Snapshots - Night Trap
._ _ **night trap** _ someone was in his room. philip's eyes sprang open, his heavy, agitated panting loud in the darkness. a blurred form loomed over him, shadowed and indistinct.
The Fur Trap: Hybrids
_here's a follow up to the fur trap, following the mysterious dr. rex's experiments on unwilling victims. in this case he's combining two animal attributes into each human.
Trapped: Part one
That didn't stop me from running as fast as i could to the other side of this... cage... that i was somehow trapped in. i turned to face them, wide eyed and hyperventilating. they were reduced to nothing but wild animals!
Death Trap Derelict
She gets plenty of "help" mainly in the way of males who help themselves to a trapped rump reads to get creamed.
Trapped: Part 3
#3 of trapped this is my longest installment of trapped yet, half was done a month after part 2 and i forgot about the series, but i'm reviving it yet again!
Trapped Part 2
Admit your leading us into a trap and maybe we won't kill you." "i'm not leading you into any trap." (\*guns cock\*) "we warned you." "lower your weapons!" "he's going to kill us! why wouldn't we kill him?"
Trapped Part 1
#1 of trapped chapter 1: hostage message from com-pad 4209: star date: may 11, 2287 galaxy: delta orion planet: b-612 begin transmission... we have landed on the planet and are searching for life.
Garn's Foamy Trap!
His trick had worked, he had two boys now well trapped in his home, and he had a swamp's worth of brightly colored foam ready in the mess room to crash into.
Poem #67: Trapped
~bhscorch "trapped" is copyright **©** of brandon hauck (bhscorch)
Kovu and Mipa: It's a Trap!
Zira had said the poachers set traps for lions! "i've got to- uph! get out of here!" he growled, straining his upper body to get up at the loop holding him uncomfortably half in the air.
the journey to the jungle of traps
We heard it was guarded by russian soilders, guarded by indian tribes, while the temple is also booby trapped with spikes, closing walls, and pits falling into spikes. good thing i've servived in the military for 8 years.
Trapped Under The Paw
He was trapped under the foot, the odors invading his senses; although it reeked, it was a divine place to be, for it was where he was supposed to be, where he belonged.