Wereness 6. The Migration
Each individual sphere is siler and the size of your pinky nail. the formation has the same radius as the infopad's surface. your eyes get quite big, as you move your finger across each individual sphere.
Mumble and MacReady: Love In The Frozen Desolation
Think about it, why do you obsess over the right of the individual when prolifers want women to surrender their bodies in favour of their fetuses, while disdaining transgendered individuals' choices of being themselves for the sake of the greater good?
Luckily the sample size included several trained and untrained individuals so the species strength range can be considered an accurate measurement.
Zion - Light of the New Moon: The City of Zion
Naturally gifted individuals have the option of gliding through life doing as much is as needed to survive, or they may apply themselves and truly excel.
The end of things. Chapter 6: The Academy.
Again, i believe our jurisdiction extends to taking immediate, and appropriate, action against any individual doing so.
Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 2
"okay," the blue individual states after the translation answers his statement, probably mangling mige's name but that's the limitations you get with technology.
World of Aurum: Manual
Each clan is ruled by a chief, or jarl, as they're called there, with his own personal council of trusted individuals to govern their lands with.
The Lost One
individuals screamed and cried, young and old alike. "can't you do something about all the noise?" "you know very well i can't tan." replied the chief medical officer.
The writing reflects the writer in more ways than one can imagine, and that there is what is to be appreciated, loved, respected, and admired, the effort that countless talented individuals outpour into novels that to most others is simply regarded as a piece
Deviant Delights #20 - Protect and Serve
An overwhelming need to protect and to serve replaced any last spark of doubt or individuality davin might have had, and soon the voices and reports of its fellow drones flooded its mind.
Guardians: Downfall Pt. 2 preview
As for me, i am sent to investigate, and if it is proven true, to take down this individual known as rauh. if it is true, then i must follow my peoples rules, and put a stop to this madness.
The Sable Islands
Vonn eisling was a follower of han aspergers' research involved with children, wondering how this syndrome affected the brain itself and the genetic structure of each individual child.