Spike gets Lucky
As he crossed the bridge that led to fluttershy's house and got ready to knock at the door, many thoughts passed through his head. how should he go about this? apple jack was one thing, but fluttershy was different.
Twilight Performs a Spell That Goes Just Fine
The four then looked over at fluttershy, waiting for her excuse. fluttershy noticed all the sudden attention on her, and squeaked. "..... animals."
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A regualr Day.
Twilight thought of it odd for fluttershy to be hiding like that or panting heavily but then again... it was fluttershy. she slowly opened the door and let them in.
Happy Bunny Day (Easter)
"just be back quickly please fluttershy." "i will, i promise." fluttershy replied, then turned to angel. "look after terra, okay angel bunny?"
awake chapter1
"i'm f-fluttershy, everypony that i know can talk, some talk a little too much," fluttershy said "and who are you?"
Mistress Shy's New Pet: Chapter Six
Arctic yelped as his hooves left the floor, fluttershy reeling up the chain with shocking speed.
Corruption of the Slimes
What do you think, fluttershy? fluttershy, this is no time to stare - we've got to _help_ her!" yet not even rarity could completely keep her cool under such circumstances, stomping and shrieking at fluttershy even as their friend held back.
Risks of Exotic Romance
I waited patiently for fluttershy to start snoring before whispering, "fluttershy? honey?" when she did not respond, i knew she was fast asleep.
Chapter 3. Twilight Lessons
"um, morning fluttershy, did you sleep well?" i asked her as i stood at the base of the steps. "eeep!" fluttershy squealed in response and jumped a foot into the air.
MLP school Part 1: not all
Rarity said tossing his clothes on his head before both her and fluttershy turned away, chance quickly got dressed as he overheard rarity talking about something with fluttershy.
Scientific Curiosity
Twilight stepped over closer to fluttershy, looking down, a brow slowly raising. "fluttershy... are you... eating bird seed?" fluttershy looked up twilight with wide eyes, blinking once. "bird seed?" she asked, licking her hoof.
BDSM in the Boutique
But just where had sweet fluttershy gone?