Lost Archives of the Xenomorphs The begining

The infantry stood back and readied their rifles for any surprise attack. the child blink and looked at the two infantry. they all looked at him, and both feeling a bit sorry for the child.

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A lucario story

What she didn't know that the leader of the pack had sneaked out of sight and was sneaking to her for a surprise attack. luna heard something from behind and turned around and her eye's grow of fear as see saw the houndour coming at her.

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Total Trust Chapter Seven: A Rivalry is Born

I growled as i got to my feet seeing red and i rushed towards mightyena using the aura in order to stop any surprise attacks. "mightyena dodge and then use shadow ball!"

World Divided: Chapter 1 - Past and Present

Thirty-seven years after the death of senthius kenedine, hope emerged from hiding and struck a decisive blow to the anthros, at first they believed they had won the fight with a single surprise attack.

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Halloween Party

A little surprise attack may throw her off and make her... forget... about..." he mouth didn't shut as he stared at a wall. effie followed his gaze, since he wasn't easily distracted. however, she couldn't prepare for what she was seeing.

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Aldruin, Chapter II: Councilor

I insisted she try not to get separated from gavin and lera in the chaos of the raid, but i never expected she'd kill two lycanthropes single-handedly and survive a surprise attack from a third without any reinforcements. she's more than lucky, gil..."

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In Serpent's Embrace: Chapter 6-Battle of Agam Pi

In the ensuing chaos brought about by the surprise attack, caused junior, his father, and carol to get separated by the mass panic of beings.

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Nine

surprise attacks were the name of the game and it was driving him to paranoia. still, there would be no forgiveness for being caught off guard in a real battle. "koji. maybe this time," a plan was already taking shape in shiro's mind.

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Unit 13

This night assault had originally been a surprise attack, then one of the rookies fired their weapon in a display of shinanigans.

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Dungeon of Forbidden Desires Part 3

Rodrigo was still aware and looked around for traps and surprising attacks. the lion man had known that danger could come from anywhere, and the featureless dungeon was one.

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To Fight a Champion

The wolf left himself wide open from the surprise attack to being forced into the corner. once silver reached the top, buck hooked his shoulder under those legs jumping from the turnbuckle power bombing the unprepared wolf.

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Striped Pokedex: A time in the life of a SB Pokemon Trainer

\*bugblade didn't see it coming... the chikorita was sent out... releasing herself with a surprise attack at him from the side. meta: ok. use body slam. \*she made a hit.. nailing him squarely on the side.

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