Nest Mates: Retribution

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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***This story was a commission written for avatar?user=317882&character=0&clevel=2 Mirnehviir!***

Description: Mirnehviir's dream of an easy life is shattered when Kerath, the mate of his sister, returns to the cave. Strong in body and mind, the dragon is quick to discover the secret union of the siblings and challenges Mirn with an unlikely request: prove how he got under the tail of his rightful mate, or perish at his claws.

Does Mirn have what it takes to get out of this perilous situation? Read and find out!


Warmth surrounded Mirn when he woke up. A wing covered his back, keeping the cold air of the cave at bay. Not that he needed it. His own wings provided enough heat on their own. In fact, he felt rather with them pressed against his sides. Mirn gently pushed Ashaya's wing away from his back, then lifted his own, allowing some air to flow through.

"I liked you more when you slept."

A soft growl rumbled in his throat. Blazes. He should have known.

"I woke you up, didn't I?"

"Maybe," the dragoness' head emerged from under his dark wing. "Or maybe I was already awake."

"You lousy liar. I remember how your claws latched around my neck when we lived under mother's wing. You always punished me for waking you up."

"Really?" the female's tongue poked out, sliding its warm, velvet texture along Mirn's trembling nostrils. "Is that the only thing you remember?"

He waited for her tongue to retreat, then shifted slightly to the side. Stone felt mightily uncomfortable when his semi aroused member rubbed onto it. He wanted to get away, but how? There was no easy way to push his sister to the side without hurting her feelings. What kind of male wanted to be alone after his first mating?

A soft growl rumbled in Mirn's throat, low enough to be confused with the rich purr that often arose during moments of satisfaction. Mirn didn't feel that way. There was a sizable difference between lust and fulfillment. The heat churning inside his muscles was definitely the wicked touch of lust. Ashaya pressed herself tight against him. He could almost feel her wet folds kneading around his hind leg. With such an appetizing female right next to him, Mirn had a very hard time fighting against the primal urge of his instincts.

"I...please," he started licking a hind paw for distraction, but his sister was always the perceptive sort. She grabbed him by one horn right when his tongue touched the claw, pushing him against her neck.


"Rrrrnnhhh," she answered with her own determined growl. "You're not going anywhere."

Mirn nuzzled her neck, slowly at first, then quicker, more passionately. Her scent entered his nostrils with every breath he took, warm like her wings, needed like water, air, meat. Even after her teeth retreated, Mirn continued his strokes on his own, passing along her shoulder, shifting underneath her wing, nudging her leg apart in search of the overpowering aroma emanating from her gender.

She lifted her haunch, toes curling at the same time as her folds pressed against each other. Of course she was sensitive. Pearlescent fluid covered her gender, turning the faint grey scales white with the product of their union.

Mirn took a deep whiff from the scent soaked air. Seed, fertile and strong, dampened by a haze of sweet receptiveness. Young mothers retained a sliver of the fire burning within their nethers during the mating seasons even after they successfully produced a clutch to encourage their mate to remain by their side. It was an ancient, yet effective way to ensure bonding. After all, mating was the ultimate goal of any male.

As he looked at the droplets of ooze trailing down his sister's slit, Mirn's desire slowly washed away the trepidations he held earlier. She was still wet. Still needy. How could he, a weak and lonely male, resist the temptation to spill his essence again inside a dragon he loved above all else?

"Are you going to just stare at it?" Ashaya's impatient wing rubbed along his back.

Mirn blinked. His head felt fuzzy. He shook it a couple of times, then unleashed his tongue upon Ashaya's paw. Her spindly toes grabbed around his snout, forcing him closer towards her gender.

Mirn hissed, growled, pushed and pulled, but her grip was strong, and her determination unwavering. Gooey moisture slid around his chin. Then, his lips trembled, and with an unwilling slurp, Mirn sampled the slimy honey of their previous mating.


A ripple traversed his body. His muscles became tight like iron. Claws curled towards the stone, raking it, while his wings trembled and shook, heated by the waves of lust converging upon his hardened member. He was out to all the way to his knot already, slapping against the hard scales of his belly, hurling drops of precum with every throb.

Mirn was just about to sink his tongue through her dainty crevice before a powerful shove sent his head into a pair of restraining forepaws.

"Grawwwrrr..." he moaned with rumbling disappointment.

"I didn't say you could taste."

"Then why did you bring me so close? I almost lost control because of you!" Mirn hissed, jaws snapping with irritation.

"You silly little hatchling..." Ashaya's warm tongue rushed around his snout, each lick erasing the maddening traces of her own arousal. "I love to tease you. I always did, even when we were young, sneaking between your legs to taste you... you blamed your dreams for your weakness, and you were right in a way. Sometimes you did release on your own. Other times, you didn't. To taste the purity of your essence when I was approaching my first heat brought me more pleasure than you can possibly imagine.

Mirn slowly relaxed. His wing drooped onto the ground, tail wrapping around his body. Only his member remained tense, dripping on the lonely floor like the stalactites of a wet, drippy cave.

"I wanted you to remember how hard you grew when we slept together, covered in each other's wings."

"You proved your point rather effectively."

"Well, males like you need a strong push to spill out the truth. Quite ironic, considering how eagerly you released your seed."

Mirn looked towards the ground, unable to match her gaze.

"What's wrong?" Ashaya asked with another tender lick aimed between his horns.

"You know what."

"This is hardly the only time we cuddled."

"If only we did just that..."

"Don't. We liked it. That is all that matters."

Mirn tried to brush her aside, but Ashaya had always been the stubborn sort. Willing or not, he had to match her gaze again and feel her warm breath rolling along the sides of his snout. She waited, staring into his eyes, instilling a sense of peace and love inside him.

"We chose to mate, brother. Instincts had a part to play. You can lie, pretend these are just cravings, and the desire will remain there, year after year until the cycle of loneliness breaks. You need someone by your side, brother. Someone you can touch...lick...someone you can mate with..."

Mirn closed his eyes. "True words spoken in an unfortunate situation. I learned to manage my loneliness. It might not feel like what I experienced with you, but...grarrhh!" he pulled his head away to unleash a heavy sigh. "You're already mated to one of the strongest dragons I know, Ashaya. You carried his eggs, laid them inside his nest, probably even promised you will wait for his swift return. What will he think when he finds us together?"

"Nothing. We're siblings," she said confidently.

Mirn disagreed yet again. "Siblings may sleep together, eat together, hunt together, but I haven't heard of a pair mating to their heart's desire."

Ashaya's lips rose over her snowy fangs. For a moment, Mirn thought she was going to strike back at him, but she simply shifted onto her feet. She pushed hard against the ground, sliding along him with swift steps.

