The legend of a warrior; Chapter 55: Slaughterer of Gods
killer and gaia traded a gaze, and killer nodded before shooting out to the left side, grinning slightly even as black killer commanded in his mind: _you still think like a mortal. you have more power than you understand.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 53: The Sky is falling
Lord killer...?"
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 75 - The Gates of Hell
As killer's eyes glowed.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 64: Pick Up The Pieces
"welcome back, lord killer."
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 61: We all have more than one face
"welcome back, lord killer."
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 56: Loyalty and Betrayal
"what do you do now, lord killer...?"
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 63: The Fury of Nature
_lord killer, lady alexis... you two, especially.
(Dream Journal) Kill Everyone Zack
(Title) Kill Everyone Zack (Author) RachelTheFictionkin (Date) Sunday, January 3rd, 2021 (Content Warning) Hybristophilia, Mental Instability, Physical Abuse, Sadism, Murder, Excessive & Gratuitous Violence, Knife Usage, Scythe Usage, Graphic...
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 51: Godlike power
But not killer.
The legend of a warrior; chapter 2 - Become the alpha male
killer had to change his mind about griagas.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 76 - Piece by Piece
killer amusedly replied, shaking his head slowly.
The legend of a warrior; chapter 2 - Becoming King
killer was unsurprised.