Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 1: End in Sight

Written once again by myself and korban the battle of azure had ended in the crusade's greatest defeat to date...

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 17 Unexcpected Suprise

According to them it works, as for the so called 9th crusade army they are almost there.'' ''this is bad, i have to tell him but he's asleep...''

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Twilight Part 3

Back in space aboard the howling crusader, magnum is double checking a few things before he lays down to get some rest.

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Trailblazer Part 7

From there his life was simply him being a living weapon as he went from warzone to warzone, crusade to crusade as his mantle and emotional pain still lingered and took it's toll on him.

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Crenna Odyssey (part 3)

We are aware of the rumor that he also shot down the crusaders' ship, and a number of eyewitnesses have confirmed this.

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Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)

As you are certain to meet crusaders in your life, you keep a weapon specifically enchanted to counter their zeal._ **remmar greyscruff** : a scavenger known for finding and trading oddities and dressing in noble finery.

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Since they can't figure out where he ran off to, they send their best holy crusader out after him to get back at him.

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Breaking The Siege - Prologue

The day she was captured, she was already ranked a general and high vindicator or the crusade. a turn of fate put her little strike force against an unexpected horde of enemies.

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Down in flames my own crusade is there a mystery to what lies inside?

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Cupcakes Re-done (Rough Draft)

"well, one of the cutie mark crusaders was missing and i found her. she always wanted to make i made her into some." pinkie said gleefully. "don't worry; she died for a worthy cause. for gummy's blanket!"

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Games list as of 5/20/2014

Fantasy chronicles final fantasy anthology final fantasy 7 final fantasy 8 final fantasy 9 final fantasy tactics galerians grudge warriors gundam battle assault (i dunno where it is, but, i know i own it) gundam battle assault 2 guaridans crusade

Hearth Star: Warrior of the God-King

He had cleared out the landing area and reported as such back to his ship... and was rewarded with the notification that his transmission had been received but the rest of the crusade will not arrive.

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