Plans Derailed
Beyond that, he was fairly sure he had some big plans in his past life - plans currently derailed, that he was desperately trying to remember, something he was certain he could grab onto and use to drag himself back somehow.
Battle Plans
Unknown Perspective: Him and his wolf pause as they reach the edge of the town and listen with a inner sense. The wolf looks to him, {who would release the Hunt?} He shakes his head not knowing who would be stupid enough to wish them upon the...
Splintered Light, Ch 9.3: Pre-Planning the Post-Planning Planning
Splintered light chapter 9.3: pre-planning the post-planning planning jacques generally preferred to do his tactical planning above deck where he could focus on the distant horizon and feel the wind on his fur but that evening turned out to be problematical
23 A boy and His Plan
You know i always have to have a plan daisy, and in this case... how could i leave anything to chance? i couldn't, there's way too much at stake for that.
LazzXion Of The Rebellion - Bumpy Beginnings
"so, phoenix, what's the plan" asked luke trying to look as serious as possible through the mask.
The Dragons of Worloch: Rise of the Dragon Empire; Chapter 1: The City of Dracondor
We have naught to do with him, and he plans to attack us!" zil'caron said.
The Deliverance Pt. 2
\*last chapter\* after hearing koji's plan, both akeela and anpu were convinced it would work. it was simple enough, but anpu didn't approve of the way the plan put akeela in more danger. "why can't i be the one to go for keket?"
A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 2)
"I cant?" I asked "I cant what?" A soft hiss said " **ITS ME!**" "who are you?" I asked there was no response. I woke that morning, ate breakfast and went to school. At lunch time, I was digging trough my locker and tossing some old work out. A...
Oh So Tragic - Part 1
#1 of oh so tragic the story of a freelance thief and mercenary who slowly begins to find and weed out a strange and complicated mess of plans and tricks to kill her. writing, characters (c) me the fact that there had been fbi and cia agents after her for
Freedom Fire Chapter 9: Offspring of Warriors
While the small team he had made agreed with his plan, it didn't come out as planned.
More than planned
He had to think of a plan b rapidly, to cover the rising possibility; after all, if security was alerted, then the entire plan would fail...
Decadence, Chapter Fourteen; UCG are here!
He quickly destroyed the plans and put a blanket over them and put everything into the boxes that wasn't supposed to be there.