Shadows in the Dark

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Stallions shouldn't go into dark alleys at night when creatures of the other-world are on the prowl...

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Feeling crappy so I'll just leave you with this: Happy Halloween, boys... Have fun sleeping tonight.

Unless, of course, you want to be the panther in this. Then you might be happier.

Story and characters © Amethyst Mare

Shadows in the Dark Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here, hon? We've always got room for you."

The dappled grey stallion snorted and rolled his eyes, brushing a paw through his spiky mane, which was as unruly as always. He had tried to style it for the evening together with his friends, a celebration of sorts for Jake's new job, but some things weren't worth the effort. As thick as thieves with Jake and Garret, a pair of red foxes, Deke was decidedly the odd one out in the group. Whereas the foxes were openly gay and spent the majority of their time in bed together, or so it seemed to the weary stallion, Deke was bi - something that they constantly teased him about. The only reason he could find for their friendly mockery was that they would rather he was gay, like them, so that they could more easily seduce the single stallion into their bed.

As he looked over the fox couple standing in the doorway to their ground floor flat, he resisted the urge to say something spurred more by liquor than anything else. Jake blinked at him with huge, baby-blue eyes and wrapped his russet tail around his left calf as Garret pulled him close, head tilted. Deke sighed: his friends worried too much.

"Get off, you soft bunch." His chest rumbled with drunken mirth that he hoped masked irritation. "What are you on? I can walk back fine."

"You sure, mate?" Even Garret was worried, the slight vulpine tipping forward as if he could draw Deke back into the flat's warmth through sheer will alone. "We're happy for you to stay here."

"Yeah, thanks," Deke wrinkled his nose. "I can hear your bed creaking from my flat. Sleeping in the same house as you? No thank you."

"You could always join in," Jake smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you've been pawing that horse-cock alone for a little too long. Come see how the foxes fuck, horsey, if you're colt enough."

"I'd rather find a filly than face the randy duo."

That snip startled a burst of laughter from the three of them, breath frosting in the chilly, November air. Deke glanced up at the clear sky, stars twinkling far above in the cloudless night. He estimated that it was sometime in the early hours of the morning before dawn's glow coloured the horizon. Thank god it was Saturday and no pressing concerns rested before his hoofed fingertips, otherwise he would be hard pressed to rise at a reasonable hour the next day.

"I'll see you idiots next week," he said, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Try not to break the bed, a'right?"

"But there's no fun in that!"

Turning, Deke flipped Jake off over his shoulder and laughed quietly to himself, wetting his lips with the tip of his tongue. The foxes would be fine, though he was not sure how long that rickety bed of theirs would last, considering how they had destroyed the last one. Deke shoved his paws deep into his pockets, pawing through a couple of crumpled sweet wrappers: mints were a personal weakness. He did not know why the foxes worried so much about him walking home after they hung out in the evening, just drinking and gaming - very adult activities. Truth be told, he liked walking alone late at night. It was as if he was the only soul in the world still breathing, still living. He understood how that notion could be disturbing to some furs.

It would be a good forty-five minutes at a brisk pace before he reached the doorstep of his little terraced house and Deke found himself wishing he had thought to tuck his iPod into the pocket of his jeans. Alas, it was in his gym bag and nothing could be done about that. Falling into the rhythm of walking, hooves clopping melodically along the pavement, he ran through his workout regime for the week. He always had to be organised, to know what he was doing. He had been slacking in some target areas, that much he knew, but his overall body tone was fit and strong, muscle definition showing beneath his more fitted clothing. He would note down his plan for the week in the morning. Or later that morning.

Caught up in his thoughts, Deke paused beneath a street lamp, taking note of his location and direction. Was he taking the shortest route? Like something from a cheesy horror flick, the street light flickered and buzzed, blinking in and out of life for as long as he stood there. An unwanted shiver trickled down the horse's spine and he almost laughed at himself. Scared of a light! How absurd. The wind gusted, stirring up a rustle of Autumn leaves from the street where they swirled about his hooves, the breeze groaning.

