King Valreth. (XXVII)

That did not mean though they are barbaric after the mission, most of the valblades were common people with good potential once upon a time...



Author: mew intro- once upon a time in a beautiful castle there lived a king and a queen, they were the happiest couple the world had ever seen, every day the king would surprise the queen with spontaneous gifts that he had bought or found from distant lands

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A bed time story ( Part 1)

once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a princess, she was the most important princess of all because her father was the king of peace. now, this princess was not the smartest of people.

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The all-too happy wolf

once upon a time there was a wolf living in the forest his life only contained hunting, eating, sleeping and so forth. also in that time a youngish goat was moving into that forest.

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Be Careful What You Wish For As It Can Come True chapter one

once upon a time there was a dragon who granted wishes that made people happy he tryed making a young adult happy but it was only temperary happy quickly gone until the dragon came again this time to make the wish permanent but still allow for normal growth

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Cow Appreciation 2

I mean, i did take some classes once upon a time. but, i'm more of a writer nowadays." "ah, of what variety?" bertha blushes. "w-well, nothing really published as of yet. i've been honing my craft while working on various odd jobs."

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Pronghorns Forever

The old-timers who lived here once upon a time said this place was the "bottom of the barrel," but they didn't realize that there was a hole underneath that was much deeper and far darker.

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Feline Fight to the Finish 1

Maybe it was, once upon a time," mao responds, taking his first tentative steps into the sacred field. nan follows him, chuckling and running hands through his long, luscious locks. "same for you, too, huh?

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A Sign?

.** _ * * * once upon a time in a village of grandious, a young furry named max freeman was working on some drawing on a desk "hmm, what's a good idea?

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Asriel and Toriel

A wonderous fairy tale of fairy tales once upon a time there was a king, whose name was asgore, who had a wife, whose name was toriel, and a son, whose name was asriel.

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The lord of the forest

once upon a time, there was a castle in the middle of the forest and next to this castle was a small village. the villagers always wondered about the identity of their ruler. who was he? what did he look like?

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New Blacksmith in Town (Haley TF/TG)

This was a request i got on da once upon a time. as a huge fan of "dust: an elysian tail" it was a pleasure to do. one of my favorite games of recent years. terry was an aspiring businessman.

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