All About FluX
Flux or his "scientifically made up name" coyote industrialis is a green and black hybrid who is really comical and sometimes flaunt with his flirting. his paws can be caustic when agitated and life-giving when happy.
The Volcano
Now i know that some of this is controversial, but most of my poems are meant as art, rather than scientific descriptions. like, i don't know how bright a lumen is, therefore i couldn't actually tell you how bright a volcano's eruption is.
One Small Life - Part 2: Nothing but the Usual
It wasn't that i didn't recognize that there was probably a wealth of scientific knowledge to be gained from doctors observing me, and she knew it.
Fantasy Story Outline
Installation in the brooks range in alaska - meeting of all scientific minds - fascinating discovery made february 8, 2017, - robert bakkar joined the team - brought dinosaur skeletons with him - heard about eye witness testimonies on
To Boldly Hoof It Ch 6. The Plot Hole
"if the plot hole was created by science," he said, "could there be a scientific way to close it?" he asked."maybe," sunset said with a shrug, uncertain. "scientific law states that anything that can be created can also be un-created."
Half Horny Fledgling
"hypothetically speaking, purely out of a scientific curiosity, is it true that a drake's horns match the size of his _horn_?" atlas thought about it. "that's a myth. i don't think that's scientific." jarzyl casually shrugged.
The Scientist's Experiment
Though, i was perhaps wondering if you'd want to be apart of a scientific experiment i'm running? i need another test subject to help round certain averages together." "hmm... i'd be up for that. when?"
Quality Time 1
Eggman, mobius is finally primed to have a time of peace and advancement, and so, the technological minds of the world gather to discuss their scientific findings among their peers.
Through the Cracks - Had the Chance Been With Us that Has Not Been
And a story doesn't need to meet any kind of scientific standard of proof, it doesn't need to be peer reviewed or be reproducible by independent studies, to do that." the bat reappears.
Convergent Bloodlines (World Building)
It is only in recent years that flemria has allowed scientific studies on their people and the dragon-kin appear to be a created race, as their bloodwork is easily tested to show signs of magical interference.
Dragons of Science
Around the turn of the century however, there was a scientific breakthrough of unprecidented importance. a terraforming unit was created while attempting to invent a polution scrubber, to assist in further cleaning up earth's air quality.
Naughty Paws - Uncovering New Things
Those were questions whose answers were valued by the scientific and archaeological community, but pretty much guaranteed a life of living from scientific grants to peddling rocks to being dust covered like an 18th century miner and zero romantic life.