"I'm going to hunt something for you."

"No," Mirn growled.

The clicks of her claws stopped. "You too made your point precisely clear, brother. I will not lay with you until you figure yourself out."

"I will. Just don't leave. Please."

The clicking resumed. Her steps carried into the depths of the cave like her breath, measured and precise.

"You want me, you don't want me. You spill your seed inside me, then regret sharing every last drop. What is going on with you?"

"I'm just...just not used to see my sister as a mate just yet."

"Why is that?" the dragoness padded closer, lifting her wing, sliding along him like a warm avalanche of scales. "We don't have to court each other. We don't have to impress each other, and we mated far quicker than I did with my mate. My...previous mate, I mean."

"He's still your mate, Ashaya. I'm just...I don't know what I am anymore. I don't understand that last part though. Was he unkind to you?"

The female settled on her haunches to groom one of her wings. She was distressed. Anxious about something.

"No. Not yet, at least. He was just very eager, never leaving my side, always sneaking his tongue between my legs."

"I thought females liked that."

"After they went through a few males maybe. He was my first, and I was...I wasn't..." Ashaya growled. "I lacked the same enthusiasm he displayed."

"You weren't aroused..." Mirn added, and she slowly bowed her head.

"I was more apprehensive than excited because I never knew what to expect. You saw him. He's almost two heads taller than me, his claws can cut a deer's head clean off his shoulders, and his teeth are all sharp and even and terrifying. Even his tail bears the shape of a fang, made to hurt, kill, and destroy."

Mirn brought his spaded tip around. It was dull at the edges, yet it could still pack a heavy hit when swung with force. "He intimidated you."

"At first. I thought I could get used to him, but...he's a fighter, brother. His whole life revolved around fighting. The tales he told me always ended up with killing and conquests. I respect his strength, yet part of me shivers at what he might do if he catches wind of our coupling."

Mirn saw fear blossoming in her eyes. She no longer sat on her haunches, but paced around with short, rigid steps. He wanted to walk to her, comfort her, show her he was the kind mate she deserved.

Yet instead he only manages to stand on his haunches, glued to the cold stone, unable to even speak until she came to him. Her warm tongue darted out, dashing along his cheek like a reassuring beacon of hope.

"I'm sorry. I speak foolish words sometimes. My mate isn't a threat to us."

"Not yet."

"Not ever," she insisted. "He flew away from me to remove the threat of encroaching humans. To protect me. He might be as hard headed as a mountain, yet he knows the importance of family...of the value of offspring."

"I hope you're right, sister."

They licked themselves a bit to wash away common worries, then laid back on the ground, pressed into each other like two overgrown hatchlings. Mirn kept his head on top of Ashaya, who occasionally dabbed her tongue between his fingers.

"You've got beautiful claws. Nicely curved, sharpened to perfection."

"I stopped hunting with fangs and claws after my magic awakened."

"Foolish male. Where is the fun in that?"

"I can think of better ways to entertain myself. Hunting is just an unfortunate act of necessity."

"Spoken like a true hatchling. What else are you going to tell me? That you developed a unique bond with plants, drawing sustenance from them like they do from wind and warmth?"

"Taken too far, like always," Mirn sheathed his claws. "Blood magic just makes everything easier...and gives me an extra reason to learn something, otherwise I'd just laze around in my cave for the better part of the day.

Ashaya turned her head around. "How does it work?"

"How does what work?" Mirn licked her playfully.

A sneaky presence slithered between his legs, making his eyes widen and his legs tense in anticipation.


Too late. She already snuck her tapered tip through the rift, coiling dexterously around the softened head of his member. Mirn slapped her rump with his spaded tip, then kicked her tail away, growling defiantly.

"It just pulled back. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to have it out all the time?"

"How could I know? I'm female."

" do now," Mirn shifted uncomfortably. "Keep away from that place or I'm going to... I'm going to bite you!"

Ashaya licked him twice, once between the nostrils, then below his chin. "You are adorable when you get angry."

"Not angry. Irritated," he hissed. "I wish I knew how to use my magic to keep you in place. You always have to touch, lick, or bite onto something."

"Only because I like what I'm touching," she rubbed her snout around his, forcing another hiss. "Don't snarl at me. You know I'm the better fighter."

"And I am the better weaver."

"You just said you can't use your powers on me. How is that going to help?"

"I can learn. Blood magic is complicated, yet not impossible to wield. One day I'm going to learn how to use it on pesky dragons like you."

"Oh, I know just the place to test it."


Mirn wished he never asked that question. Wings spread, legs sprawled, Ashaya rolled on her back, displaying each of her beautiful features along with her gender.

"That's it. I'm leaving," Mirn stood up on his fours.

"You are certainly not going to!"

He shook his tail out of her maw, then smacked her lightly. The third bite wasn't so lucky. She grabbed with all her maw, sending a jolt of pain through his tail.

"Rarrhhh... I'm just going hunting. I'll be back quickly, I promise."

"Sounds reasonable," the female said, then licked the sore spot a few times. "Bring a doe if you can. They are juicy, and soft, and nice."

"Will try my best," Mirn turned around to walk towards the exit.

"It's peeking, you know. I can see and smell it just fine from here. Maybe it's wiser to leave your seed behind. Heard it's quite a bother to fly with your malehood hanging."

He kept his maw shut. Dawn would break before Ashaya finished her piece. It was better to just stuff her maw with something she could chew on.

He crawled through the cave until he reached the exit, then unfolded his wings into the night. The air was cold, much colder than her warm embrace, forcing his premature erection to retreat into the warm confines of its shelter within seconds.

That was one problem out of the way. With his eyes fixed on the forest below, the dragon descended. Night sheltered many animals from view. That's where the nose came into play. With just a whiff, Mirn knew what territories have been claimed, what kills have been made, or if a dragon recently relieved itself in the vicinity.

That last part was useful mostly for rogue males. Mirn wasn't one. Not just yet.

A grievous growl shattered the serene silence. His eyes immediately drifted towards the cries of a dying animal. A deer, by the sound of it.

Mirn flapped quicker. The forest guided him. Night birds fled their perches, and small animals sought shelter elsewhere, away from the deadly hunter. Mirn knew where to go. He flew from clearing to clearing, and sure enough he found a large dragon tearing into the belly of the unfortunate prey. It was big, and male, by the smell of it. And not only that.

The smell was familiar. What dragon dared intrude upon a claimed territory, if not the owner? Mirn's wings beat hard against the wind. He swerved back towards the cave, pushing his wings with all he had. He speared through the cave's entrance, then frantically ran through the narrow tunnels, bumping and scrapping against the hard stone until he stumbled into the nesting chamber.

"He's here!"

