Three for Fun

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Sometimes bar meetings do not go quite as you expect, as a dominant tanuki is about to find out at the paws of his wicked mate and a willing husky acting as his partner in crime...

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Yay! Gay sex!

Tried to make this one nicely realistic (within the bounds of the word limit) and smutty, hope you guys like it :)

Commission for Ponpon, may be re-posted with credit

Story (c) Amethyst Mare

Three for Fun

Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe for Ponpon

"Can I buy you guys another round?"

The tanuki, Robert, quirked an eyebrow and cast a glance at the husky beside his bear mate, Stephen, looking him up and down in a speculative light. Having taken off to their favourite seaside resort for the weekend, the couple had come across the grey-white husky with startlingly blue eyes at the resort bar and sat down for a chat. Of course, alcohol was involved. It was as random a meeting as any, but they had gotten along well enough, speaking of their respective corners of the world. Sometimes, Stephen thought privately, there was little better than good conversation, even if he spent more time listening than speaking, thoughtfully interlinking his cinnamon coloured paws. Robert leaned back on the bar stool and shook his dark-furred head slowly, light drawing different tones from the racoon-dog's thick fur.

"I thought it was the single ones that had drinks bought for them," Robert joked at last, claws rattling across the bar top.

"Ah, no, that's where you're wrong. The _lucky_ones get drinks bought for them," the husky, James, countered smoothly, tugging at the neck of his beige shirt.

Drawing the bar tenders attention, James soon had another round in front of their threesome, his eyes calculating. Rob blinked rapidly, pulling his bushy, brown tail against his belly and running his fingers comfortingly through the fur, an action that was intended to hide his nerves. Why did contact lenses always chose the worst times to itch? He swallowed and looked away.

"You know our room is just upstairs?" Robert said quickly, too quickly, the words coming out in a rush. "Well, a fine minute walk if you can negotiate the accommodation suite labyrinth."

"Back to your room, hey?" The husky's lips twitched. "As much as I'd like to take you up on that offer, I'm not sure what your boyfriend here would think about that."

"Please," Rob grinned widely, showing a flash of white teeth. "He'd -"

"Have you on the bed before you could blink," Stephen cut across.

Caught off guard, the husky stumbled over his words, skin flushing beneath the pale fur upon his cheeks. Stephen allowed a small smirk to grace his lips, evidencing his eagerness, though he did not blame the husky for doubting his desire. Sometimes the bear was too quiet but that would change once he was within the bounds of the bedroom, even if not with words: words were not always needed. Intent finally in the open, Stephen's stubby tail twitched anxiously and he took another gulp of his drink, willing the level of the liquid to decrease more swiftly than it actually was.

"Are we staying to finish this round?" Stephen inclined his head towards their half-full glasses.

They downed their mostly empty drinks in turn and the dominant racoon-dog gulped, wiping the back of his paw across his mouth. Arranging the liaison felt dirty, illicit, and he could not wait to get the husky on all fours on the bed. So many things he could do to him... He could only imagine what Stephen had in mind. It was the quiet ones you had to watch - that was what he'd always said.

Leading the way, Robert trotted to the bar exit, skidding to an untimely halt as a tall, palomino horse stopped in the doorway. His tail swished innocently, dragging their eyes down to his taut rump, which was clearly defined through his tight jeans. Robert growled at the younger fur, far too eager to reach the bedroom to waste time on a silly stallion.

"Don't stop right here, damn it," Rob cursed quietly, though he did not truly intend the horse to hear; the stallion smiled blandly. "Other furs want to get past!"

Side stepping the distracted horse, he stalked ahead; Stephen and James exchanged amused glances, the bear's gaze lingering longer than it 'should' after James had turned away. The husky flicked his tail as he passed the languishing stallion, catching him across the thigh with a flirty sway of his hips. The couple did not notice, but they did not need to.

Reaching their hotel room in record time, Robert swiped the key card through the lock, pushed the door open and bowed mockingly, allowing the others into the room ahead of him. The room was furnished simply but comfortably for a weekend by the ocean with a decidedly nautical theme, blue, white and seashells utilised in tasteful decoration. If he had been perusing poetry, Robert would have said that it was 'picturesque' and Stephen would have claimed his word choice cliché, as usual. Licking his lips hungrily, the tanuki growled under his breath, lust colouring his posture. The husky's tail wagged lightly as Stephen's paw crept around his waist, pulling him against his side with a sly smile.

"So, pup," Robert drew himself up to his full height, the middle aged tanuki stretching confidently. "How about you start by taking those clothes off?"

"Why don't you show what you've got on offer first, hm?" James cocked his muzzle and turned, lapping over the side of Stephen's muzzle, blunter than his finely angled snout. He was not one to be intimidated.

Surprised, Robert was momentarily thrown off-balance, and curled his tail between his legs, pulling it across his stomach in something of a hug, eyes narrowing apprehensively. No, what was he thinking? Of course he was in control of the situation. He was simply unused to being challenged. Sensing his discomfort, the bear released James from the circle of his arm, muzzle flushed from those light kisses over his muzzle, and arched his body against Rob's, the bulge in his pants speaking volumes.

