Shadows Bleeding From the Light: Chapter 3

Tokam trudged through the empty field. A light breeze swept through the grass, carrying a few leaves with it. Birds chirped in the distance, and the kricketunes sang from the forest depths. The sun was warm and pleasant on Tokam's back. Everything...

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The Story of Daniel - Chapter 8

A pidgey flew down and landed in front of him. sal stared at it; the pidgey stared back. "pidgey!" it chirped. then it flapped its wings and flew up and out of the grove.

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The Journey: Prologue

He awoke a few hours later the fire burnt out, he heard some pidgeys chirping in the distance. raising his body temperature to the needed heat he ate the last of his berries, he would have to scavenge for more later.

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A different world

_i was expecting it to be my messenger pidgey but it wasn't, it was three kids, one girl and two boys with one in thee others arms. end chapter well thats my second chapter leave ur thoughts down below like who is the mystery man or woman,?

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A different World

_i was expecting it to be my messenger pidgey but it wasn't, it was three kids, one girl and two boys with one in thee others arms. end chapter well thats my second chapter leave ur thoughts down below like who is the mystery man or woman,?

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Dark heart (The better remake) part 2

I want pidgey nuggets! hey, hey! mr. cashier guy! can i get pidgey nuggets?""now, now, timothy. those are too high in calories."finally... someone notices that this restaurant is disgustingly un-healthy."

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My Name is Lucario

I "met" my first human while i was hungry, injured, and exhausted, that he then attacked me with his pidgey....well i wasn't in the shape for a fight anyway. that you can't "catch" a unconscious riolu..well i didn't have anywhere special to be anyway.

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Unlikely Alliance Chapter 2

He begins speaking but doesn't turn around to actually face me, "i could probably find a pidgey or ratatta that would be willing to do this with me eventually.

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Riding Rutting Raichu

Seven pidgey perched in the trees high above; they remain oddly quiet and seem to just be staring towards me intently...  

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_i was expecting it to be my messenger pidgey but it wasn't, it was three kids, one girl and two boys with one in the other's arms.

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Pokemon Homeland Chapter 1

Everyone tries to find the rarest pokemon instead of just capturing a rattata or pidgeys. laura always had bad luck but this year there arent that many compedetors so she feels lucky.

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choose your own erotic Pokemon story 7

A few minutes later while watching brasa fight off yet another pokemon with ease (this time it's a pidgey). looking at how he fights and what happens while he did so. when you get an idea on how to get your revenge on brasa.

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