demon dick. Part of me wishes to feel it again, the amazing rush as the darkness takes hold. The rest of me is hungry, and damn the consequences. I will fuck this male, he will spill his seed, and I will devour him in the process.

Jeremy couldn't help himself. Once he had a taste of that shaft, he had to have more! His lips slid down the flesh, taking the large head into his maw. He kept the foreskin covering it, only so he could suck firmly as he withdrew it, drawing the aroused fluids from it. The moment his lips left the organ, the loose skin rolled back, leaving the glossy, dark tip right there. He didn't pay attention to the fact that the skin was turning darker by the moment. He didn't care that her scent was burning his nose with every breath. All he cared about was his next taste.

The woman above him was changing, growing, twisting. Her perfect smile was now replaced with sharp fangs. Her face looked stretched, her nose flat and upturned. One hand of her's came to the back of the human male's head, guiding it down her length. He could feel each vein pass his lips, each thick, throbbing inch of flesh hotter than the last. It seemed to take forever, sliding down that meaty length. He couldn't tell that it was growing, adding inches and sliding past his face not the other way around. He didn't even think about the possibility until his face pressed up against her loins.

Those loins were no longer covered in soft skin and wiry hair. Gone was the velvet caress, replaced with a smooth, harder touch. Scales rubbed past his face, still just as slickened with sweat as it had appeared moments before. His face was drawn down, down past the hefty pouch holding a pair of testicles that would put most stallions to shame. They were covered in leathery hide, hide that matched the skin of the shaft he had just been ground against. His tongue slipped past his lips and before he knew what he was doing, he was washing those orbs.

She sighed in relief, as if the touch of his tongue was washing away more than the sheen of salty liquid that built up rapidly in the heat her body put off. Every touch of his tongue send shudders through her body.

"That's right," her smooth voice cooed. "Wash them, worship them. Give yourself over to them..." Her voice trailed off as he took her words as a command.

His nimble tongue followed every crease, every vein, each ridge and fold that formed as her heavy scrotum tensed, moved, drew up, then relaxed. It wasn't long before it glistened not with her infernal sweat, but the saliva of her prey. He had to look up at them now, staring up in abject worship of those heavy, heavenly orbs.

Her body grew the more he gave in, the human guise giving way to her true demonic self. Horns slowly pushed, then grew from the back of her skull, a second set of eyelids formed as slits, then split open into soft pools of blue. Longer her snout grew, the sharper her teeth, the heavier her build. Each passing moment seemed to take forever, yet go by too quickly. That's when the eager tongue below found a new target.

He pushed his face up, her balls parting over his skull as lips and tongue met folds of flesh. Infernal heat poured in the form of thick, slimy honey that smeared across his face. It covered his mouth, ran down his chin, even got in his hair as he trailed his tongue along the fat labia of the demoness he now worshiped.

I can feel him slipping. I can feel his resistances crumbling, stale bread falling through the fingers of his mind. The harder he held on, the more he lost himself. I am surprised by his switch to my puss. No one goes for the vag, it's always the cocks. Everyone wants the cocks. My interest is piqued.

I push down against his face, grinding into his nose as he drinks from my quivering cunt. He's drinking me down, filling himself not with the liquid fire pouring from my shaft but instead bathing in the cool corruption of my womanhood. He's good. He's very good. Too good. I find myself climaxing over his face, my tunnel twisting and pushing more of my hot nectar down into his greedy gullet.

Not a first, no, but decidedly uncommon. It lights a fire in me. I growl, I push... He's drunk enough of my taint that I can feel him more intimately. My Darkness is brushing his soul, touching the very light that makes him what he is. He's not shying away.

The demon likes this.

She pulled him away. Why did she pull him away? Jeremy was so thirsty! It didn't matter that his gut ached, or that his belly was just a little swollen. He had to have more! The clearly inhuman woman was still beautiful in his eyes. He'd seen dragons before, he'd even lusted after them in his books. That's what she looked like, if a dragon had two legs and massive breasts.

Those breasts vanished from view as she lifted him bodily. He was but a doll, light as feather to this goddess he'd found. He felt his face pushed up against brick, his pants torn from his hips, and something hot and impossible pushed up against his ass. Hot breath washed his neck as she leaned up against him. Her breasts squished into his back. It felt good. The fat teats she had for nipples ground into his shirt, a shirt he was wishing was ripped off just like his pants. He envied those breasts.

A moment of pain came, then went, her throbbing rod spearing its way into his ass with as much resistance as a stallion pinning a mare. His guts filled, he screamed not in pain but in near mindless pleasure. He needed that cock. "Yessss!" slipped from his lips. "More!" He could barely put two thoughts together.