"Stephen?" Rob smiled, confidence returning with the warmth of a familiar body. "What about you? Take your clothes off. If our friend is too shy to be the first, that is."

In answer, the bear dragged his shirt over his head, shyly putting on a show for his lover. The bulge in his trousers grew, cock pushing obscenely at the looser fabric, and the material pooled around his ankles in a navy tangle; he'd only chosen the colour to off-set his cinnamon-brown fur. The plain, blue boxers fitted snugly around his chubby hips and he eagerly dropped them to his ankles, kicking them aside along with his shoes. His hard, tapered cock sprung free, a drop of pre cum rolling down the dark grey length, leaving a trail of moisture in its wake. Ever conscious of the husky's eyes on him, Stephen thrust his rump out provocatively, spurred on by a chorus of appreciative murrs.

"Very nice," Robert murmured, underpants uncomfortably tight. "Come here and show this dog just how good you are with your muzzle, sweetheart."

Before Stephen could move, the submissive bear keen to follow orders, the husky laid a paw on his shoulder and trailed it down to the small of his back.

"I may have something else in mind," James licked his lips, flicking his tongue down Stephen's neck. The bear groaned and Robert's cock throbbed at the delicious show. "Why don't you get down on _your_knees?"

Robert scoffed.

"And why would I do that?"

He flexed, showing off his muscle; for being middle-aged, the tanuki remained in good shape, muscle definition visible through his dark brown fur. The tanuki's jeans dropped to his knees and he tugged at the belt, struggling to work them down further in his eagerness, briefs fighting to restrain his thick member. Unperturbed by the display, the slightly younger husky - somewhere in his thirties - rolled his shoulders in a shrug.

Everything happened in a blur. Before Rob knew it, the husky was behind him, dragging his paws behind his back and bearing him to the ground until the tankuki was forced to drop to his knees, bushy tail lashing angrily. A low snarl built in his throat and he wrenched his arms, crying out when he was unable to free himself so easily. That husky was stronger than he looked! Laughing breathlessly (which was some comfort to Robert as it showed the husky was struggling), James tightened his grip on the tanuki's paws as Stephen looked on, eyes wide and cock hard. There was no denying his enjoyment of the turn of events as he stroked his shaft with a low, throaty groan.

"Ah... This is why you should be on your knees now, tanuki. I think your boyfriend needs a little attention." James pushed the tanuki's muzzle down, grinding his own bulge against Robert's rear cheeks, held back by the too-thin fabric barrier of their respective remaining clothing. "Suck him."

Robert did not think the bear would be so quick but, ready to take advantage of the usually dominant tanuki, Stephen stepped forward, round ears perked. Gripping the base of his length, the bear rubbed the tip over Rob's lips, defiantly pressed together. James huffed and yanked the tanuki's underwear down without ceremony, revealing his muscular backside. Robert gasped in response, an action that proved to be his undoing as Stephen slid his cock between his boyfriend's lips, panting as the restrained tanuki was forced to take him deep. The tapered head of the bear's length brushed the back of Rob's throat and he gagged lightly, cheeks flushing under the humiliation. Though, if he did not like it at least a little, his cock would not have been so hard.

Moaning, Rob leaned in, forgetting the hold around his arms as he closed his lips around his mate's length in a tight 'O'. He sucked with loud, lewd slurps that made Stephen grunt, a low whine escaping his muzzle. Normally the one with a dick thrust under his tail, the bear could not deny that he enjoyed some personal attention from time to time. It was a fact that he had shared with the husky earlier in the evening when Robert had excused himself to the bar bathroom. Rolling his hips, he thrust into Rob's maw, fighting not to cum too swiftly - he would never hear the end of it!

"Mmm," James panted in Rob's ear, crouching at his rear, the tanuki's paws slack enough so that he was able to hold two wrists with only one of his paws, the husky tugging down his jeans. "See, you really wanted to do this. Look how quickly you submitted, tanuki."

Robert flushed heavily, glad that his muzzle was 'full' so that he was not forced to tolerate the indignity of answering aloud. As it was, he could not resist bucking his hips, cock achingly hard and throbbing. Oh god, what would he give to have his bear on all fours... Murring around the hot length parting his lips, the tanuki arched his back, shivering at the feel of a suddenly hard cock rubbing over his rump. James chuckled under his breath at the tanuki's surprise, thrusting proudly as if to show off his own power, muscles taut beneath plush fur.

"Ah, so tense, aren't you? Think you can take a 'pup's' dick without more lube?" The husky laughed, sliding his length between Robert's rear cheeks, smears of pre staining his fur. "Such a sexy ass... Would be a shame to waste."

Spitting into his paw, James stroked his length, lubricating it the little that he was willing. After all, he did not think he would stretch the tanuki's ass that much. Pre cum beaded at the tip of his cock and he pressed it to the racoon-dog's tight pucker, relishing in how the male tried to resist, clenching his tail hole obstinately closed. The husky was not to be denied. Forcing past the tanuki's anal ring, James relished in his muffled moans, spitting on the stretched tail hole as he forced inch after inch in until he was buried up to his half-swollen knot. So tight! James growled softly, catching Stephen's eye and smiling wolfishly, tongue lolling from his muzzle as he started to thrust. Intent on burying his bone until he was overcome by climax - the tanuki may as well have been teasing him the whole time in the bar with that hot body of his - James thrust roughly. He was finally able to let go of Rob's paws as the tanuki rocked back, pawing his own member as soon as he was released and reaching up to caress his lover's balls, driving Stephen to greater heights of pleasure.

