Good bye

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After the great weekend Litle John has a hard time when a unexpected visit. He receives a shocking new.

They all enter in the house and prepare to begin to clean it and to fix everything to retake their everyday pace of life. Two days after Little John is in the kitchen with his father, both are sitting at the table while Leanna prepares food.

"John, next week I will go to hunt and I thought that I would be good idea that you come with me." Lowell says looking at Little John. He gets surprised by the words of his father.

"But dad you told me that I cannot go yet." Little John says looking at his father. The great bear laughs smoothly and he stirs Little John's hair.

"I know, but these months you have proven me that you have matured. I doubt that you will hunt something because I just began to teach you how use the arch, I want you to get used to the experience of being in the forest." Lowell says looking at his son.

"But what about mom? You said that we cannot leave her alone." Little John says looking at his father. He laughs just like Leanna, she gets close to the table and caresses Little John's head, and he is confused.

"Your aunt will come to live with us for a while, she will take care of your mother while both are in the forest." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods and he looks content that he and his father will finally go to hunt side by side.

Lowell and his wife laugh seeing their son's enthusiasm. They stop laughter when they hear that a carriage stops in front of their house and somebody knocks at the door, Lowell gets up and gets out of the kitchen to go to see who is.

Little John waits for some minutes until his father returns to the kitchen.

"Well boy, someone is looking for you." Lowell says looking at Little John. He looks at his father with surprise and confusion. Lowell does him a facial expression in order that he hurries to come out, Little John steps down of the chair and goes out of the kitchen.

He opens the front door of the house and he gets surprised seeing that Alana is waiting for him, she smiles on him. Little John sees the carriage behind her, it is loaded with chairs, some furniture and other objects that are piled up.

"Hi" Alana says looking at Little John, he closes the door and he gets close to Alana.

"I need to talk with you a moment." She says the moment that she takes Little John's hand, the woman leads to Little John behind carriage where nobody can see them. She smiles on him sadly before beginning to speak.

"John... I am moving." Alana says looking at Little John. He opens his eyes with surprise.

"But... where?" They are the only words that get out of the mouth of Little John. He is completely surprised by what happens.

"I do not know it yet, I am... divorcing of my husband and for that reason you no longer will have to work again now that he will take care of everything." Alana says looking at Little John. He does not understand what happens, but Alana takes his hands and she squeezes them.

"I do not understand, I want you to stay." Little John says while some tears appear in his eyes, Alana crouches and cleans the boy's eyes. She smiles on him smoothly and she caresses the chin softly.

"I do not want to leave, but in this life one has rarely all that he desires." Alana says while he looks at Little John. She kneels down and looks at Little John directly, she seizes the straps of her dress and she opens it.

His breasts bounce when they get free on sight of Little John. Alana takes Little John's balls and she caresses them, he closes his eyes and enjoys the moment; His penis rapidly grows up and the precum oozes of the opening.

Little John moans when Alana's mouth closes around his penis, she sucks the penis slowly with pleasure. Little John grabs the tits and he squeezes them with force and pleasure, this would be last time that he would touch these breasts.

Alana's tongue moves over by each centimeter of the member of Little John, she enjoys the taste.

Little John twists the nipples with force, she moans with some pain until Little John stops.

The woman lets the penis of the boy escapes of her mouth and she places it between her breasts, Alana smiles while he looks at Little John. He understands and uses his hands to grab the tits and close them around his cock, Little John begins to pump his hips.

He moans while his penis moves between the tits of the woman, the heat around his shaft is pleasing, his penis appears and disappears. Alana has to cover Little John's mouth in order that his moans are not heard by the parents of the boy.

Little John looks at Alana while he moans, the woman rapidly moves and takes in the penis of her mouth and begin to suck with zeal. Little John growls when his semen makes out eruption in the mouth of the woman, she swallows with pleasure until semen runs out.

"I will never forget that taste." Alana says the moment that Little John's penis gets out of her mouth.

She fixes her dress while Little John looks at her with wet eyes, she embraces him with force and tries to comfort him. Alana's hand caresses the boy's back slowly until he calms down.

Little John sees that Alana stands up and looks for something in the carriage. She takes out a small sack and a sheet of paper bent in four pleats.

"This money is for you, certainly you had something in mind for the money that you would win." Alana says placing on the sack on the hands of Little John. He feels the weight and the form of the coins inside the sack.

"And this is somewhat only for you and nobody but you should read it, that your parents do not see it." Alana says giving the sheet of paper to Little John. He nods in silence in the meantime he looks at his lover with sadness.

Alana smiles at him and she leans forward to give him a last long and passionate kiss. She breaks off the kiss and smiles before getting on the carriage and taking reins. Little John stays in silence and does not move while he sees that the carriage begins to move.

Little John just sees as the carriage and Alana go away, a woman that he fuck many times. Sex had been great, but he knows that it would not be all that he would miss of her. In his young and inexperienced heart Little John feel a great pain seeing her depart.

He sighs with sadness and sees the last things than she left him. Little John hides the paper under a stone because he does not have pockets to introduce it without that his parents saw it.

The boy opens his house door and enters charging the sack, he heads toward the kitchen while he drags along the feet with sadness. When he gets there. Little John sees that his parents are serving lunch.

"What did want Mrs. Bailey?" Leanna asks while Little John sits at the table.

