Of Legends and Slaves

Just so a few can get pleasure out of mass murder?" calais knew he was talking to the wrong guy with his feelings, but he had no other choice. "these people wait all year for the games, the games are all they have to wait for.

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The Birth of A Soul And The Discover of A Life Time

My god, we thought you had died...or worse, that you went on a mass killing spree. what happened to you?" he asked as he moved over to cale's side. "i have been learning terry. when i fought you that one night, i noticed something.

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Third Interlude

Jacob reaper had a soft side... or at least a poetic side that was geared towards cruel sadism and mass murder.

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 3 Demons and Angels

Their decisions were haphazard, their abilities nonexistent, but they went about death with such cold abandon and desire that it almost seemed that the entire plan was built around mass murder of the witnesses.

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Who Am I?

My beginning task at the facility was to find a way to coexist with the xerlian but it changed, the government has been corrupted and they soon began to ask more into the matter of magic, weapons for mass murder.

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I Dacien Chapter 10 - Change

"i will not consent to mass murder. i set aside the foulness of the deed, and merely note that such a threat - for it can be nothing more than a threat, an arrogant boast of what would happen, had we the power to do it - which we do not.

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Return To Outpost Unicorn - an Erotic Starfox AU Tale

"tonight on the lylat evening news, team starfox foils a terrorist plot to commit mass murder on sauria. more... at eleven! now, back to our interstellar championship boxing broadcast."

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Phantom Chronicles Chapter 16

What made me so special they were willing to commit mass murder to get to me?' i thought to myself as my head slowly started throbbing. 'fuck it, after the shower i'm going to bed... wonder if i can get dil to snap out of this funk?

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Vagabond (Part 3)

"haven't they framed you for 'mass murder' though?" corey asked, thinking back to the elk's earlier words.

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Midline Shift 38 - Amongst the Geth

"_ "but...wait, you're saying a small group of you left and you willingly let them go, just-...go off and commit mass murder for the reapers?!"

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Chapter 19: Yukon the Terrible

Yep, he had been a part of that mass killing; i only hoped he didn't gloat about it. we spent no time waiting around.

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The Risen Curtain - Chapter 17: The Interview - The Mage's Association

We are talking about genocide, mass murder, conspiracy against the very association, and this kind of thing." "i totally get it." vicky admitted.

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