Ashaya jumped on her feet. "Who are you talking about?"

"Him. Your mate. He caught a deer or a stag. I don't know how long he's planning on eating, but he will be here quicker than we can leave."

Ashaya looked at her clutch, then back at him. "We're not leaving."

"What?" Mirn tensed his jaws.

"We're NOT leaving!" Ashaya pressed on. "My mate is not going to lose his mind just because we played more intimately than we intended to."

"But he is a beast. You said it yourself. He'll find out another male claimed his mate, and he won't be happy about it, I assure you."

"Then let's not give him any reason to doubt our words. Lick yourself. Make sure no traces of our mating remain within this chamber."

"And you?"

She already had a leg lifted high in the air, spreading her slit as much as she could. "It will take me a bit more time to clean the torrent you unleashed inside me."

That was a sour spot to make a joke. Mirn started with the cave first, sniffing around the floor like a hungry predator for any conspicuous stains. And he found them. Patches of seed and female arousal wetting the cold stone in uneven splotches. There was no time to ask his sister about it. He licked the stone until it shined, going from one spot to the other until he made a complete tour of the nesting chamber.

"I'm almost done. You?"

Only messy licks answered him. Mirn splayed upon his side to lick at his own slit. With his sister's scent filling the cave, he had an easy time sporting an erection. Eyes closed, Mirn washed his tongue along the length of his cock, passing every ridge on the way to the sensitive knot. By the flames, it felt good, better than it ever felt during his lonely moments. He pushed out the thought of mating from his head, then washed his tongue around the walls of his slit. The flesh trembled at the contact, causing his cock to shudder and harden. The male stifled the moan into the depths of his throat and focused on his task. After a few more licks, no traces of seed remained, only weak, sticky precum.

"Are you done?" he asked, panting rather heftily from the intense licking.

"Almost," the female ate herself with quick strokes. She tried to get in deep, going as far as using her claws to part her sensitive insides.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

She snarled, teeth dripping with spite and arousal. "Have a better one?"

Mirn was about to let his tongue out and show her two tongues were better than one.

Then a thump came, chilling the blood in his veins. His eyes immediately darted towards the exit passage. Claws clicked in the darkness. Steps, quick and purposeful, along with the unmistakable breath of a tired dragon.

He was going to be upon them. Both dragons knew that. Ashaya crawled towards her nest, curling her tail around her precious clutch, while Mirn backed into a wall to give the two mates as much space as they needed.

Ashaya didn't agree with that plan. Mirn could see the discomfort slithering along her trembling lips. Whether she was excited or scared, he did not know.

He settled on his belly, pressing own shivering wings closer to the body. What would he do if he was discovered? What could he do? The black male's thoughts raced through his head like a storm, unreachable, slippery, always sliding out of his grasp whenever he got close enough to figure them out.

The clicking turned into recognizable steps. Mirn looked at the tunnel. Within moments, a dragon came in, bearing the scents of blood and frost upon his scales.

"Why is it so dark in here?" he asked with a deep, rich voice.

"I wanted to rest," Ashaya said.

"You'll rest later," the male poked the crystals lining the walls with his snout and his tail, causing their radiance to flare brighter.

Mirn's tail tightened around one of his hind legs. Kerath always intimidated him. He was a mountain of a dragon bearing the azure color of the clear evening sky. Though he wasn't thoroughly huge, the azure beast had about two heads over him, making Mirn feel like a juvenile still sleeping under the wing if a full grown parent. He also had a resilient build characteristic to his kin. Frost dragons were adapted of living in harsh environments. Mountains were cold, unforgiving to the weak. That's why Kerath's hide glimmered in the light of the crystals like fine glass. Not a single speck of frost resided on his resilient scales. And that wasn't all. His claws were almost twice as long as Mirn's, with broader curves, sharper tips, made to carry prey back to the lair. They kissed the stone confidently with each step, carried by big, steady limbs.

"Mirnehviir... I almost haven't noticed you. What are you doing, curled in the darkness?"

Mirn's eyes drifted away, unable to match the dragon's intense stare. He still approached though, the sound of his claws sliding along the wing membranes like cold fangs of ice until a warm puff of breath replaced them. He slowly turned his head around, watching an azure pair of nostrils sniffing with interest along one of his wings.


"That's it?" Kerath pulled back. "Is that a proper way to greet a friend?"

Of course it wasn't. Mirn scrambled onto his feet to rub his head along the beast's neck. Warmth radiated from him, along with a soft, purring growl. Kerath returned the gesture. Mirn felt his snout drift along the back of his neck, sniffing, rubbing, and shifting along his crest before he pulled back.

Mirn thought it was over. He took a step back, only to have the beast press his snout against his own.

He was warm. So warm, yet so threatening. And when his lips pulled up, Mirn came face to face with even rows of sharp, serrated teeth, as well as a humid breath he detested.

"You took care of her, like I asked?"

"I...I did," he dipped his head.

"Good. You have done as I asked. Perhaps I will find a way to repay you for your services."

"No need. It's...always my pleasure."

The blue dragon agreed. After he treated Mirn with another head rub, he turned around, tail swishing from side to side as he walked towards his mate.

Mirn crashed onto the ground. Relief surged through his limbs. The encounter went much better than he expected. Now that Ashaya and her mate were rubbing heads and licking snouts, he hoped for the best.

"You are tense," the rugged male said as he laid down near the black dragoness. "Something is disturbing you."

"It's nothing," Ashaya gave him another lick along his brow. "Rest with me. I can feel the tension in your wings."

"I can feel it in yours," the male answered calmly.

Ashaya growled softly. "I'm tired. That's all."

"I know ways to banish this tiredness you speak of. Let me."

She was still apprehensive, recoiling from his snout rather than nuzzling him. "What do you plan to do?"

"You'll see."

Ashaya froze. She knew, and her mate probably did as well. He nudged her neck, softer at first, then harder, forcing her onto her side. With his mate exposed to his whims, the male started licking her with broad swipes of his tongue. He trailed along her neck, slid along her wings like a gentle summer breeze, aiming to please, to relax. Even Ashaya enjoyed him...until his nostrils found the sweet smell of her gender.

Kerath growled his need. He descended between her legs, nuzzling her slit, feasting on the bounty of scents laying around the most exposed area of any female.

Oh no... Mirn's limbs tensed with fear as Ashaya closed her eyes, abandoning her defenses. Kerath nuzzled her until she hissed with abandon, then delved his tongue through her passage, stretching her sensitive muscles, turning her pitiful hiss into a proper growl.

