The Moonweaver Chronicles part 10
I shouted as i lept towards the one with the crossbow, the swordsman had disappeared but i was fairly certain that he wouldn't be able to strike me at this speed, i could definitely dodge him with my lightning enhanced reflexes.
Kinktober Day One: Deep-Throating
His cock was weeping, precum spilling and staining his pants until he couldn't stand it anymore that fist shoved downward again, and he swallowed reflexively, groaning again as his entire body rocked forward and his balls squeezed tight.
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Book 1 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas
His hackles rose and he reflexively barred his fangs before he probed further into the void to find that the female was not amarokine.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #5 - Irregular Season Start
Smirking slightly, reflex then opened the envelope and read the letter inside. "to the esteemed mr. quovaedis broyles, welcome home! i hope these gifts find you in good spirits.
Anthropology IV: Epilogue
Sam's eyes glazed over as the sweet, heady fog of sex dampened his thoughts and worries, flicking out his tongue to taste the seed around him in a reflexive act.
Don't horse around
His seed shot out from his tip up her empty passage and into her mouth...reflex closed her mouth and her cheeks budged. finally the flow of hot horse cum ebbed and patch dragged his cock out of jess.
Do Not Disturb [Subscriber Reward]
Victreebel must have been in a situation like this before, because it reflexively coiled around sascha's chest with whiplike speed, before looping around her throat and pulling tight. "glrrk-!"
Chimera - Chapter 12
By reflex, his fingers were sticking on the device. "i know it's a silly question, but i've never seen one like this one before. err... it doesn't bother you; i hope."
Roommates With Benefits: Chapter 3 (Platinum Patreon)
The hole gave another reflexive wink but then loosened to allow the slippery appendage entry. lu delved as deep as he could right away. he suckled at that tailhole while he fucked it with his tongue.
Scott's Remote | Chapter 17
He squealed reflexively, and with a bit of a flail found himself being placed legs first into the swing. nuzzling him in the cheek reassuringly, he calmed down slightly and met the eyes of the rabbit.
Bruxa 2/2: Size Isn't Everything
reflexes died then, leaving her free to slip and lose her footing on the juicy flesh tightly gripping her, trying to run back and grab onto the creature's retreating paw before the opening sealed and trapped her to die. "too late."
Imperial Decree 5
By reflex he reached to grab her hips as she started to ride him quickly. karsa was a wild animal as she rode, roaring and slamming herself down hard on cain's dick repeatedly. her large breasts bounced with each movement, drawing cain's attention.