Tales of Zootopia: Me, Farrah and Aslan (alt timeline)

Instead, as soon as i got to the useless trinkets incorporated building's board room, i was fixated on farrah. i got all the way through the meeting this time, and afterwards, we talked a little.

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Remember Me, My Love

And then there were other trinkets and such that would remind me of home or serve some small comfort from time to time. the orange of the sunrise is starting to glow softly over the forest path on which i reluctantly walk.


The steady rhythm kept growing louder as the unseen being wound through the ancient and dusty trinkets. that beating was loud enough now that i was sure of it, but i didn't understand.

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[Commission] Prehistoric Podiatric Idolatry 2: The Quest

His latest trophies and trinkets were nothing more than that. trinkets. souvenirs. knick-knacks. although this wasn't at all like his last great prey, he was happy to get whatever he could. he reached out for his spear, buried with him in the cold mud.

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U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost, Chapter 4

You think not on the present grimlock, you waste your time on trinkets and occult garbage! when will that flying wretch of yours bring something to the table that we can use to furnish ourselves?"

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Kobold Week: Swapped Vanity

Yes... a caravan filled his memory for a moment, a great many trinkets loading down its wooden frame. trinkets that had added nicely to the pile along the floor of this part of his caves.

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Bad End / Vore Day - Bestial Delight

Werejax grabbed the magic trinket, snarling as it sparked against his fingers, and he threw the whole thing into the campfire.

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Trial of the Races: 1 - Captured

He'd told a tale of how he'd known a most tranquil and enchanting cave, hidden amidst the local waters, and in his youth he'd left a trinket behind, twined with a memento of his wife.

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Commission: Rio Rigged

Sunlight glinted off stolen jewelry and trinkets as they shifted, grinning at her. "get her." war cries rose around her, "bring her to the king!" came the yell as they leapt from their perches.

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Nest Mates (by Cheetahs)

"are these human trinkets?" mirn pushed a golden, gem encrusted bracelet along the ground with the tip of his snout. "my mate's spoils," ashaya walked towards her nest.

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Nest Mates

"are these human trinkets?" mirn pushed a golden, gem encrusted bracelet along the ground with the tip of his snout. "my mate's spoils," ashaya walked towards her nest.

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A chance metting

She had smiled a bit as she had went around the market, looking at all the delicoius food and the jewels and trinkets people sold on the sides of the rock road. she was looking at some jewlery when she heard a ruckus.

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