I can feel the corruption coursing through his veins. My Darkness is in him. Already the light of his soul is tarnishing. He is embracing what I give him! The demon really likes this. I'm whispering in his ear, I'm encouraging him. It makes him moan. It makes me grin.

Another rush of fluids, this time from my burning cock. His belly fills, his mouth hangs open in a mindless, soundless scream. He wants it. I can feel it. His soul cries out for the touch of my Darkness. So, I give it to him. I thrust that spire into his guts, twisting them around my flesh, straightening them out. He'll never be using them for that bodily function again anyway. Dark magic pours from my flesh into his, making his skin tighten around his rump.

There's a moment where he gasps, feeling my balls against his ass... then against his balls. Thats right, I whisper in his ear. That's gay. That's very gay. You love cock, so you must be, right? No... You're too good with a pussy, I tell him. You like both. He nods. I breathe into his ear. He moans.

Yes, he agrees. He loves both. He's wanted to fall for a trap. He loves a woman with a dick.

The demon doesn't just like this, it loves it.

I roll my hips, I feel his guts shift and squirm, I feel his anus, his colon shifting, squeezing. Massaging. Milking. I moan into his ear. He begs me for more. What does he offer, I ask? Himself, he replies.

"Contract signed," the demon and I hiss joyously as one.

"Contract signed," she hissed into his ear. His eyes opened wide as the already large shaft in his ass swelled. He howled and arched his back. With a grind, he pushed back against her as his bare shaft spat against the wall.

There was a fire in his belly, a fire pouring from her cock and filling his very essence. The front of his shirt showed it first, a swelling, a tenting over his nipples. Next was his belly. The shape of her cock was clearly visible, a bulge, impossible in his flesh. There was another pulse of heat and he opened his mouth to cry out, only for fluids to bubble up.

He was surprised, he expected bile. Instead, heavenly sweetness poured over his tongue and ran down his chin. Another pulse of fire and more spilled from his maw. He tried to close his lips, but he couldn't swallow it down. Clear slime ran from the corners of his mouth before his tormentor, his goddess pulled back and he felt the suction draw the mouthful back in. He cried out, praising her, begging her... then she hilted and he was silent again save for gurgled groans.

She thrust into her new toy, her pet. She had come for a meal and found something even better. Each thrust into his pre-slimed ass had him moaning. Each slap of scrotum to scrotum had him wriggling. There was a tearing sound as her secondary arms ripped through the sweater. She used them to tear the remnants off her frame, leaving a pile of tattered wool soaked in sexual fluids next to the discarded cotton shorts at her clawed feet. She had long since burst out of her shoes, heavy claws digging into the asphalt of the alley.

Jeremy was full of heat, he was full of pleasure. His fingers dug at the brick wall before him as the heat spread from his gut and neck, filling his head, his arms, his legs with his dark goddess' fire. He was dimly aware of his nails digging into the brick. He pressed his face forward, only to have it hit the wall before it should have. His eyes stared down the beginnings of a snout. He licked his lips, tongue fatter than it was a few moments prior. He roared in pleasure, only for the demon to thrust and more of her infernal fluid to pour through his body. It splattered against the wall as he eagerly thrust back! It only then occurred to him that his feet were several feet off the ground.

She held him aloft with her cock, the demon's impossible flesh keeping his belly full. She pinned his twisting form to the wall as a snout similar to her own, but smaller, formed on his face. With a deep growl, she took him again, watching as glittering emerald scales began to crack the flesh of his hips. His shirt swelled further, the nipples' shapes visible through it rather obscene. Definition built on his average frame, followed by another splatter.

Below, his organ had surged, it was erupting against the wall in streams of clear slime that poured over the brick. It sizzled softly on contact, leaving behind a dark stain. Sweat poured off his frame, darkening his shirt. Another thrust and he snarled in an inhuman fashion.

"Yes," she growled into his ear, who's tip had grown longer. In fact, the ears were growing larger all over as she nuzzled into them, only to slide her tongue around the lobe. She slid her slimey tongue into his ear canal proper, which caused a snarl to slip from his maw. His belly had grown, soaking up more of her tainted Darkness.

He is changing rapidly. I can feel his guts shifting further. The growing breasts on his chest are a sure sign he's going to be quite impressive. He hasn't cum yet, that's both a good and a bad sign. Good in that I know he'll be a strong servant. Bad in that I need him to climax before his soul goes fully dark or I won't get what I need. That means another victim. That means all of this energy is wasted and I might do something foolish.