Ashaya's toes stretched to their limit. Muffled moans coursed through her maw. Fight! Don't give yourself to him. He will find out! Mirn wanted to say. Instead, he powerlessly watched how the fitter male ate out his sister. The way his tongue snuck between her lips, stretching and stimulating them was akin to a starving beast lapping up the remains of meat from a carcass. He licked, on and on, feasting on her slimy produce until her flesh stood dry. Then, he dug deeper, stimulating her innermost places until Ashaya could no longer contain herself. Her maw split open, erupting with a loud, proper roar at the same time as her folds squirted their essence.

Kerath drew back. Splashes of moisture impacted his scales. Some he swallowed, others bathed his snout with gooey waves of sticky warmth. He didn't care. With his eyes closed, he licked and slurped, feasting on the powerful squirts until Ashaya's moans slowly subsided.

"What was that?"

"What?" Ashaya asked weakly, a hind paw grabbing around her mate's foreleg.

The blue dragon licked his snout a couple of times. "I believed I That cannot be, right? It makes no sense."

"You're tired. Lay next to me. We'll figure it out tomorrow."

"No, no," he shook his head. "I can't let it slide past me. Not when I'm so close."

"My mate, you're not making any sense. Please, rest under my wing. I'll-"

Ashaya's words turned into a trembling growl as her passage was brutally stretched. She kicked at the air, squirming and spasming around her mate's vicious tongue.

"Too...too's...grrr...You're too..."

"Grraarrhhh!" Kerath pulled his tongue back, his tip covered in milky remains.

"What is this?"

"It's...I don't...I don't know."

"How can you not? It's right in front of you. Right before your nose," he flicked the milky substance around her nostrils. "Smell it, my mate, and tell me that isn't what I think it is."

"It's not! The clutch you put inside me causes changes within my belly."

"Is it?" The blue dragon rushed back inside his maw, rumbling and clawing at the ground. "Last time I checked, expecting females lacked the ability to impregnate themselves."

"Kerath, my mate. That's not-"

"Seed!" He roared in her face. "Say it! Say the truth already!"

"Seed. It's seed..." Ashaya exposed her belly, keeping her legs close to her body, shivering with fear.

Kerath just stared at her, going from confused, angry, to total bewilderment. "Why? How? What is dragon seed doing so deep inside my pregnant mate?"

"I..." Ashaya's cerulean eyes drifted to Mirn briefly before they fixed back on the dragon towering above her. "I craved for a male's touch. I am your mate. Always was, always will be, yet you were gone for days, and my instincts overpowered my resolve."

"What have you done?" the blue male slowly descended upon the shivering dragoness.

"Why ask, if you already know the answer?"

"I want to hear it from you, my mate," Kerath bared his fangs. "I need to hear you say it."

Ashaya buried her head under a wing. "I mated my brother. That's what I did. His scent made me weak, and when I saw how unique he is...I couldn't hold myself back. I needed him inside me, happened."

"Lies!" Kerath jumped to his feet. His broad wings thundered down, creating a cyclone of air around the cave. " Vicious lies sprouted from the maw of a mother undeserving of the clutch I gave her. How could you betray my trust, mate? How could you mate your own brother?"

"Forgive me..."

"Grrah! There is nothing to forgive," the blue dragon folded his wings with disgust and turned around, fixing his amber eyes on Mirn's cowering form. "There was no mating. This brother of yours, the friend I entrusted your protection to broke his vows and chose to unleash himself inside you."

Mirn couldn't speak even if he wanted to. Within three blinding strides, the beast's warm breath was upon him. He saw nothing but azure scales. Wide, twitching nostrils, and above, eyes hot with enmity.

"But maybe I am wrong. When I look at you, I can such a pitiful weakling overpower my chosen mate?"

Mirn closed his eyes. Kerath was everywhere, sniffing him like a predator ready to tear into his prey. "Your head is barely larger than a stag's. And these?" his dexterous tongue snuck under Mirn's lips to reveal one of his fangs. "These are the weapons of weaker predators, aiming to slowly drain the life from their prey. Where is your fire, dragon? How can you even survive?"

Mirn pulled his head back. Kerath didn't mind. He trailed towards his limbs, pushing them like they were nothing "You've got twigs instead of limbs, claws hidden inside sheaths, and this crest, this useless piece of membrane running along your spine is worse than useless, just like the rest of your pathetic form. No. You couldn't rape my sister. Not in a hundred lifetimes."

That hot, spiteful breath turned another way. Mirn opened his eyes. Was it over?

A slobbery tongue wash along his chin.

"This!" Kerath licked again, and again. "This is the weapon of your choice. Misplaced affection for a female you still think you are entitled to. You charmed your way inside her like a rat, spilling your festering seed, polluting my legacy with your weak, pathetic essence."

Kerath snapped his jaws threateningly before he cocked his head.

"How? I" he asked, perplexed by his own question. "See yourself as I see you, dragon. You cower from my presence. You tremble when I lick you. You can't even find the strength to keep your eyes on me. This baffles and fascinates me at the same time. I know not which is which, but I plan to find out..."

Mirn sheltered his head under a wing, yet Kerath still pushed his head through, invading his personal space.

"I need to see if there is anything of worth to you like my mate so fearlessly said."

Mirn's claws scraped along the stone. The blue dragon breached through his innermost sanctuary, pushing his big nostrils right between his legs to unload gusts of heated air upon a most sensitive part of a dragon's anatomy. The heated air slipped through the scales, traveling through the shifting walls and deep into Mirn's unprotected slit.

Against his accord, he dropped his horned head back onto the ground, a trembling growl escaping between his jaws. Kerath was a nasty, intimidating beast, yet even his breath was enough to bring Mirn on the edge of giving up. The beast sniffed through his widening nostrils, getting his scent, and when he tired of mere sniffing, he licked, sliding his unnaturally warm tongue along the sensitive flesh lining the walls of a male's genitalia.

Mirn took a deep, shaky breath. The sneaky tongue penetrated through his shelter, sliding like an eel through his tunnel until it found his sleeping cock. Mirn clenched as hard as he could, unwilling to surrender to this unreasonable dragon.

Yet Kerath had his own ways to get what he wanted. He pulled his tongue back to sample the taste, then delved back in, deeper, stretching the shelter before he started wriggling his tongue inside.

"Grrooarrrr!" Mirn's pleasure came, wild and unrestrained. It felt simply too good to be touched so intimately by any kind of tongue, so he grew, hardening with each thundering heartbeat.

Kerath's flexible tongue coiled around the emerging cock, applying more pressure with each spasming motion. Ridges flared to life, the head bulged, forming the contour of the tip. Even his knot hardened in anticipation of a swift ejaculation.

Kerath's breath quickened. He kept the member inside his maw while he looked at the dragon beneath him, expecting a reaction.

