Song of Solomon

Story by SnowblindOtter on SoFurry

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A work I wanted to post here for years, but, never had the guts to! Well, I finally edited it and fixed everything up, and, here it is. The short story of a girl, who grew up wanting everyone to think she was a boy out of shame. This may be a two-parter. If people give me enough feedback, the next part will have a huge sex scene!

Jean was different from all of the other guys in the class, and he always had been. Even though he dressed the same way, acted the same way, even ate the same foods as the rest of them, it didn't make any difference. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't change the way he walked, the way he laughed and the fact that regardless of what he did to try to sing in the boys choir he could never hit a tenner, let alone a bass. But all through primary school he hand been accepted by the other boys. They played with him, hung out and talked with him. And they never asked him about anything when his body started to change differently to theirs. While their chests broadened out in the typical male fashion, his stayed relatively the same as he was when he was younger. His tail filled out more, and his physique diverged from theirs completely in his seventh grade year when he lost all of the angular lines on his frame, replaced by smooth curves along his entire body. His face softened and his fingers became more slender, despite his strength. But he could never get away from the fact that, no matter what he did, how he acted he was different. He was a she.

Jean wasn't a boy; Jean was a girl. All throughout her childhood she never saw any difference in her body from that of the boys when she played. They all acted the same, they dressed the same, and a lot of them had the same hobbies and interests as she did. In her mind she had always assumed she was a boy, just like her friends, even when she found out what...or who she really was. That she actually was different from them, but she never let it stop her. They did everything together, went to movies, played hookie from school and even got caught painting graffiti on a wall at night by the cops. She joined their club as a boy, and went through their boys-only initiation. They stayed friends in middle school, even when her body started to change and fill out into a more feminine figure. They never questioned her once about why she looked the way she did, and she never asked them about it either. She kept the truth secret from them and everyone around her, except for her parents, but of course they knew. Jean had even managed to convince the principal to allow her to change out for PE in the boys' locker room instead of the girls'. That, she reasoned, was where she must have made her mistake, but sometimes she didn't know for sure. She had never paid much thought to it, quite honestly, because none of the other guys noticed anything; or if they did they never said anything about it. All she knew was that was certainly where everything changed for her.

It was over the summer breaking up the school year between middle-school and high school for everyone that it started to really get hard for her. She never stopped hanging out with her friends, even when her parents warned her that, because she was maturing, it was dangerous if she wasn't careful. Se didn't care. She loved her friends. The motley crew of foxes and a wolf, they were her second family. Her chest pushed out from her body as her breasts started to show themselves, finally betraying that she wasn't really one of them. She was shocked when they didn't care. All the expectations she had created for when they found out turned out to be wrong. They accepted that she was female, and when she fled from them out of embarrassment, her closest friend followed her to her home and spent an entire night comforting her until she fell asleep in his arms. After that they began to notice the way she looked at them, the way that her tail would wag when she was close enough to touch them. The way she was more shy the closer it got to the end of the summer, and the closer it got to high school.

Before any of them knew it they were attending their first year of high school, grouping up before and after school, and during lunch to talk and hang out away from the other freshmen. Jean's vulpine body filled out further through that year into a proper vixen's frame, and with the change she had to deal with the assumed sexuality that males would associate with her. To make matters worse it was acceptable to take a vixen anywhere, even in public, so she was thankful that she had a group of protective friends to help her when things started to get out of hand. Until one of the males closest to her bluffed a claim on her to protect her, she looked at them as friends, but after that she wasn't sure if she was in danger from them, or if she could trust them even more.

The male that had said it was Joshua, a Silver fox that lived just down the street from her, and an immigrant from north-eastern Russia who had come over with his parents, barely a year old. He was just a two years older than her, but he had always been like an attractive, desirable older-brother to her. She always felt a thrill whenever he touched her, sending her body into rough shivers that sometimes made him hold her to keep her warm. She would push back against him and let out a soft whine, enjoying the feel of his arms around her, and his body pressed up close against hers. He was so strong. So sure. So right. So, naturally when her body decided for her what she needed, she knew he was the only one for her. Her body, though, had other plans.

The middle of their Sophomore year. That was when it happened.

She remembered the tiniest details of the day she had her entire picture changed, for everyone, at their school. No more was she the cute shy vixen in the back of the class. No more the silent bookworm, or the wallflower with the glasses. No, she was the gorgeous, petite vixen. The one with the great personality, the one with the perfect ass. The plump, firm C's. The Lusty Librarian look, with the Straight-A's and no-bullshit work ethic to match. The best looking female in the school. Every boy's target. She had to admit, it started light at first. A few flirty comments from males, here and there. Some sexual innuendo that was only slightly crass, enough to make her squirm a bit, and her mind wander, but it stayed that way for the beginning of the school year. Day in, day out, she dealt with people staring at her. Males ogling her body. An occasional grope, here or there, that was gratefully dealt with swiftly by her friends. After Halloween, though, it got stronger. More direct. They got more aggressive.

