The Metamorph planet Pt1

I noticed that there were few people metamorphing in the public areas, although several creatures went to the lavatories and came out as something different.

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Lustbug (RP logs)

He felt so ashamed of being teased like this in a public area. if bhal were to let him go, every scaly in this bar would be able to see his canine shaft. he also felt he was drawing their attention due to his constant panting as well.

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Love Lost, Chapter 7a: Projections.

She looked about the public area, demanding in vain that the ghost reveal herself, and was soon to check the private area when marianne appeared before her, no longer wearing an expression of absolute delight.

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The Love Who Spied Me - Part I

Geno began to wonder why he didn't just find a public area and call for help. coming to a steel door in a blind entry he slid her behind him and stood with his back to the wall, holding up another knife he'd produced out of nowhere in his left paw.

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The moment any of her kind seemed a danger they'd be killed, attempts to speak with others of her kind were only tolerated in public areas.

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Army of Shadows: Chapter 6

I used to joke that my heart was made out of stone and ice because i rarely showed emotion in public areas, but considering how cold i always seem to be, i think it's completely possible.

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Chapter Sixteen - The Truth Comes Out

I don't need to know how to act properly in public areas, i can act however i want, i'm an animal. i don't need to know how to use a toilet, as far as i'm concerned, i can go where i want while i'm outside.

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Runs in the Family

My nose was pressed against the doberman's public area. i wasn't sure if it was the strong musk or the lack of air that was causing my mind to grow hazy, but at this point i didn't care.

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The Academy

The vixen entered the code for the gates and they ponderously drew open allowing her to slip out and into the public area. she swung onto the sidewalk and bounced along happily to the bus stop all the way at the end of the street.

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Capturing the Moment

. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* back in the food court, jesse led the increasingly horny and desirous form of the doberman around the various tables that were spaced around the public area, walls lined by various food outlets currently closed due to the late

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wip: end of an error

I strode down the utilitarian passages behind the public areas and look for the stairs up. you'd think someone as public as hero du jour would learn caution, but he's defeated me too many foes for that. no living underground for him, oh no.

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Chapter 1- Dragon's Rest

It was not a public area, but a private room booked several days ago. the room, however, was dark. only the light reflected off the planet revealed the young man shrouded in semi-shadow.

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