Aura's Bone Collection Ch. 1
==A== An outstretched palm felt along the slender shaft. Aura shuttered at the feeling of warmth left behind beneath her fingertips. "Mmmm.. Someone else must have been interested.." she cooed. She squeezed around the shaft tightly and felt up and...
Tales from the Beast City: The Hangman's Fee
The fox's woes were now of little concern to the executioner, who was busy collecting his prize from the hanged men.
Hypnovember - Day 23: All for One
"The Induction Training" By Patrick D. Lambert Commissioned by Sanmer Recently, it was made known a new Super Hero league had been created. Connors didn't expect to become his target so soon, yet there he was, a rhino blasting his way...
Wyrick Family Kennels
It was a collection cone!
Oops 2
Cover image based on [artwork]( by [rajii](, of a character by [fenoxo]( Used with permission. Gwenny's upper body...
Aphrodite City 4: The Private Doll Collection
Undoing the collection of locks, chains, and deadbolts that most citizens now depended on to keep them safe, the doberman let sonya in and promptly locked the door behind them before getting a pair of spoons.
Renaki and Silver's Oneshot Collection! #3(part2)
#4 of renaki and silver's oneshot collection warning: this was my first attempt at a sex scene, and of course it's f/f so please bear with me! thanx! maliha and tayla © my loving mate natsuke(do not use without his permission!)
Collecting Recipes - Chapter Two: The Ingredients of Otokoneko
Thorn smirked as he and keren kissed and swapped their collections with sasha's barbed tip caught between their muzzles.
This is how I collect on debts owed (commission)
#12 of perfectly descriptive arumbi'aji, applesandwich's ravenous devilsaur character, makes a return to the scene to collect on some debts and establish himself firmly as a kingpin of the underground.
Slaves & Masters: Collection (erotic eBook teaser)
This is a preview for a collection of four erotic stories in the slaves and masters collection, available to purchase worldwide via smashwords and!
Collecting pokemon eggs WARNING!!! Castration ahead
He could hear the loud splat as the boys pre began to spray against the sides of the collection jugs.
Cursed Collector - Collection 0 : Beyond the Boundaries
This is the world we live. The world in which humans live, wake up in the morning, work for life, and go home to sleep at night. Yes, we're in the 'Human World' pool of boredomness, generally. But in this world There is still a land that overlap in...