"She is is moving and wanted to give me this money, she said that I certainly had plans for it, but as I no longer will work there... she wanted to give it to me." Little John says placing the sack on the table. His mother gets surprised when she takes the sack and she opens it to see the money.

"It is a lot of money." Leanna says watching the inside of the sack. Little John feels that his father gives him a friendly and approval pat in his shoulder.

"This money will help us a lot." Leanna says looking at her son. Little John nods without saying a word, he does not need the money that will be of great help for his parents that should do repairs in the house.

"The money belongs to John, so we will use it to buy some things for his bedroom and the rest we will use it where it is need." Lowell says looking at Leanna. She looks at him with a little bit of surprise, but she nods thinking that it is the correct thing.

"Why is she moving?" Leanna asks while she sits at the table with Little John and Lowell.

"She and Eliot are divorcing." Lowell says while he begins to eat soup. Little John does the same thing while he feels low.

"Why?" Leanna asks with interest. She was surprised by that news, nobody in the town knew it.

"You know, that particular subject that changes everything." Lowell says looking at his wife. She looks at him with a little bit of confusion. Little John sees that his father makes his mother a grimace, Leanna nods and she does not ask before to begin to eat.

They eat in silence, Little John's parents chat while the boy stays in silence feeling completely sad. After lunch Little John and his father look for firewood for the night.

To midafternoon Little John manages to take the letter inside his bedroom without being seen, he hides it below his mattress before getting out of his bedroom again and continuing with his works.

At the time of sleep Little John gets in his bed and waits until his father gives the good night, he gives a kiss in the forehead.

"Dad... please do not put out the candle." Little John says looking at his father. He gets surprised a little and he smiles smoothly.

"It is ok, but do not stay awake much time or your mother will be angry with me." Lowell says looking at Little John. He nods and his father smiles at him in a friendly way before wishing him a good night and going out of the room.

As soon as his father closes the door, Little John takes out the letter of below his mattress. He unfolds it and sees the letter written by hand, Little John begins to read it.


My Litte man:

Finally I had the courage to tell everything to you. I became the spouse of Eliot for an agreement of our families. We never got married because he does not believe in those things.

My life at his side was unhappy because we never could have children as he desired, he has always accused me and despised me for it and I accepted it. I excited a lot the first time that we meet, I saw how you looked me with desire and you looked up and down my body.

Eliot already had lost desire by me and that somebody so young like you desire me... made me feel alive again.

Although your father also did the same thing.


Little John laughs reading this part, he remembers as his father saw Alana with desire in that occasion. The boy continues reading.


He is married but you not. I knew that you saw me taking a bath and that got me excited, I masturbated those nights thinking about that you spied on me and you desired me. The night of the storm was the best one of my life, I planned to teach you about women that night, but you surprised me completely.

You were completely incredible, I never had that kind of sex with my spouse, he was an animal without feelings, but you are tender not to mention something dominant like the ones of your species.

The anal sex was incredible and pleasurable. After that night every day was the happiest that I could have, every day you filled me with and you made me the love (yes love).

In those days that we did not see were the worst, Eliot he cannot compare with you like lover. His insipid sex made me have more desire of seeing you, and you did not disappoint me when we met again.

Now I will tell you the truth and why I must leave

As I mentioned, Eliot blamed me not to be able to give him children, but now I know that that is his fault, I know it because... your cubs now grow up in me.


Little John's eyes open completely when he reads this. He swallows hard with difficulty without being able to believe this, the images of the stomach of Alana fills his mind completely.

Little John trembles knowing that he got pregnant a women, he looks at the letter with surprise, in all this time he had failed to pay attention to the fact that there was a possibility of Alana got pregnant.

With fear Little John resumes the reading.


When I learned about it... I did not know if should have told truth to you, I realized that I should must go away to avoid problems. Fortunately your father requested me that I took care of you.

That allowed me having some pleasurable last days at your side, some days that I was yours completely. Our last night was the happier and sad at your side, I had to refrain not to cry.

I did not want that you got sad and everything would be ruined. I would like that you come with me, but a relation as ours is not possible, forgive me, if I have hurt you when have let myself get carried away by my desires.

I know that you participated content, but I am the adult and should not permitted something like that. It does not matter where I go, I always will remember you now that something yours comes with me.

I hope that in the future perhaps we meet again when you are a man and at that moment we will roll on the bed side by side, without no kind of guilt.

Good-bye my little Little John.

Always yours



He puts the letter with care below a board loose of the floor and he leans on his bed before putting out the candle, in the darkness Little John's eyes fill with tears and he cries quietly without being able to take out of his head the revelations of the letter of Alana.

All the characters are mine except Little John Little John © Disney Written by Janus Oberoth

A great weekend

**TWO MONTHS LATER** Little John was in his bedroom, he was observing the landscape by his window. He sees that clouds move the sky. It is Saturday and Little John expects that Monday arrives again so he can go to work and fuck to Alana too. From...

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The day after the great night

Leanna serves the breakfast that Little John enjoys a lot. When Little John finishes eating his breakfast, he changes his clothes and he begins to help his parents in some home chores. Little John helps his father to cut some pieces of wood. Through...

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First glances and first time

On the next day Little John wakes up feeling that somebody sakes his shoulder. He yawns and blinks to filter the image in front of his face. Little John sees that his father is sitting on his bed and he smiles at him. "It is time for you to get up to...

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