Had he misread this...she said he was her prize and...maybe she was into playing hard to get? he laughed, dismissing her statement. "right, yeah i know! but i'm your prize right?
Play and Ownership
The only time he didn't was when someone messed with his pets, especially his prized pet.
Morphtalk: Blogisode 8 Part 2
The prize at the end was twofold for the winner.
Nerd Hipsters are Called Grognards
prize was a euphemism. he could feel it in his crotch. but he had to be sure. "what kind of 'prize' are we talking about here?" "you know," she replied, lifting her heavy chest up and making a quick, circular gesture in front of it. "a _prize_ prize."
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 62: Alex Winter / Undercover
"they are picking numbers at random if your number matches the selected numbers on the display- you win the grand prize!" "what is the grand prize?" i asked the two of them. "that."
For a Good Cause
The winner of our star prize, who will receive twenty four hours of time to spend with our super-eligible bachelor, doctor reed francis..."
In the barns many of the local area farmers brought their prize cows to be judged.
A Little Game [PATREON]
Per tradition, our winner gets a fabulous prize chosen by our audience.
The team that emerges at the top are given medals and a handsome prize of funds, with the second and third placing teams receiving smaller prizes.
Struggling to death Pt. 2
"okay so i'm some kind of prize, i get that, but why does he want me?" "rhys is an odd fellow. he likes collecting young ladies and... dolling them up so to speak." " oh so he has his own harem huh?"
Press Here
The mischievous youth fought the urge to mash the circle with his palm against the smooth ripples of the stump, but he dared not ruin his prize.
Easter bunnies (fairy tale dream)
**ronald geza (professor of biology, nobel prize winner for outstanding discoveries in the field of genetic modification of living organisms and the creation of new species with a new amazing features as well -known for his scandalous publications of the animal