A doctor's crappy day
dr. hyde shoves aside the bittersweet memory of that incident. dr. hyde's father never understood why his son chose to be a doctor.
Doctor Julian and the Faun
The young assistant let the doctor guide him towards his bedroom and into the comfy bed; before he fell into a dreamless slumber, he smiled peacefully, enjoying the subtle smell of aftershave and sandalwood that came from the doctor's skin.
Doctor Klump At Hillsdale
They were having a hard time finding a doctor that would do such things, even if it was all for charity. thankfully, dr.
Doctor Hypno's Rule
**doctor hypno's rule**
The Witch Doctor - teaser
The candy bar i'm offering is 'the witch doctor', in which a shiba inu single dad is encouraged back into the dating scene. here's a small taster.
Playing Doctor 2
Impmon smiled falsely, "he was playing a game called doctor. you know doing things doctors do and stuff like that." shoutmon head came back in disbelief, "is that really all it was? so you liked playing this doctor game?"
Whatever the Doctor Orders
"_streifengrauer, but most people call me doctor or doc_" replied doc coolly "_streifen-wah? bit of a mouthful i can see why you have the nick name and the lab coat, are you a doctor?_" "_you could say so, in a sense_" replied "_can i buy you a drink?
A Day At The Doctor's Office
You're a doctor? and angel? you're a nurse?" shel cracked a smirk. "for today we are."
[1] A Doctor And A Disciplinarian
"from now on, you address me as doctor bradshaw.
Doctor Devoid's Device
He did his best to hide a scowl as he continued to speak: "you are doctor devoid?" the doctor nodded. "that is i.
Doctor's visit with consequences
Jansen, i am dr. van furr, and as i can see, karolus already took care of you.", the doctor said looking at the two. „ah yes, doctor.", greg responded „so karolus, what do we have here?". „a crushed thumb, doctor.
The Folly of Doctor Folly
Of course whenever dr.