Livre Sans Visage - Don't Worry It's In English
I kinda wished i'd left my number in or something, y'know. **rory gliese** says: oh? **victor holden** says: well, we had nice time, i mean...well, nice time. good times.
Ryan's Bath time with his Son
Smells kinda..kinda like sperm you watch stuff on the internet?" ryan's face turn red from kay's question,he nodded slowly.kay also sees his dad trying to cover his mid-section.
Zootopia by night chap 2...
"ummm harder... what kinda pred are you... harder." the pretty little bunny screamed, so loudly there was no doubt their neighbors in the surrounding apartments heard her.
Taking it Easy
I'm not even sure who told me to buy an apartment, but i was kinda glad i had listened, since this was all there really was left of everything i earned over all those years.
Mouse Porn - edited version
"so what kinda porn do you like?" "ones with guys in it," he shot back, grinning. emma giggled. "oh, c'mon, what kinda answer is that? seriously, what kinda porn do you like? i mean... do you have a preference in species or what?"
A short sob story
Like really when you use toliet paper as tissues because you don't have the money to affored tissues it kinda well it kinda sucks. to add to his cold room his whole window was covered in a thick frost.
Dominant Ideals
Ya everything's cool i kinda just fell (oh god why did i put kinda in that sentence! now i sound even more suspicious...) i'm not good with slippery floors (now that just made it sound like i'm doing something dirty... fuck! i'm so stupid).
my zombie apocalypse diaries
Any way back to my house huge living room 1 and 1/2 baths the tv is kinda old tho ...
Invention of the Week #7: Huggable Sweater
I dunno, i just kinda did. the basis of it is pretty simple. when wearing the sweater, you hug someone and they turn into an adorable plush toy for an hour.
Filling My Brother - First Times Part 1/2
This part near the top just kinda tickles really weird if i touch it," he continued. "oh is that your clitoris?" i asked. "my clitor-what? i don't know.
Reptilian Trinity Chapter 1
In a way you kinda remind me of dillon." "dillon?" "my older brother. he used to tell about all kinds of things about the world outside the palace walls.
D-Gen Interviews: Monster_T-Bro
It's kinda personal, though, y'know?" kc was a little thrown by this. normally the killers were more than happy to talk about themselves and how they got started.