Mirn's snout scrunched under the throes of throbbing pleasure. He pawed at the bigger dragon, claws sliding harmlessly against the tough azure scales.

Kerath blinked. Within a moment, the constricting tongue pulled back inside his maw. He looked at the black cock throbbing in front of him, licking his snout with satisfaction.

"My mate wasn't wrong. There is something special about your cock. These ridges are unlike anything I have seen," he slid his tongue along the underside to demonstrate, coaxing a whimper from the smaller dragon. "And this bulge at the back...what does it do, I wonder?"

His let his tongue slide around it. "It's hard..."

"Please..." Mirn whimpered.

"Please what?" the bigger blue retreated back towards the head to circle it with a slow, maddening motion. "You want to cum? Is that it? Want to stain my maw with the same seed you unleashed inside my mate?"

"No...I don't...just let me leave, and I promise to never...raaaaarrhhhh!"

Kerath poked his tip into the seed hole, making Mirn shiver from the intense combination of heat and stimulation rolling around his cock. That tongue was such a teasy bastard, pushing and licking until his cock bloated on the verge of eruption.

Then, Kerath pulled back.

"I admit I am slightly curious how fast you cum when it took a few licks to break you," the blue male revealed his impressive fangs. "I can snap your cock faster than lightning strikes, dragon. Deny you the pleasure to mate, forbid you to have hatchlings of your own...but something tells me my mate would not agree with that. What do you say?" Kerath slurped his tongue back into his maw, poking the cock with his snout again. "Can you speak, or all you do is moan like a little hatchling?"

"I'm sorry... by the flame's blazing light, I should not have allowed my instincts to-"

"Yes, instincts. I heard that before. How convenient it is to blame everything on instinct. You had a choice, dragon, and you made it. Apologies will not take your seed out of my mate, and they will certainly not protect you against my wrath."

"What...what will you do to me?"

"I haven't decided yet," Kerath said, still looking between the black dragon's legs. "I am tempted to bring you to completion and see what kind of ooze stained my mate's belly, yet I already tasted your essence upon my tongue. I shall have other ways to find out what she saw in you. Get up."

Mirn did nothing.

"I said get up!" Kerath swiped his tail around.

It caught Mirn straight on the wing joint, spreading pain through the haze of pleasure. He shifted onto the side, then forced himself on his fours carefully to avoid touching the cold stone with his cock.

"Good. For a moment I thought you'll remain down," Kerath dropped onto the cave's floor. He spread his broad wings and rolled onto his back, exposing the paler blue of his belly. "I know I'm impressive. Quit stalling and come here. I shall taste the tongue that charmed my mate upon my own slit."

Mirn flinched at the proposition. "You want me to do what?"

"To lick me as you licked my mate. Or is my request too challenging for you?"

Mirn slowly approached. Weird or not, he knew upsetting a bigger dragon would only end one way. He slowly bowed his head towards the wan scales surrounding the male's crevice. The smell hit him in full force, musky and strong as the dragon himself.


Mirn fortified his wavering focus and pushed down. Slick warmth smashed against his nostrils from the moment he touched that hot, soaked slit. The smells were so strong here, so intense. With a mixture of apprehension and disgust, he allowed his tongue to poke out and dash along the dainty crevice.

"Too slow. What are you, my mother? Even she had a quicker tongue than you."

Mirn bent his forelegs, focusing further onto Kerath's crevice. He could satisfy him and hope for forgiveness, or fight and perish. The choice was no choice at all.

The blue dragon's muscles shivered with need. Mirn licked a few times, then pushed through the slit. He felt Kerath's body tense up in response. Mirn dug deeper, sliding until he found the cock. Then, he wrapped his tongue around and wriggled as quickly as he could, tickling the walls, rubbing the bare cock, barraging Kerath's slit from all sides. Sure enough, the blue dragon began to harden with hard, rhythmic throbs.

His wings flapped, claws curled inwards, and with a hard throb he pushed through the tightening slit in an explosion of precum and lust. The seething growl enchanted Mirn's senses. Out there, in the world, Kerath was an unstoppable storm, but not here. Within these walls, he was an aroused hatchling pleading for something warm -anything- to cum onto.

Mirn quickly licked the salty precum spurting from the tip. Kerath had a bulged, spaded head, thick and warm to the touch, yet so sensitive at the same time. Mirn washed his tongue around a few times to test the sensitivity. Kerath throbbed with renewed vigor. He must have liked that quite a bit. Mirn wasn't done yet though. He allowed his tongue to fall along the rest of the bare shaft. Aside from his spade, Kerath had no features, just a bare cock with a bulged head and a slit too tight to allow anything to pass through.

Mirn licked him there. He teased those heated muscles until the big blue cried out his pleasure, his trembling limbs combined with his shaking breath speaking almost as loud as his growls.

"Too quick! I won't...graaaaarh!" he moaned again when his spade was seized from behind.

Mirn took him into his maw, breathing his warm, humid air around the rock hard erection. For a dragon with no particular features, the heat must have felt divine. Kerath's cock bloated with lust. Drops precum rolled into Mirn's maw, becoming stickier with each passing moment.

He was going to cum soon, but did he want that? Mirn pulled back just as the blue dragon gasped for air.

"Back...get back."

The pink cock dropped out of Mirn's maw, spewing its essence upon rows of blue scales.

"You have a good tongue. Maybe that's why she gave up the fight..." With great strain, Kerath picked his head up. "But I want to feel it inside me. I want to know what she felt when that weird cock of yours sunk into her passage."

"Are you...asking me to mount you?"

"No, dragon. I command it," Kerath growled. "Get on top of me, then breed me like you bred my mate."

"But...she's a female. We're-"

Kerath hissed sharply. He made his intentions known.

Mirn licked his snout. The taste of cock was still fresh upon his tongue, irritating like the task stretching ahead of him. As big as he was, Kerath's tailhole was small and insignificant, a ring of puckered flesh barely fit for a finger.

"I might not fit inside you."

"You will, little whelp. Put that fabled tongue to use. I never allowed any male to take me before, yet you mated my mate. It's only fair that as her half I experience the same pleasures."

The black dragon gulped apprehensively, then held his breath, descending upon the ring of flesh, pulling all available saliva he had inside his maw, then allowing it to fall upon Kerath's only available entrance. The muscles shifted at the contact. Without hesitating, Mirn started licking at the hardened muscles. Kerath clenched and relaxed under him, almost like a narrow female without any interest to breed.

After a few licks, the tunnel loosened enough to allow a slight penetration. Mirn tried to go deep, yet the hardened muscles barely allowed his tip to sink in.

"Enough of that. Get on top of me."

Mirn washed his tongue with his own saliva before pulling back. He slowly straddled the bigger dragon, carefully placing his legs at the sides to avoid hurting his wings.