He half-started on his way again when a thud halted him in his tracks. A large, solid thump echoed down the narrow street and the paving stones beneath his hooves reverberated faintly with the force. Deke was a stallion for curiosity and he hesitated, torn between continuing and investigating. It was probably simply a bin toppling over, but the thud had not had a hollow echo to it. Deke groaned, rubbing behind his ears, and stepped forward into a slow walk. The darkness must have been playing tricks on his mind, he thought. The sound had likely been nothing more than a car firing up or something just as innocent.

However, the horse had only taken a pawful of paces before he stopped dead, a low growl stalling him from somewhere ahead. Prey instinct took precedence and he froze, battling against the instinct to _run_like his feral ancestors. His nostrils flared, showing a flash of red, and the whites of his eyes rolled fearfully.

Get it together!_He snapped at himself. _It was a dog or a cat, nothing more. Don't be such a fucking wimp.

He swallowed hard. Maybe he should have stayed with the foxes. As he continued on at what he felt was an unduly cautious pace, he shied away from the shadows, imagining the rustle of cloth around every corner. Deke broke into a trot, fear chasing his hooves, and whinnied anxiously, streaking into a fully fledged sprint. The clip-clop of his hooves was obnoxiously loud but no manner of mental reassurance could slow his reckless pace as the dogs of fear nipped at his fetlocks, driving him on. He could not breath - could hardly see! His grey mane whipped his bare neck and Deke bared his teeth at an invisible foe, fighting with sheer will to regain control of his body, inch by inch raking instinct back into his grasp. If anyone had seen him run like that...why, he would never live it down. He was a stallion: he did not run like a foal. It was only when he came to the yawning mouth of an alley - just leading to a lane behind the houses - that he stopped to draw in deep, gasping breaths of icy air.

And something moved.

The stallion's ears slid back against his skull and he shook his head. Something dark had definitely moved in that alleyway, a shadow sliding behind the grey mass of a rubbish skip someone had crammed in there, leaving barely any room to squeeze by. Deke wet his lips, finding them cracked and sore; his mouth was just as dry. No, there could not be anyone there. But it did not hurt to check.

"Hello?" God, did he sound ridiculous, talking to empty air. "Is anyone about? Hello?"

He did not expect a response but, in the depths of the alley, someone or something moaned, pain throbbing in its tone. He chanced that something shifted, a hind paw scuffing across the ground. If someone was hurt, he couldn't walk away...could he?

"You idiot," he muttered to himself, shoving his paws deeper into his pockets, warding off the evening chill. "Don't do it, don't do it. You know this is a bad idea."

Yet he did it anyway. Growling curses under his breath, the stallion stalked into the alleyway, praying that his posture would ward off anything illicit. Something mewled pitifully and his hoof steps hastened, the horse squeezing past the yellow skip, dirt rubbing off on his jeans and jacket. He wrinkled his muzzle in distaste but if someone was hurt...what else could he do? It was a small sacrifice.

A dark shape sat with its back to the skip, knees drawn up to a scrawny chest and head buried against its legs so that its muzzle was hidden. Though Deke could not discern what species or gender the fur was, its fur was ruffled and scored through with lines of filth as if he or she had been sleeping rough for a while. He gulped. This was more than he had bargained for.

"Hello?" He approached the huddled shape warily. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

As he crouched to the fur's level - surely it was not a threat - he reached out and rubbed the fur's black shoulder lightly, fingers tracing soothing circles. It seemed as if the fur was wearing little to no clothing, someone who had indeed fallen upon hard times. Slowly, the fur raised its head and Deke gasped aloud at the flash of silver eyes, glowing in the dark. It was a cat, a black panther. And then a flash of pain blossomed in his chest, pinpricks spreading as something sharp dug in brutally.

Deke toppled over backwards with a stallion shriek as the cat landed on top of him, claws tearing through his jacket and shirt. Didn't felines trim their claws anymore? He snapped at the cat, fear coursing through his veins as he sprawled in the dirty alleyway, the feline baring unnaturally sharp fangs an inch from his muzzle. Distantly, he realised that the panther was not wearing any clothing at all or, more accurately, the tattered remains of what could have been trousers hung about his hips, hiding nothing. The cat's sheath bulged.

"Get the fuck off me!" Deke snarled, struggling to bring a knee into the panther's stomach.