Entourage. That's the word they used. Or, Stable. The Bull-pen. The Clique. Bouncers. Bodyguards. Buffers. Thralls. Studs. Everything in the book to express some kind of weird competition. Her friends never left her side, stopping advances by other males that seemed to aggressive. Protecting her, sometimes, from the jocks in the school. When she was followed home, once, they started showing up to walk with her to and from school. They all had one or two classes with her, so she was never left out of their sight. She was grabbed, walking to class, and dragged into a closed wing of the school. They never let her walk between classes alone again. She was jumped in the cafeteria line. Now one in front, one in back of her. Pinned in the lavatory. Parker was suspended for a month... all of the blood... after that, the wolf never let her use the bathroom without guarding her. Jeremy was nearly expelled after the Thanksgiving ball. Thomas spend a week behind bars after she got jumped in the library.


He changed everything. Her ten-strong circle, cut one short by some Shepard. She could still remember everything. Screaming. Her clothing being torn from her body, as hands groped and forced her against the concrete. Holding her. Pinning her down, voices telling her to shut up. Everything seemed to happen so fast, but, take forever, as if it was in slow-motion snapshots. The body holding her was pulled away. She was dragged from the group, slammed against a wall behind a body, arms out on either side of her, while shouts for help sounded. The fight. The hammering of nine pairs of feet against the ground. Before she knew it, she was slumped in a corner behind a jammed-open door, a fox cradled in her arms. Crying. When a hand reached through the opening, and began dragging her out, Joshua was there. They all were. Backed into a corner, with nine males surrounding her, the silvered fox spoke the words that changed their lives forever:

"She. Belongs. To us!"

Then the police came, and they were all loaded into cars. They were all taken to the police station, except one. They gave statements, asked questions. Parents came, and there was shouting. Crying. Fear, and threats, everyone talking at the same time. Charges being filed, until her voice managed to break through the noise, and silence everyone with the truth. They had saved her, and they were heroes. She gave her statements to the police, and played the finger game. They stayed at the station for hours, all night, before they went home. Only, they didn't go home. Not all of them. All of her friends went with her, to her house, and spent the next day home from school. Months were spent on the trials, nearly a year, but they all went to prison in the end. Jean was able to get them for the rape, and protect her friends for the first time in her life, but things were never the same again. Before she knew it, it was June, again. Their sophomore year was over. Christopher was out of the hospital just in time for finals, but he was different. Quiet, when he was active, and talkative. Antisocial, depressed. She spent all of her time with them, they stayed together through the summer, doing everything they could together.

They never teased Christopher about his leg. To them, to her, it was a trophy. A mark of their friendship, but it was a mark of so much more to her. Something deeper. She was at his side, always, helping him learn to walk. Holding him up, taking one step at a time. She celebrated the hardest when he was able to walk a marathon with his new leg. She kissed him, then, the first time she had ever kissed anyone like that. Things were getting better, getting easier. The next school year went off without problems. None of the males made moves, on her. Her group of bodyguards slowly began to let off, and relax. They pursued different classes, started to form their dreams, but Joshua and Christopher always stayed by her side. They all kept in touch, sure, and all hung out together, but, it was like it used to be. They were inseparable, having fun, laughing, all except for her. As her sixteenth winter grew closer, Jean knew she was going to have to make choices in her life. Choices she wasn't ready to make.

"Alright, Jean, you can go ahead and sit back up, now." Doctor Giles stepped back from the exam table, pulling the gloves off of her hands. The latex made the stereotypical 'snap' before she threw them away. Jean lifted herself up onto her elbows, before arching her back to slump forward over her lap, leaning against her, now, closed thighs.

"What's the verdict, doc?"

"Well, you're definitely fertile..." Her doctor spun around on the little stool a bit, kicking her foot off the floor. Uncharacteristic for a forty-something gynecologist, but, at least she wasn't stuck-up like her last doctor. "Your mother definitely didn't take this long, but, you're not your mother, are you?" She gave a look at Jean over the manila folder, with a quirked eyebrow.

"Not really, no." The jackal snorted, and let out a giggle.

"No, I would quite say not. Judging from your family history, your mother was.. well, to put it a way, definitely did not have quite the following you seem to have." She thumbed a few pages through the thick folder, furrowing her brow and flicking her ears.

"Here we have mister Kopanovksy... stunning young man, don't you think? Excellent specimen..." Jean shifted a little, and, twiddled her thumbs. "And Charles Gruber, my you have some deep options with him." Her eyebrows lifted as she flipped a page, and gave Jean a look she wasn't completely comfortable with. "And that Parker, mm! What I wouldn't give to have a go at a wolf like that! And on top of that, you have several other males to choose from."