"Slow. Undecided. Apprehensive. Is this how you took my mate?"

Mirn said nothing. He arched his back, probing with his cock for the right place to push through. He might not have throbbed before, but then he found the patch of wet saliva, and with a soft push, Mirn sunk himself through down to the first ridge.

Kerath tensed. His strong muscles squeezed Mirn's head harder than Ashaya ever did. A surge of heat traversed his cock, making it harder, more sensitive.

"Deeper..." Kerath urged.

"How does it feel?"

"I said...DEEPER!" the blue dragon snapped his jaws with utter desperation.

Mirn thrust hard through the layers of muscles. His second ridge disappeared inside the blue dragon's trembling flesh, then the third, and the fourth, his cock sinking in all the way to the sizable knot.

"Rrrarrrr...feels...unlike anything I felt before..."

"I'll pull back," Mirn said quickly.

Kerath's snout bumped against his. "You will keep your word, whelp. Thrust until my claws ravage you, or until I tell you to stop."

With that, Kerath dropped back down on the ground to pant and lick his sharp teeth while he trembled from wings down, hot and aroused by the thick cock lodged inside his tailhole.

Mirn took a peek at Ashaya. She didn't even stare at him, too scared of the possible outcome. For her, he had to please Kerath. There was no way out.

Placing his wavering strength into his limbs, Mirn pulled himself out of the fleshy prison. Each ridge stimulated the passage on the way out. It was not easy to pull himself through, but he succeeded. After three quick breaths, he pushed down again, filling Kerath with hardened flesh once more. The big dragon clenched his toes, rolling his head from one side to the other, growling his heart out.

He liked it. Mirn felt the lust pounding through the restless muscles. Kerath must have been rock hard by now. Squirts of precum oozed from his cock, pooling onto the rapidly clenching slit. The musky smell of arousal filled the cave.

And Mirn slowly picked up his pace. It might have felt disgusting at first, yet the incredible heat of a frost dragon slowly grew on him. Each time he entered he was fully embraced from each side, and each time he pulled out he deposited a bit more precum into the tight tunnel.

Mirn's claws came out of their sheaths once he found a steady pace. Kerath accommodated to his cock, allowing it to slide in and out with less and less effort. Mirn found that quite fortunate, for his legs already burned with fatigue.

He pushed himself closer to Kerath, pounding his tailhole quicker and harder. Muscles squelched and spat, precum dripping along the edges every time they stretched for a thrust. Mirn's own cock throbbed harder with each passing moment. The constricting embrace, the quick slides, and the slick precum slowly seeped into his slit, stoking the tight heat preceding every ejaculation.

"More..." Kerath growled out.

Mirn battered his tailhole with all he had. His ridges scratched and scrapped, head bulging with heavy squirts of precum.

"Too warm..." the blue dragon said. "Too much." He quickly licked his snout before panting like a wild beast after a chase.

He squeezed so hard right now. Mirn forced himself to stay on his feet. His thrusts became harder, more focused, his black ridged cock sliding in, then out, in, out, before the urge to cum became a desperate need. Overwhelmed by the sheer might of his instincts, Mirn pulled himself back, then thrust in with all his might, scraping each ridge along the quivering tunnel before his knot mercilessly sunk through the puckered ring.

The cave shook with an ear splitting roar. Claws slammed into Mirn's sides, securing him for the mighty embrace that followed. His cock was squeezed hard, buried under layers of hot, shivering muscles. Mirn couldn't hold himself back. His own limbs shivered with reckless abandon.

A strong spurt of seed exploded onto his belly. Kerath released. The smell of seed filled Mirn's nostrils, sending him over the edge. His cock bloated hard, his knot stretched, and with a sharp spasm, Mirn unloaded his first spurt into Kerath's tight tailhole.

"Mraaaaawwwrrrrr!" Mirn's weakened moan echoed through the cave as his peak hit in full force. Spurt after spurt of thick, heated seed traversed his spasming cock, erupting into Kerath's restless tailhole. He too was cumming so quick, so hard, so passionately. The powerful limbs that fettered Mirn now pushed him down.

He fell, his seed coated belly slamming against Kerath's. The blue dragon roared even louder. His cock was trapped between layers of warm scales, bathed by its own seed, while his tailhole was filled to the refuse with rivers of cum.

Mirn enjoyed every spurt. It felt weird to release inside a male he loathed, but Kerath wasn't exactly himself at the moment. His teeth were gentle and playful, his tongue slick and warm. Mirn closed his eyes. He couldn't fathom why being licked by a monster felt so good, so he just focused on the bursts of pleasure driving through his body as Kerath milked him down to the last drop.

After the torrent ended, so did his stamina. Mirn's head crashed on Kerath's chest, who was splayed on the ground, drool pooling beneath his hanging tongue.

"I did not expect that," he slowly retrieved it back inside his maw. "I mean, I expected you to let go, given how weak you are, impressed me. I don't know if it's because of your cock, or because I misjudged you. It''s too complicated to figure out now. Are you small enough now?"

Mirn blinked.

"I want you out. I'm already starting to ache from the lively mounting you put me through."

Mirn waited a few more moments, then thrust his legs back with all his might. His knot came loose in a torrent of dripping cum, followed by splashes from the dragon's overflowing tailhole. Kerath's belly was soaked too, covered in strings of pearlescent cum.

"This will take a bit of time to clean... maybe even enough for you to fly back home."

"Home?" Mirn asked.

"Yes. Fly to your territory before I reconsider my choice."

"Thank...thank you..." the black dragon apprehensively dipped his head.

"Not doing this out of gratitude, dragon. You merely earned a sliver of my respect. What you did to my mate will not be easily forgiven."

"But he did everything you asked him to," Ashaya intervened. "How can you still hate my brother after everything you put him through?"

"We'll discuss after he leaves. Fly away, whelp. Fly!"

Mirn slinked through the passage leading towards the exit. The warmth he felt moments ago now turned cold. Fear gripped his heart. Fear for his sister. What if Kerath spilled his anger on her?

It was no time to think such perilous thoughts. After he reached the ledge, Mirn launched himself into the night, the seed freezing onto his scales along with the hopes of seeing his sister again. Almost instinctually he found his way back to his territory. It was still night. The full moon bestowed its light upon the forest. Small lights flickered in the distance. Humans, sleeping in their own cozy dens.

Mirn followed the familiar scents all the way back to his cave. He tucked his wings to pass through the cramped entrance, then stabilized his balance with the help of his claws. There was barely any light inside. He reached the magic reserves within himself, then slowly directed a portion of the energy to the nearest crystal. A warm yellow radiance blazed to life.

