The Lusty Argonian Maid 1:4

Story by DeamonPrince on SoFurry

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#4 of The Lusty Argonian Maid

Act 1, Scene 4 of my novelization of the popular play found across Tamriel

Act 1: The Arrival of the Maid

Scene 4

Lifts-Her-Tail walked with her head held high and her face a plastered smile. She walked in between men as they groped her and made sexual actions towards her. Lord Corto had invited Generals and other military personal to his home. He had to discuss the conditions of the military using his land for their uses and decided hosting a dinner would give him the best opportunity. "Distinguished guests in my humble home, thank you for joining me." Lord Corto finally said as the food was being brought to the table by the staff.

Lifts-Her-Tail had been given the task of never letting the men have an empty flagon. She stood in her best outfit, a skirt barely to her knees while her top was more of a bra. She walked with no intentions of being a tease, but the men thought otherwise. She spotted a general who began to finish his flagon so she quickly walked around the table and filled his cup with Nord Mead. She bowed and turned, the general waited no time before lifting her skirt to see her undergarments.

Feeling violated Lifts-Her-Tail was primed to kill the man with her fangs but to make sure her master was in good graces she turned to him and gave him a shy giggle. "I believe it is time to discuss how you have been treating my land, my staff and my home for your war." Lord Corto held no restraint on his tone as he outwardly expressed his desire for the end of the mistreating.

"M'Lord, the war is in all of our homes, sir." a general from Skyrim had spoken as he looked across the table to his host, "This is a war for the soul of the entire Continent of Tamriel." He took a massive swig of his mead and released a well brew belch, the men all roared with laughter and began devouring their food again.

Lifts-Her-Tail walked to the general and refilled his mug as he laughed at the Argonian down the way spilling his drink into his lap. "Men!" Lord Corto stood up and slammed his fist on the table. "I am caught in the middle of this. I have over two hundred acres of land, fifty men and women who rely on me for employment, I have to house them and their families, I have to worry about these innocents getting harmed by the war outside of my property. I have nords and argonians fighting against redguards and imperials and wood elves." He punches table again and a flagon spills. Lifts-Her-Tail rushes over as Lord Corto continues, "I can't be worrying about my business and about whether or not my home and family is safe."

"Corto, we nords have always respected your land." The second of the three nord generals spoke, his long unbrushed hair and stubble chin countered his quite kind and gentle behavior.

"That you have, but you still have your troops sleep in my fields, battle in my woods, and use my land as their lavatory." He looked at all of the generals, "All of you do it, except the Altmer and the lavatory." He chuckled, "You highborn are too fancy to piss in the woods." The men all roared in laughter save the two Altmer generals.

"You are lucky we are here to show our cooperation to you for your supplies Corto." The High General of the Altmer stood up and began drawing a dagger, "I would slit your throat for insulting us any other time!" He sheathed his blade and a the Dunmer sitting next to him slammed his mug down on the Altmer's hand. "You dark elf piece of shit!" He pulled his hand out from the mug and went to back hand the Dunmer, however Lord Corto again slammed his hand on the table and the imperials laughed at the chaos that was beginning to erupt.

"You mer are always at each other's throats!" The overweight general roared and suddenly the fury was towards him and Lord Corto sat down. After many hours the roaring died down to a buzz.

"May I speak now?" Lord Corto asked rhetorically but the drunken nord next to him believed it an actual question.

Slurring his words, the nord spoke in a loud whisper to Corto, "Jus' gata say somethin', mefrien. They shhould lissen den." He smiled as best as he could as his flagon fell empty to the floor after fourteen previous refills and he began laughing. "Dit cha hear dat soun?"

"Sir. You need to calm down and sober up a bit." The Drunken Nord's friend said to him softly as Lifts-Her-Tail began to bend over and pick up the fallen flagon.

"Hey!" The Drunken General roared as Corto began to open his mouth. "I got in idea." He suddenly grabbed Lifts-Her-Tail and plopped her on his lap where she could feel a hard erection coming on. "How about each of us getss a turn with this here Maid of yous?"

"What!?" Lord Corto roared as the men in the hall began murmering both for and against the idea. "I could never subject her to that."

"But Corta." The nord moved close, "I'll never have another nord soldier step on yous land again." He turned to the whole company, "Doesn't tis her piece of ass seem like a fine bargin!? One round with her and the soldiers stop treading on poor Corty's flowers." He chuckled as he pinned Lifts-Her-Tail on the table, "I could take my turn now, and they can watch and see how tis tight puss sucks my nordic hammer inta her?"

"General!" Corto grabbed his guest.

"Master." Lifts-Her-Tail called to her master, "Let them if they stop harming your land."

"But, Lifts-Her-Tail..." He watched her eyes tear up as the Nordic General tore off her undergarments and dropped his pants. "Now watch boys!" He licked his hand and rubbed her pussy until her juices began to flow and she moaned, "Ready maid?" He laughed and slowly slid his five inch cock into her. She moaned and looked at Corto who was tearing up. She felt horrible for letting this man inside her, but a sacrifice was necessary to save the land from war. The brute of a General began pumping her hard immediately. He roared with pleasure as he pulled her horns and slapped her ass. She moaned for his enjoyment and she watched as the other men from Redguards to Dunmer, and even the High General walked over and cheered on the beast of a Nord that as inside her. "Watch me stuff this whore!" He bellowed as she pushed her face down and began to pump extremely hard but slow, his baby cream flowing from him and into her. He pulled out of her and bellowed again, the men surrounding them cheering, some stripping to be next inside of her.