He swore a smirk flitted across the feline's muzzle but it was gone too swiftly to tell. As Deke fought for release, he suddenly noted how strong the panther was, despite his limber frame, roped with muscle. What was going on? How could he get away? Thought after thought raced through the stallion's mind, one chasing the other far too quickly to snatch into a rational frame of mind. The panther lurched forward and closed his jaws around the stallion's neck, teeth piercing skin. A wet trickle of blood soaked into the collar of the horse's jacket and he stilled, fearing the wet crunch of jaws around his windpipe. One snap and it would all be over. Panting heavily, Deke's nostrils flared wide, though he could not drag enough breath into his lungs to slow the dizzying whirl in his head. Everything became clear for a moment: the loose grit under his back, his shoulder pressed achingly to the skip, the twinkle of stars so high above in the narrow slit between buildings and the sharp pain in his neck.

The feline rumbled with growls and shifted, raking his claws down the front of Deke's jacket, which was too easily shredded by the deadly points. Shivering in the sudden cold (at least, that thought was preferable to fear), Deke writhed furiously, the cat's claws shredding through the fabric covering his crotch. Denim seemed like such a futile barrier all of a sudden and he closed his eyes as the panther further decimated his jeans, slicing through the material so that his crotch and rear were slowly exposed.

It cannot be... Oh no...

Deke slammed a fist into the cat's throat and the feline fell away with a yowl, clutching it's throat as it gasped for breath. Fuelled by a surge of triumph - he was not such easy prey! - the stallion rolled on to all fours, scrambling away as he scraped up his suddenly bare knees. His sliced jeans simply fell away, only leaving scraps of fabric behind that covered nothing. In the feline's haste, he had sliced through the equine's underwear too and Deke nickered lowly, a night breeze brushing too intimately against his genitals. Away! He had to get away!

He had barely stumbled to his hooves when a weight crashed into the small of his back, the feline tackling him bodily and bringing him back to the ground. On all fours, Deke fought like a thing possessed, kicking out wildly and scoring a few good hits before the cat managed to pin his paws above his head, the stallion's head crushed into the dirt as he obstinately kept to his knees. This, however, was his undoing as he refused to collapse and the cat rolled it's body languidly over his, hips pressing to his bare, dappled rear. Though he struggled, chest heaving, the prick of claws across his balls served as a silent warning as to what would happen if he continued in the same manner. Closing his eyes, Deke let his forelock fall over his eyes, tail pinned over his rump.

The panther purred as he rubbed his growing cock over the stallion's muscled backside, the shaft slipping from its sheath with an eagerness that frightened the restrained horse. Too quick! It was all happening too quickly! The little barbs on the feline member dragged through Deke's grey coat, catching the hair on his pinned tail. Deke sensed rather than saw the panther smirk, jabbing his cock into the horse's balls - a warning. Panting harshly, Deke pulled at the feline's paws, striving to break free even as all sense of will seeped from his body. It would be so much easier to just lay there, take it and forget. To not fight would be the easier option...

The choice was stolen from him as the tapered tip of the panther's dick dug through his fine tail hair, prodding his tightly clenched pucker. Squeezing down, the horse fought to deny him entrance but the rasping panther was not to be denied. Pressing forward, the cat spread his legs further and forced his cock into the stallion's tail hole, raking against the tight anal ring. Deke shook all over. It had been too long since he had had a cock in his ass! He was too tight! The cat's member felt far too large to fit, splitting him open as he drove forward in determined, short thrusts that buried inch after inch under Deke's tail. Though his cheeks flushed red in abject humiliation, Deke's tail flagged and he sought some corner of will that would help him relax, help him survive the ordeal in one piece, if that was at all possible.

When the cat's balls slapped against Deke's rear, he knew with a sickening feeling in his gut that the cat had bottomed out inside him. How many inches had the panther sunk into his rear? Six? Seven? Eight? He was not in a position to whip out a ruler and check but he felt stretched beyond compare; his tail hole was a throbbing, burning tunnel. Clawing at the ground, he whinnied shrilly and the feline nipped the back of his neck, teeth yanking out a clump of mane, his message clear. Why did someone not hear him? The panther over him vibrated with purrs but the sound was far from comforting. On the contrary, it was full of threat and dominance. Shamed, Deke pressed his muzzle into the rough stone and willed the encounter to be over.

