- no, you can't, or yure will be unhappy - said the alien. - oh... - said happyness. happyness' soaked diaper caught my attention. i started to rub myself through my own wet diaper. - hey, happyness... you have my kinks, right? - i ask. - of course!
Cruelest Cut
Sylvia was extremely unhappy with the work of the stylist at the hair salon; her hair had been trimmed up her neck far higher than she had desired, a fact she hadn't been aware of prior to inspecting the cut in a mirror at home.
This Story, This Life.
Partially due to the fact that i never disclose my problems to anyone due to certain trust issues, the solution people tend to give me when i am unhappy are usually "live with it and don't think so much about it."
A Party to Remember What It’s All For
Enough more guests arrive and as we head outside i start to grin it's been a long while since i've gotten the chance to just enjoy myself with family and friends meat and vegetables cook on the grill, drinks and snacks are had for once any unhappiness
However, because angel was never an unhappy child, she never released her powers and grew with them fading slowly as she entered her teenage years.
M&J Pt.7 Josh interlude
And the one line i tried to keep him from crossing became another line i gave him permission to cross because i couldn't stand to see him suffering so unhappy and angry.
The Assistant
"not that i would say i'm unhappy with her, but why she is here?" i asked high priest codin. he was the leader of the priests here in the neighbor of the valley. the priests were not monks or priesthood, they were fighters.
Tunnel Vision
He seemed a bit unhappy, all told, distracted and distant and... ...and it felt like a slap in the face, when i realized, to my annoyance, that perhaps i was even more distracted by the weekend's events than i was letting myself...believe.
Vince was obviously unhappy with the outcome of the round. aaron just smiled stupidly. trevor went to check on rick, and found him curled up with the husky.
Cutie Academy - Chapter 1 "Over the Wall"
With an unhappy face. maybe i'll tell him to stop because if he continues throwing stones he's bound to get whipped. especially if they found out he's trying to communicate with someone over the wall.
Evolving Needs
Had my pokémon felt withdrawn... unhappy, because what he wanted most he couldn't have? he couldn't ask for?
Shortstories - Inside
He didn't want her unhappy. it made him unhappy. and he still had one surplus tentacle just in the right place. in the stag he had kept it in its penis, but the doe had no bone there.