Sortie 00 - The Straight-Build Rookie

At first he was skeptical about everything until he saw the mode, a gnx-903vs brave, in its lifesize glory in the virtual world.

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A Most Dangerous Game (1/10)

Plus if we had to pull off something in both the virtual world and in real life how are we going to pull that off?"

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A Simulation of Culture

Never hurt to have some fun irl rather than in the virtual world. she sat down in her gaming chair, stretching out her legs.

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Man Vs. Planet Chapter 2

The trip up to the lagoon was a lot harsher than it had ever been in the virtual world, mostly because i was once again wearing a combat loadout that outweighed what most marines carried.

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Suddenly Freelance

In the virtual world kody, keiko and rory look like world war one doughboys in a trench straight out of a period movie. above them is a martian walker with the ogre logo mindlessly meandering the battlefield.

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Black Meridian 20: Blot in Your Eyes

It tried to bring you back, to shut the door on that virtual world, but you clawed kicking and screaming. perhaps once telos would have had protocol that told it to remove those memories from your head before waking you, perhaps they would be altered.

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Virtually Terrifying

It all formed a virtual world that he could watch, an augmented reality, overlaid on his vision. the squeamish young wolf had opted not to look at detailed pictures of the procedure.

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"Technology Trouble" - Story by Kaz

We're so excited to have you as a part of our innovative new virtual world! you're in the orientation center, a helpful place for new users to acquaint themselves with the world of bliss.

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Always Kennel Your Pets (2/7)

Newlyn said as everything leading up to that point, including his time in the virtual world, came rushing back to him as he looked down at his body that was familiar yet alien to him at the same time. "now that was a ride."

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Hacked Into Hyrule

To ashe it felt almost like he was flying out of his own body as his awareness of the waking world faded away, and the virtual world appeared around him. when ashe opened his eyes, he found himself in what looked like a cave filled with a blue glow.

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El Dorado Online #1

A few seconds later, bright lights and colors passed him from different directions as he was thrown into the virtual world of codes and programs.

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Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 7

His fingers moving along hir forearms quietly as gildy drove the robot around, trying to avoid trees and other shrubbery, but found that hir new metal feet knocked them over or crushed them easily, or at least in this virtual world.

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