Past Regrets (Book6,Chapter15)

"johann was pals with the justiciar. from what i understand, karla was one of a handful of people with telekinesis. it's not rare, but her ability was supposed to be known for her accuracy.

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The Game is Afoot (A2, B1, C7)

johann passed the binoculars to evan and pointed out across the way to the port of miami. "the storm is going to be here some time in the middle of the night.

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Kaspar Hauser

A fox by the name of johann meyer, a hungarian schoolmaster in ansbach and teacher of the german language there has offered to take him and protect him.

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.5: Vampires Are a Bad Idea

I really must take the time here to thank the hunters, ariana, her mate jakobus, and their leader, jägermeister johannes. i'd like to thank them for saving my life.

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Drachenherz Teil 44

Die richterin legte ihr schwert auf lyras schulter und begann den schwur:"ich, die vierte richterin johann revol binde dich an den schwur des richters. von diesem schwur seist du erst erlöst, wenn du deinen teil des schwur erfüllt hast.

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Arguments (Book7, Chapter2)

Evan balmoral, reno nevada, johann foster, not to mention collobulous ... _everyone_. so many good people. donovan loupe. the girl who was one of watson's agents. some gypsy girl. people dropped like flies against aris falcon.

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The Life of Another - Chapter 31

Just one day of solitude with luigi boccherini, johann sebastian bach and a warm, resonant cello. after all i've been through is it really so much to ask?" mr. burwell's hands clenched and relaxed but mrs. patterson was the first to reply.

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Chapter 7: A Bad Hangover

She was going to have a serious talk with wolfgang and johann, her wolverine bodyguards. yes, some prey were better than others, but this one had been intolerable: crude and low. and he thought i was some filthy whore! monstrous!

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Prison Break (A2,B2,C9)

And, it happens at the same time fox, johann, jules and sinopa are in japan! so, at least now we know where kuda ran off to... he's got his own agenda. smart lil' guy ain't he? btw, the next chapter will be posted in about 5 minutes.

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Descent Into Madness (A1, B11, C8)

johann is down there, he's alive, and we'll rescue him. we got reno back. johann will be fine. i promise." charlie nodded. "thank you. that means a lot to me." james cleared his throat and everyone grew quiet. "okay, everybody." he took a deep breath.

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Fertility Myths

"it's absolutely imperative that you return, miss johannes. you have no idea--" marie could hear a faint clicking; she knew from research that it was a phone tap. she stared into the fridge.

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Peters neue Freunde

johann brach zusammen und nur mit mühe brachte er die tour zu ende. abends im stall weinte er hemmungslos auf den stroh liegend, peter stand da und konnte nichts machen, bis jonatan dann ging.

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