He's growing quickly, his cock rising up his swollen abdomen, spitting his now tainted fluids across the wall. I can smell the monster I'm about to unleash crawling at his insides. I need him to climax soon! Thats when I feel liquid heat over my balls and I realize he's gone one step further than just tits.

I let my hidden second cock erupt into his... her belly, filling up her newly torn open cunt with more of my infernal heat. If this doesn't push my new imp over the edge quickly, nothing will and I'll have to start again.

Jeremy was enjoying his cock, he was enjoying his goddess' cock. Then he was enjoying more. Lots more. The sudden claiming of his new gash was both painful and pleasurable. Blood poured down her ebon rod as the newly minted herm's virginity was torn asunder. Seconds later Jeremy screamed.

Bolts of seed erupted from his now dark green cock, the uncut organ's eight inches befitting his new form. His chest swelled rapidly now. Her chest... Yes, her chest. She was so much more than a mere male now. Her shirt's buttons strained, then burst, letting her emerald scaled tits spill forth into the cool night air. A foot of tongue spilled from her maw, dangling into her own cleavage as the demoness bit down into her shoulder.

I feed. Not on her blood where I bite into her scaled hide, but on her essence. What purity is in her is fading rapidly, overcome in my Darkness, but it is enough. Her climax spills not just her seed all over the wall, but pure, rich energy into me. It flows over my scales, it pours down over my cock, it flows back into the very orifices that feed my slave her transformation.

She's growing, perhaps seven feet tall from the shimmering earfans that peek above her head to the clawed feet that jut from the remnants of her shoes. The only remnant of humanity on her body is the fat, human cock that sprays the wall with the last of her old life. I catch some of it on a lower hand and bring it to my maw, breaking my hold on her shoulder. I lick it clean and go for more, slurping it from my fingers with all the fervor of a starving man set before a banquet.

She has no tail, not yet, but that will come with time. No, what was to come now... was me.

The fire in her belly and in her new cunt was nothing compared to the molten eruption that soon filled her. The wicked, delicious pre of her mistress still gushed from her maw, making way for the tainted seed that pumped from both cocks into her belly. She knew she wasn't fertile now, not having just grown the womb that bloated in her belly, but soon... soon she would be her mistress' brood girl. The thought made her loose another load of seed across the bricks. Sweat poured down her scaled hide, deep amethyst eyes watching every tainted drop roll over her chest. She would have to thank her mistress later, once she could speak again. For now she enjoyed feeling her prick's final surge to a full foot in size, the gush of fluids from her quivering puss, the ooze of semen from her ass. She closed her eyes and drifted away into blissful pleasure and darkness.

It's been three hours. I found my portal and dragged her back with me. My semen has dried and caked on her ass and cunt. Her own paints her belly and the underside of her tits. I didn't plan this. I didn't want this. I feel horrible inside. I'm sick to my stomach.

I'm proud, I'm sated, I am elated. For the first time in millennia I have another warm body around my lair. I've had many before, I've watched them grow and change. Some became rivals I had to eliminate. Others served until they reached the end of their power and burnt out. I'm hit by the enormity of watching another life burn itself out for a hundred years. I'm sick to my stomach again.

I hold her in my arms, her old life most likely a distant memory. For a moment her eyes open, for a moment I can feel the Darkness that binds us fill with the blinding light of her soul. With a gasp of surprise, she kisses me. There's electricity, power, the burning heat of her fills me! How does she still have anything of her old self left? Yet, it feeds the Darkness instead of snuffing it out. There's a little spark in the twisted depths of my blackened soul.

She smiles, her lips find a breast and she begins to nibble along my areola. Her hand is on my cocks, feeling along their roots. Her other is on her own breast. For a moment she breaks away from my flesh and she looks at me again and whispers two words. "Thank you." Then the carnal dance begins again, my new pet taking the lead.

I'm a demon. This is what my "mother" told me when I was squeezed from her jizz painted cunt. This is what thousands have called me through my existence. But remember this. I dwell in darkness, but that does not make me evil. Not all that is light is good, not all darkness is wicked. Even I, in my twisted way, can save a soul.


Cold. It was cold. Rain pelted down on the teen aged husky as he ran through the streets. Not a soul was out, but then, who would be at three in the morning in a little town like Providence Kansas? His sneakers slapped wetly into puddles, pounded on...

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Coal Black: En Passant

Three weeks had passed since the four had met. Three weeks of scouring the streets, the police database, reports. Three weeks of one political figure after another being raped and left in a quivering mess of semen, right in plain view. Cole stood...

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Coal Black: Bishop

## The city was changing. His city was changing. Ok, so it really wasn't his city but he lived there, his name was on city hall. His family name. The purple dragon stood at the giant picture window of the study of his parents' mansion. Clad merely in...

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