Mirn sighed. He walked deeper inside, igniting every crystal along the way. He liked the light. Made him warmer inside the prison of stone that surrounded him. The deeper he went, the more potent the scent of dried seed became.

After the last crystals simmered with energy, Mirn settled into a comfortable position, keeping his wings spread on the ground. They ached, especially the joints, so he put his snout to use. Soon, the physical aching dispersed. Only his heart kept yearning for his sister's warmth. It was strange, how a sliver of a night could yield such great pleasure and pain alike.

Mirn dropped his head onto his paws and closed his eyes. There was no easy cure for loneliness. He just had to endure and hope for a better tomorrow.

Days passed slowly. Nothing of importance happened in the secluded part of a forest considered unimportant by the human dominion. Mirn spent most of the time by the roots of the trees, relaxing in the warmer weather brought from the south seas. Thoughts of Ashaya still lingered in his mind. As much as he tried to banish them, he could only push them back, then wait until they resurfaced again. More annoying than the bitter loneliness were the erections. It took a single, fickle moment for his member to pulsate out of its home, sometimes throbbing for hours before calming down.

Mirn had a simple cure for lust: his tongue. Whenever the desire became too bothersome, he pushed his head under an upraised leg, opened his maw, and remembered the sweet moments spent inside his beloved sister. He didn't need to thrust hard or wriggle his tongue in elaborate patterns. The sheer intensity of his first mating stimulated him enough to spill within a couple of seconds. Then, after swallowing his own essence with utmost delight came the guilt. Why was a young dragon like him wasting effort for a momentary reward? Strong males took what they wanted. It was the weaker that remained alone and unwanted.

Each time he felt like that, he flew as far as his wings allowed. Pain was a useful distraction. It kept his mind busy, while effort kept his body slumbering through most of the day.

It was on the fourth, or maybe fifth day of his homecoming that an unexpected visitor made its way into his cave. Mirn was still sleepy. He just awoke from a short evening nap before he was rudely awakened.

He knew that warmth, that touch, that smell. His senses jolted to awareness. Mirn blinked his eyes open, almost stumbling back from the sheer shock of the encounter.


"You are as lazy as I expected."

"And you are...wounded," Mirn grimaced at the scent of blood. "Had to hunt something on your way here I see."

"No, Mirn. I couldn't afford the time to hunt."

The female tried to settle down, yet somehow even something so simple seemed difficult.

"No..." Mirn pushed under her wing. "No, no, no..."

It was her blood staining her body, oozing from the scratches along her flanks, the gashes in her wings, the punctures bleeding around her neck.

"Who did this to you?"


Mirn's snarled with spite.

"After you left, he became...insistent, desiring to spend more time inside me than hunting, sleeping, eating, or even relaxing. I submitted to him, but he saw that as a weakness. He said your seed infected my belly, and the only way to purge it was through continuous mating."

"I can't believe that," Mirn said. "Kerath is a warrior, but I never thought he can become the monster I feared."

Ashaya blinked slowly. She looked worn out, lifeless, as if she flew a whole day without resting. "He is no longer the dragon I chose to mate. He changed, brother. Even now he's probably scouring the forest, searching for me."

Mirn's heart leaped in his chest. "He's here?"

"No. Not yet, at least. I told him I'm going hunting in the valleys, and he was too tired to question my decision since we just mated."

"We have to do something about him. I won't allow that beast to lay a single claw on you any longer!"

Ashaya shifted uncomfortably. She had something to say. Something bad, by the looks of it. Mirn licked her snout, preventing her concerns from oozing out.

"Kerath can wait. Let me ease your pain first."

"No need. I can use my magic to mend my wounds."

"I insist."

Mirn gave her a proper tongue bath, and only after every wound was covered in his saliva he allowed his sister to summon her cleansing waters. They went to a nearby river for that. Using an existing source eased the consumption of magical energies. There, Ashaya used her energies to manipulate the waters and imbue them with healing properties. It took days for simple cuts to heal, but a wound coated in curing water took only a few minutes.

It was a useful ability. Wounded dragons made clumsy fighters. Mirn had to use that to his advantage. Together with Ashaya, he needed to devise a way to overcome the ferocity of her mate. The two dragons laid side by side, comparing strengths and weaknesses. Kerath had the inborn resilience against magic. Though he could not wield energies on his own, every direct assault was useless.

"You manipulate objects though. If we bring him into the forest, you can use the trees against him."

Mirn shook his head. "Do you think he'll be that stupid? That dragon has fought more than I probably lived so far."

"True. He will end the fight swiftly by striking you down. Then, he'll come for me, though it's not death he has planned for his beloved half."

Mirn's crimson eyes widened with the light of realization. "We can use his own instincts against him."


"Kerath will not risk harming his future clutch. Believe me, I know. It's a male thing."

"Do you seriously ask me to place my trust into your male habits?"

"Yes!" Mirn flared his wings. "I feel worthless after each time I waste my seed inside my own maw. How do you think your mate feels if he takes the life of his own mate and his unborn hatchlings?"

The dragoness sighed. "Too grim of a thought to consider."

"Precisely. You will bear the brunt of his attacks while I sneak around him. We need to only cut his wings a few times, then my blood magic will do the rest."

"What if he falters?"

Mirn slashed his own wing, then focused his energies around the wound. Glowing crimson motes gathered around, splitting the membrane further apart.

Ashaya pinned him down. "You stupid male! What are you thinking?"

"Demonstrating a point."

"Grrr...after the fighting is done, I am going to punish you for every stupid thing you did."

"Maybe I'll like it." Mirn said with a quick lick under her chin.

They played a bit in the grass before Ashaya put her healing waters to use. With one concern out of the way, the two siblings retreated inside the safety of the cave. Though the desire was intense, fear kept their combined lust at bay. None dared to make a move, not even a lick. When the sun began to settle, they spread their wings towards the mountains, arriving in Kerath's territory, just as they planned.

The blue dragon lazily took off from his ledge. He flew towards them, stopping a short distance away to growl away his spite.

"You brought the runt to me."

"There is only one way this ends, my mate. You either leave both of us alone, or we will bring you down."

"Spoken like a true warrior, Ashaya. I think my seed is starting to rub on you."

The black female snarled. Mirn joined her. "You can keep your territory, Kerath. Just let us retreat back to our forest, and you will never hear from us again."

"Do you think I care about a piece of land? What is stone, if not a lifeless rock? What good is wood, when my claws tear through it so easily? I am here to keep my legacy, whelp. The life I put inside my mate is more important than any other life.

"Even yours?" Ashaya cut in.

"Even mine," the male said. "Now come. If I have to shred your wings and carry you back to my cave, then so be it!"

"Now!" Mirn roared out.

