The Internship...

"So... She's your wife and your pet, you say. I've heard submissives make poor wives, Isiat. As for secretaries... Well..." "Famous last words I'd say." "She is rather cute... and you say you've got experience as well?" Mused the deep maroon...

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Bird Prey

The wind that whistled through the massive, ancient pines at the foot of the Ulthorth valley was brisk... Not quite cold, but not warm either, which for a region known for its snow capped mountains that seemed to literally touch the grey sky above, was...

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Like Lovers Do...

"Gods above you are beautiful..." He murmured under his breath, leaning lazily against the kitchen counter. His long black hair spilled down the gunmetal grey furred vulpine's back, his tails twitching slowly behind him. Vanilla scented cigar smoke...

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Healing, Home, and Heartache

Shadi's mind floated in and out of consciousness for what felt like an eternity. She saw mountains that touched the sky. Waterfalls that poured upwards. Fields of green and blue and purple that flowered and shriveled and dried only for the cycle to...

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The Shadow Stalker

Shadi sat upon the side of the mountain, huddled over herself behind a cluster of boulders as she looked out upon the ancient structure. To say it was simply monolithic wouldn't have done it justice, but she knew as a fact from her research that this...

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The Bard in the Blizzard

In hindsight, attempting to tackle the Hebra mountains by most accounts, was foolish in itself for one as small as her. The stubborn little tan furred lioness had been heedless to advice, and reading the posted warnings written in the Rito's nigh...

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Legends of Hyrule: Shades of Blue and Shadows

In truth, the road back to the Rito village took Shadi and Kass almost nowhere near the desert, unless you counted being able to see the Gerudo highlands in the distance as close enough. While Shadi had seen much of the Tabantha frontier the first time...

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Ruins and Rituals

The days were as long as the land was wide, someone had told Shadi at one of the stables in the north, but even on horseback, the land certainly seemed to stretch on further than the day did, even setting a brisk pace south. The little feline's pack...

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The Rito Rogues

Shadi had always grown up hearing stories from across the sea. Tales of fanciful creatures and fiendish beasts that stood up where they fell when the red moon rose. Tales of a terrible calamity that had decimated a once magnificent and advanced...

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The Lanaryu Lizfols

Shadi's trip with through Hyrule since her run-in at the ruins of Typhlo had been far more relaxing and invigorating that the weeks before, that much was certain! She'd plotted a course to the south east, skirting death mountain for lack of suitable...

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Army Greens : Prologue

The sharp blow of the whistle snatched their attention quick enough, the mixxed lot of humans and anthro's piling off the buses that had parked in a long line at the training camp. It was the middle of Janurary, the begining of a new year. A thin layer...

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The Stages - A 22 weeks companion novella

Shock & Denial "So, why don't we start with the incident. What were your thoughts when it occurred?" I ask. The corner of The One Eyed Wolf isn't the best lit, and the pub smells of stale alcohol ingrained into the upholstery of the sofas. It's not...

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