Hissing rudely, the feline hammered under the equine's tail, barbs catching and tearing through his sensitive anal passage. The metallic scent of blood hung in the air and Deke grunted every time the feline pulled back, taking the thrusts more easily than he did the barbs. He had thought anthro cats had evolved with gentler barbs; apparently he was wrong on that count. The cat's hips pounded into his raised rump and he sensed that feline tail lash proudly, cowed into submission. He should never have gone into the alleyway. Deke spat dirt from his mouth and cursed his rapist and any listening gods for not coming to his aid, the stream of words punctuated by sharp yelps of pain. Arching down, the cat grasped his mane firmly within his powerful jaws and yanked, forcing his head off the ground as his back arched viciously.

Caught in the throes of passion, the feline groaned loudly, the sound hardly muffled by the thick wad of horse hair in his mouth. He released the equine's paws, confident that he was so far under his domination that he would not be able to escape. The hooves on Deke's fingertips caked with dirt and he was embarrassed to find his cheeks damp with tears. With every, cruel thrust, the feline's balls slapped against his, a constant reminder of the male he had under his tail; the panther's balls were even larger than his own, demonstrating the cat's virility. As the thrusts became easier to take, Deke felt hot spurts of pre cum slickening his abused rear, easing the passage of the thick rod of flesh. He tried to lower his muzzle but the cat dragged him back with a growl, pulling brutally upon his mane so that Deke's head tipped further and further back. Blinking away pain from the corners of his eyes, the stallion stared up at the gap between the houses, counting stars as the cat pounded with greater force.

Being a male well versed in the art of sex, Deke anticipated the feline's oncoming climax. Too weak to fight back, the stallion knelt limply underneath the hissing, bucking panther, sweat matting his coat. In his stress, flecks of foam stained Deke's muzzle and neck and he closed his eyes against the night, praying and hoping for an end even as his body finally responded to the unwanted stimulation. His mottled brown and pink cock dropped from his sheath, hardening as the head shone with pre cum, the cat's dick stroking deep inside his tail hole where fingers could not reach in his most private sessions.

The cat climaxed with a feline yowl, pounding into the equine so that he left large bruises across his buttocks. Hissing between clenched teeth, the panther shuddered, emptying his balls into Deke's previously tight rump, claws digging into the horse's hips, uncaring of the bright red lines of blood he left behind. Overcome by pain, humiliation and exhaustion, Deke slumped into unconsciousness, hips only held in the air by the thick cock spearing his tail hole open. Scraping his claws over the horse's grey lower back, the feline further shredded his clothes with a coarse laugh. The glow from his eyes faintly illuminated Deke's striking dapples, a silver pattern.

Satisfied with his claim, the panther shoved Deke away, his cock slipping from a red, aching tail hole. He paused one moment to study his work - the sore hole gaping, unable to tighten straight away - grinned like a feral animal and turned on his heel, stalking from the alleyway with his tail flicking in an almost jovial fashion. He had no more need of the equine and better prey awaited. His cock did not soften, but rather heralded the way, barbs glistening with a mixture of cum and dark blood.


Waking alone in the dirty alleyway, Deke scrambled to his hooves and brushed dirt off his clothes, jeans ruined beyond repair. For his rape and aching tail hole, he was strangely composed and spent a moment regaining his bearings. Tucked into the side of the dirty, yellow skip, Deke fingered the scraps of clothing still hanging off his body like jewellery or some other small adornment. He barely seemed to notice his partial nudity as he slid sinuously past the skip, stepping into a circle of street light beyond the alleyway. In the sky, the glow of dawn streaked the horizon, wispy, red clouds decorating the early morn. When he turned his head skywards, heralding the dawn and a bubble of distant, drunken laughter, his eyes glowed silver.

The stallion bared his fangs and took off into the dawn.

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**Here be Dragons** _Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe for Sandalf_ The herd of feral ponies grazed undisturbed in the summer heat, blunt teeth greedily ripping up hunks of luscious, green grass. Raising her head, the lead mare cast her gaze...

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