Ashaya dove towards her mate like a spear, crashing into him with all her might. Mirn pushed his own wings against the gale. He circled around the growling dragons, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Kerath was really a beast. He grabbed Ashaya with his fore paws, using a hind leg to draw crimson lines along her belly. The female slammed her tail into his back, dislodging from the massacre of claws to buffet him with her wings.

His attention wavered for a moment. Mirn dove towards one of his wings, but the frost dragon expected that. He arched his neck like a snake, then in one swift strike he launched himself forth, a flurry of sharp, merciless teeth that snapped at nothingness. Thanks to his smaller constitution, Mirn swerved away, slamming his tail into the male's head.

Ashaya took advantage of the distraction to latch herself onto him. With all her limbs she grabbed, applying a quick bite to the neck.

This was his chance. Mirn sailed above the blue male. Claws came out of their sheaths, ready to sink into anything. Mirn tucked one wing, then the other, wobbling his flight path. The unstable flight gave his claws no clear purpose, puncturing or tearing the membrane in many different places.

Kerath roared with rage. He bit into the back of Ashaya's neck, using her temporary weakness against her. With a mighty shove, he sent the female crashing towards the ground.

Mirn looked at her, then at the vengeful male. She was going to be fine, unlike Kerath.

Sharp, merciless claws pushed through his frail scales. His shoulders burned, his flanks stung, and for a moment, Mirn saw the rage burning into Kerath's eyes.

"I am not a dragon slayer, whelp. But I will tear your wings off and break your limbs so that you can waste away in your lonely, pathetic existence."

His maw opened wide. Rows of jagged teeth descended upon Mirn's exposed neck. Kerath bit in deep, then shook his head, tearing through scales and muscles alike.

It hurt more than Mirn ever imagined. For a moment, his vision flickered. Pain was the only thing he felt. Yet he needed it. Pain was not an enemy, but a temporary ally born of necessity. With so much blood dripping along his body, Mirn's focus was absolute. He surrounded Kerath's wings in a cloud of blood magic, and with a swift tug of his mind, he poured himself into the gashes.

The wounds exploded in a crimson haze of erratic energies. Kerath's eyes widened with terror. In one moment, he roared in pain, then in the other, he plummeted towards his death.

Mirn watched him. For a second, he was tempted to let fate run its course. Deep down, he hated Kerath more than anything in the world.

Yet was not a killer of kin.

With the last slivers of his powers, Mirn ripped the trees from their roots. One by one they slammed into shape, forming a wooden frame that brought Kerath safely on the ground.

Mirn crashed on the ground with a weakened roar.

"Why?" Kerath dragged is head along the ground to look into his eyes.

" planned to do the same..." Mirn said weakly.

Ashaya descended from the sky. She walked between the two males, analyzing their wounds.

"Heal him first. I'll be fine," Mirn said, then focused the last remains of blood magic to block his wounds.

"He doesn't deserve our kindness."

"Maybe not...but he deserves another chance to make something with his life."

Ashaya bared her fangs. She summoned a small rain cloud above Kerath. It healed his torn wings slowly, while her pure waters enveloped Mirn in a cocoon of warm energies. Scales resumed their position over the wounds that slowly knitted themselves back together. A fast, painless recovery compared to Kerath's.

"You know what to do when your wings become whole, my mate," Ashaya growled at the weakened dragon.

He could barely find the strength to speak. "What will become of my clutch?"

"We'll raise it together, but they will never find out who sired them. Keep away, Kerath. Prove to us you are the dragon you think you are. And if you come near our territory again..."

"We will not hesitate to end you," Ashaya said.

The siblings flew to their cave, leaving the blue male and the forest behind.

"That went well," Ashaya said once she was back together with her eggs. She poked them in turns, making sure the shells were completely intact.

"How are they looking?" Mirn joined her.

"Good. My mate was not a lousy father after all."


"That depends on how my current mate handles my eggs."

"How hard can it be?" Mirn rolled an egg around with his snout.

"Don't do that!" Ashaya placed it back. "It's annoying to have them slip from under my wings."

"I guess I need more practice then."

Mirn often bumped his snout against hers. Her tongue had a tendency to poke out, and he always loved warm, tender licks.

After the eggs were properly tended, Mirn cuddled together with his sister. He licked her neck affectionately, going over the perfectly healed wounds.

"I'm envious of your magic."

"Envious, he says," the female growled playfully. "Like my water did anything to that boulder head of a male."

"It's precise. Smooth. Graceful...almost like the one who wields it."

"Are you implying you are a blood crazed beast susceptible of going into a rampage under a full moon?"

"I'd probably run off into a stronger dragon and get myself killed."

"Not quite," Ashaya licked his neck. "You are stronger than you realize, Mirn. We just have to work a bit more on your confidence.

"Maybe," he turned his head around to feel his sister's warm breath upon his face. "Right now though I'd like to focus on something more meaningful."

"Like mating?" her tail sneaked between his legs, sliding through the walls of his slit.

Mirn closed his eyes. He was ahead of her this time. Ashaya hissed sweetly, her oozing crevice warming the spaded tip of his tail.

"Then again, some things hardly need extra encouragement."

"Care to elaborate?" Mirn pushed his tail deeper.

"You'll have to get inside me to find out..."

Mirn carefully pulled his tail out of her folds. The dragoness settled onto her back, waiting for him to fall into her embrace. Mirn took a moment to appreciate her features. She had such an elegant shape. Though her legs were rather lithe like her build, she was not weak by any means. In a way, she resembled the wind, calm during sunny days, yet fierce and unpredictable during a storm. The male traced her dark scales all the way to her slit, already coated with a thin film of arousal. The scents were mesmerizing, just as pleasing as the female standing before him.

"I love you, Ashaya," he said softly.

"I'll need a proof of your affections."

Mirn descended upon her, slithering inside her maw, then touching her belly to hers. Their tails curled against one another, embraced into an unbroken coil. Like the waves of a calm sea, her flesh shuddered at the contact, rippling around his member ever so softly until every ridge found its way inside her warm nest. Mirn enjoyed this tender moment of intense delight. He swam inside his sister's maw, playing along her tongue while his member was gently embraced by her flesh. He expected to last quite a bit, but his sister had other plans. With a sharp thrust, she slammed her hips into him, taking his entire knot in.

Mirn's muffled moan reverberated into her. He saw a glimpse of her azure eyes before pleasure overwhelmed him. His last thoughts were of warm, honest love before his seed broke loose, flooding the sweet moment of affection with the overpowering urge to produce new life.

***THE END***

I hope the ending proves satisfying for the time being. With Kerath out of the way, Mirn can raise his first clutch...yet before that he can mate a couple more times, just to be sure.

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