Close to orgasm already, Stephen thrust into Rob's muzzle, paws on his partner's head as he erupted in a chorus of grunt-whines, fighting with every thrust to hold back a few moments longer. His lover's tongue was too talented, however, curling around his cock and flicking against the underside, so that he was soon panting and bucking like a teenager, too eager to spill his seed into that waiting maw. With a loud gasp that degenerated into a lusty moan, the bear thrust rapidly, cock shooting thick spurts of cum over the tanuki's tongue. His creamy seed was quickly swallowed, disappearing straight down into Rob's stomach as he savoured the taste, husky still pounding under the tanuki's tail.

Seeing the bear climax so quickly, James groaned deep in his throat, the sound seeming to rumble right up from his chest. The husky bared his teeth like a wolf and drove viciously under the tanuki's tail, the sudden increased force making the tanuki gasp around the softening cock in his maw - he seemed unwilling to stop sucking once he had begun. Grunting with the force of each thrust, Rob allowed the cock to slip reluctantly from his lips, lowering his muzzle as he pushed back into James' thrusts. His nostrils flared and his eyes were lidded in pleasure, paws running down the inside of Stephen's legs as he smiled up with a heady blush. Stephen slid gracefully to his knees and drew his lover into a deep kiss, for once looking slightly down upon the tanuki with an erotic thrill coursing through his veins. Perhaps switching up the tempo was something they should engage in more often? He certainly would not object!

No stranger to driving under another fur's tail, the husky groaned in frustration. His knot was already forming, slamming against the tanuki's tail hole with every brutal thrust, though James could not find the will to ease off, be gentler or anything of that ilk. With a paw on his cock and one lodged in his tail hole, Robert was torn between bucking forwards or thrusting back, each action bringing pleasure that he desperately craved. Pinning his ears back, the tanuki whined plaintively, begging without the words that he was too shy to voice.

Hammering hard, the husky grunted, squeezing a paw around his knot as he hit orgasm with a howl of pleasure. There had been no way to thrust his knot into the tanuki without lube but hoped he would have a second shot at his sweet ass. Pouring his seed into Robert's erotically clenching tail hole, James rolled his head back, delighting in the feel of claiming another hole. The grin on Stephen's lips told him just how much his partner in crime had enjoyed it too. Collapsing over Robert's bowed back, he had the grace to stroke the tanuki's cock, allowing him a much needed build to release. On his paws and knees, Robert growled, thrusting into the paw with James' thick cock buried in his ass. It was not softening in the slightest and he gasped for breath, his pants loud in the small bedroom as Stephen caressed his fur, encouraging him to just let go.

The final one to reach his peak, Robert kissed Stephen deeply, paws flat on the floor, and ground back, moaning unashamedly as James pawed his cock. It was not long before he spilled his pleasure on to the floor and the husky's paw, hips bucking furiously. He yelped loudly enough to cause an innocent passer-by on the other side of the hotel room door to pause, listen and then trot on at a greater pace, muzzle flushed with the knowledge of just what was going on behind the door.

Drawing his mate in close to his chest, Stephen moved so that his muzzle rested on top of Rob's shoulder, their bodies arched towards one another. The husky's lips twitched in a one-sided grin and he pushed slyly against Rob's rear, making the tanuki tense, the thick rod shifting under his tail.

"Damn you, Stephen," Rob managed to mumble, paws finding purchase upon his partner's hips. "I can't believe two..."

He did not have the energy, mentally and physically drained from their quick burst of exertion. Whispering something in the tanuki's ear that made Rob blush, James laughed, breath raspy in his throat as he drew back slowly, leaving the lover's to their embrace and passionate kisses. Stephen caressed Rob's cheek, gently scratching through his fur until the tanuki leaned into his paw, eyes closed contentedly.

"You could have said 'no' at any time, you know," Stephen grinned, hugging his mate tight enough to make him grunt for breath. "But you didn't. Thank you, sweetheart."


Leaving the couple to shower together - he suspected they would be in there for a while - James sprawled out on the bed, rummaging through the mess of clothes and trying to put his own in some semblance of order. He would have to dress again, sooner or later. In the pocket of his jeans, something buzzed obnoxiously, demanding attention he was a little too willing to give. With a curious smile, he fished out the small rectangle of a mobile phone, a picture of a cream-coloured horse on the screen depicting the incoming call.

"Hey, stud," he purred like a feline, smiling widening as the horse on the other end scoffed. "Did you miss me?"

Listening to the horse's voice, James relaxed over the rumpled duvet, letting him talk until he demanded an answer to the most pressing question of all.

"Oh, I don't know about that," James grinned. His mirth was palatable even over the phone. "You'll have to ask them nicely if you can join us next time, stallion."

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