Love Knows no Bounds

I still dream of that night, almost ten years ago, when the great assault came. an army the likes of which none have ever seen, attacking from lands where no men dwell, bearing weapons none have even heard of.

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Blacklisted Chapter 1: Memories

He wanted to write his daughter a letter, something he had tried to do for the past ten years. "dear amy, i've been trying to write you this letter for ten years. today is my last day to do so. this afternoon, i will pay for my actions and mistakes.

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The City XI

"ten years, my own... it really was ten years, huh?" haka grabbed her drink as the server returned, taking a drag and nodding. "to the day, actually. i'm kind of surprised you kept track." khopesh shrugged, taking a drag from his drink and nodding.


Dance of the Veils - Trick or Treat 2 Teaser

He stopped visiting the achilles club, vowing to be faithful only to me, which he has done, now, for the last ten years." "he seems truly remarkable, mrs. meriwether."

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Peppy and His Daughter

"well lucy," he sighed, "today makes nearly ten years." lucy nodded and stood up to hug her father. "it still isn't quite the same without her." "you're right dad," lucy nodded, "but we've been strong since then. i mean look at you!

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Times& Tribulations of a Succumous 8

I'm sorry jaden, there is nothing i or any one can do, in ten years when the lord of demons comes for me, you get dragged right along with me, after that i just don't know.

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The Tale of Durante and Angelus Ch 1: A Place to Call Home, Part 2

"ten years." he simply said in a dead calm voice; a voice as dead as the calm before a storm. "sir?" nora asked.

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The Eternal Emperor

After ten years of night and starlight, the water felt thoroughly refreshing. he had decided long ago, during his first years as immortal, that he would spend ten years on each world, before moving on to the next.

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Rebellion (Alternate Ending)

It had been ten years since he had shown apititude for the magical arts, ten years since the magical staircase of light and cloud had descended into his primitive village, ten year since he had been ripped from his family at the tender age of ten.

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It had been ten years since he had shown apititude for the magical arts, ten years since the magical staircase of light and cloud had descended into his primitive village, ten year since he had been ripped from his family at the tender age of ten.

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Artist's Change

It had been ten years ago since he had gone to that art gallery in chicago to deposit his furry work in the tacky gallery that had refused him. ten years ago since he had gone to that pizza parlor and changed into his online fursona xids.

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Under African Skies (Cheetah-Hunt)

But it was not new to him, every ten years he had to say goodbye, every ten years there was a new beginning. it always was that way; it always will be that way. it was a timeless law. and timeless is the dragon. the dragon ever was and always will be.

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