"As her species, I should be next." The Argonian commander said as his long schlong ran across her scales.

"What!" The High General roared, "As a Altmer, I shoulds have been first, s-so I should be next, at leass!" He grabbed a carving knife from the table, the angry naked mer stared at the naked scales of the Argonian Commander.

"At the same time then." The Argonian suggested. "I'll take one hole, yous take the other." The slurring of drunkenness was obvious on their words. Lifts-Her-Tail let out a small whimper and saw Lord Corto exit the room, his face contorted in a frown.

"I get the maid pussy then." The Altmer said calmly as he dropped the knife.

"Fine." The Commander pulled Lifts-Her-Tail up and lifted her into the air, holding her up by her legs, spreading them open, revealing her tender pussy to everyone. He bit her as tail moved into his face, Lifts-Her-Tail yelped and moved her tail back. "Ready to join me General?" He slowly slid the poor Argonian maid down, making her yelp in pain as he forced his way in. The General forced the womanhood of his new toy open as she was being bounced up and down on the Commander. The High General slid inside her silk like pussy and he let out a satisfied moan. The Commander roared as he bit her neck again, drawing blood with his fangs.

"Get her on her hands and knees. Make that bitch beg us to empty our sacks of baby broth!" The Bosmer Captain said as he stroked his cock in one hand, sipping a flagon in the other. The men roared in agreement and followed his lead

"Yeahs! And takes of all clothes!" The Khajiit Chieftain bellowed as his hands began tearing at her clothing.

Within minutes many of the men were standing around the Altmer laying on the ground, Lifts-Her-Tail being bucked up into by the High General, and pumped by the Argonian Commander from behind. She let out whimpers as one of the Bosmer released a large amount of baby broth onto her shoulder. And a minute later the Khajiit Chieftain and the Dunmer Generals released their built up loads. One Dunmer on her back, the other on her horns and face, while the Khajiit creamed into his hand and slowly let it slide into her mouth, forcing her to swallow it. They laughed and finally the rest of the men and mer released onto her and the Altmer released his load into her while the Argonain pushed his as deep as he could making her tear up and cry for help.

Suddenly Lord Corto and six well armed soldiers stood before them. "Pull your fucking cocks out of that girl now!" The Argonian listened but pushed her down to release his broth onto her breasts. Lifts-Her-Tail cried in horror as the sticky semen began to smell. "Sit your asses down now."

"Don't worry, we all agreed to only one round." The Brenton leader said as he sat, his belt not even buckled yet. Lord Corto looked him in the eye and saw from his peripheral, Lifts-Her-Tail run out of the room. "We will not be attacking anyone any more on your land."

"No. you will not have your soldiers on my land at all. No more attacks, no more raids, no more raping our women!" He pointed in the direction of Lifts-Her-Tail.

"Understood" The Altmer High General said with a satisfied grin on his face, "We should do this more often."The men roared with excitement, when suddenly the sound of glass shattering came from the Khajiit cook as he entered the room.

"Sir?" The cook asked with a horrified look on his face, "What had happened in room?" His face was sour as the men still finished getting dressed.

"These men raped poor Lifts-Her-Tail." Corto said quietly to him.

"Oh!" The Khajiit covered his head, "This my faults." He rushed away, Corto turned to ask what he meant when he saw a large glass bottle broken from the kitchen.

"Skooma." Corto rushed out of the dining hall looking for his cook. He turned the corner and saw Lifts-Her-Tail in the bathing room. She was scrubbing her scales roughly as she cried. He looked at her bare back and tail, that she was forcing downward. She turned and saw Lord Corto. "Why did you let them do that?"

"To help you, master." She said with a forced smile. "Men in their condition were not going to listen unless I did what the Bosmer said." She closed her eyes tight, "Empty their sacks and they will be not able to think of sex. Their drunken brain now can think of obeying."

"They were drugged." Lord Corto frowned, "One of the cooks snuck Skooma into their food, the drug with the alcohol made them go wild on you."

"It is fine my lord." She turned to him, her bare body in his view. Her perfectly shaped breasts so smooth to the touch and her womanhood still dripping the Altmer's baby broth. She smiled, genuinely, "One day you will do me a kindness just as big. I trust it." She moved towards him and kissed him tenderly, her soft hand on his face. "I trust it." She said in a whisper as she pulled from the kiss slowly.

The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:5

Act 2: The Maid's Identity Scene 5 Lifts-Her-Tail groaned, her memory of the past week was gone. She remembered Corto's voice, his screams of pain and then, black. She looked around and saw she was on an alter underneath a shrine of the Daedric Lord...

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The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:4

Act 2: The Maid's Identity Scene 4 Tali slowly opened her eyes, her body seemed heavy, she began to feel the fog rising off of her, and the wood of the ceiling came into focus. She lifted her arm and held it in front of her, she was in control of...

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The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:3

Act 2: The Maid's Identity Scene 3 Lifts-Her-Tail hummed happily as she walked along the river. She could hear it faintly but the sound was obvious, the sound of Riverwood's residents screaming in horror as the dying body of a naked castrated Bosmer...

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