At the Slayerhold's Heart
The closer they got to the carved figure, the more julianna began to notice details in the work of the carving, subtle things that she at first wondered if she imagined.
All in the Mind
_why wouldn't i have carved that memory into the walls?_ "maybe i've lost the section i carved it in," he grumbled to himself.
Enjoying the Meathook
I do not enjoy watching my friend being carved, even though i enjoy sadistic pleasure, and even though i am fucking nuts. i do have a warped "heart".
The Gate Of Anuwyin chapter 2
"it's just my farewell give for you both" raze put on his armor the armor is very shiny with carving of vine's and on his shoulder a rose carved out from gold tied out to a silk as a cape. his sword was beautiful they both say thank you to the king and walked
The Beaten Path
As i placed the carving in my pocket a small glint caught my eye.
History and the Journey
In return they would give him carvings - strong wood carved with sharp claws, then polish to a high sheen by rough pads with their natural oils. these were well sought by collectors because of their intricate details.
Adam's New Life - Prologue
carved into it was an intricate dragon, wings flared and fire coming from its' mouth, all four legs spread out in an aggressive stance. reaching out, my golden eyes wide with wonder, i touched the carving.
Steamed Veggies
The carving knife pushed forth at the roasted piglet's lower abdomen, then carefully carved out a slab of meat from her tummy just over an inch in thickness, with her prominent navel adorning the center.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 11
And all the while the little carving would just gather dust on his shelf and watch him sleep with eyes that didn't exist anywhere, not even in his own imagination, because he couldn't figure out what to carve.
Chapter 1: Don't Tell Anyone
Zaldon whacked lynny on the head and snatched the wooden carving back, placing it carefully in the velvet sack waiting on the table.
The Woodland Visitor Supplemental #1: The Cane
"sienna spent six years carving it and finding the right jewels. she knows the significance of each gem and each line she carved. when she gave it to you, i thought you knew what it meant.
Walking Dead
It was surprisingly large, with reliefs of animal carvings on the wall opposite the entrance, though one had fallen. there was a gated passage below said carvings and a walkway over the gate, with stairs up to it on one side.