"Now, don't say it like that, you are a very desirable young vixen. That is saying it lightly, too. You've built quite an impressive entourage, through high school, haven't you?"

"Don't. Say that word." Jean bristled, and her hands clenched a little. Her doctor, on the other hand, sighed and set the folder down.

"Now, Jean, I know you don't like that term, but, it is the proper term for it."

"They aren't some... grocery mart, Doc. They're my family, I would do anything for them." She looked at the charts and diagrams on the wall, flicking her tail. "And they've done so much for me..."

"Yes. Yes, they have, Jean, it's all right here. Even your rape, it's-"

"Attempted rape. If it hadn't been for Chris." The folder opened again, and, pages flipped rapidly before her doctor made a sound.

"Yes... mister Jones, I was quite upset to read his file. Mid-femural amputation, that does put him out of the lineup, unfor--"

"Don't you dare say that!" The jackal physically recoiled in shock, and the folder closed with a snap as the stool scooted closer.

"Jean, you have to understand. With his missing leg, it will be very difficult for him, and, I had to exclude him from the possibilities."

"He lost his leg protecting me. I won't ignore what he gave up to keep me safe."

"And what about mister Cannor? If I am not mistaken, he spent half a year in a correctional facility for aggravated assault on another student your-"

"I have copies of the library footage of that, in my file."

"Yes... well, I will admit his act was in defense. Legally, that does put him on the fence, though, Jean, you must understand."

"He isn't dangerous, though!"

"I realize this, Jean. I believe you, but, to the statute, he is."

"Fuck the statute..." The doctor sighed, and leaned back on her stool, setting the folder on the counter again to rub her cheek a little.

"I didn't like it any more than you do, and they were much harsher when I was your age." Jean glared softly at the jackal, sitting back on her hands to stare the female down.

"You are asking me, to choose between ten males I grew up with. To pick one to fuck."

"Jean, please, calm down." She looked down at her lap, chastised, and kicked her feet against the exam table absently while the doctor went back through her files.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's quite alright, honey. These kinds of feelings are perfectly normal for your age. With your estrus getting closer, I can only imagine these emotions will be harder to control, especially for you."

"Can you tell when it will start?" She looked back up at the doctor, who spun herself around, and smiled a little at the calmer turn of conversation.

"Well, I can't tell for suuuure, but, I would say you have about..." She paused a little, letting the final syllable trail as she glanced back at the papers. "... a week. Give or take."

"Well... that explains a lot..."

"Oh, I'm sure it does. But, look at the bright side! It's not all that bad." Jean looked at her, and, cocked an eyebrow.

"Alright, Doctor Bright, what makes you say that?" The doctor snorted an spun herself on the stool a little.

"Everything!" She held her arms out to the side, a wide smile on her face. "Jean, my dear, sex is awesome. It feels amazing, and, when you're with somebody you trust, nothing beats it."

"I'll take your word, on it."

"Now, don't be grumpy about it, just you wait. Your body will tell you what you want."

Jean quickly dressed herself after her and her doctor finished, and, waited in the hall for Giles to come back with her paperwork. Lab results, a few referrals for antidepressants, and a hormone suppressor, but nothing unusual. She was forced to wait in the lobby, though, while her doctor spoke with somebody, before she could be discharged from the facility. Sitting in the lobby was agony for her; every male in the room was looking at her, as if she had a neon sign on her forehead. Some were bold enough to smile when she looked back at them, rather than look away. Jerks... She thought, before looking away in disgust. At the very least, one fox gave her the satisfaction of a dejected expression at her rejection. Soon enough, though, the jackal made her way back out to the front of the office, and, called her up. Rather than stand at the desk, like normal, though, she was dragged by her arm into the exam hallway, and the door shut behind her, and locked.

"Geeze, doc, what's your problem?"

"Quiet, the recorders can't hear us through the door." She said softly, digging through her coat pocket, and pulling out a slip of paper. "I managed to talk to somebody, and, I found something out. Don't tell your mother I'm doing this... she'll have lawyers on me in a heartbeat."

"I'm not telling her anything, isn't that patient confidentiality, or something." "Good point..." "Anyway, what is this?" Jean held up the folded paper, and cocked an eyebrow.

"Options." She opened her mouth to say something, but, was ushered out of the door with a quick 'Hey!', before the doctor bid her a goodbye, and, vanished into the back of the office again to see another patient. She looked at the paper, and, unfolded it to read over a few legal documents as she stood in the middle of the room, ignoring the stares from the males behind her. Her eyebrows slowly went up, and, after finishing the documents, she smiled to herself, and, folded the papers back and stashed them in her back pocket. Her mother would hate her, for it, but, Jean didn't care. This time, she had control, and, she had a choice to make.

At least she had options.