CYOA Charlie Goat regrets everything Chapter 3
Charlie waved a hand, his eyes drawing away from the doe's chest and furtively glancing about the small office for a distraction.
Derek Does... - Chapter 3 TEASER!
#3 of derek does... spoiler for #3 of derek does "it was a few months after i had met eric, while he was still fucking me. dad, mum, and i decided to come to toronto for a few nights. i was walking along downtown listening to my music when...
Mopar: College Story Part 1
He sipped on it and looked out his window and saw that damn doe out there again. he dropped the pop and spit it everywhere. he could not believe it, that doe follows him everywhere! he walked over and the glass broke.
To You, I Belong: Chapter 8
The doe faked a smile and shook her head lightly. "go on, you two. it's just one dance. i need to get off my feet anyway. these heels are killing me." "i know what you mean, holly," alison said.
Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter8
Glancing over, he smiled as she shot him a wink, the doe not having bothered to wrap herself before exiting the room.
To The Future!.. On Accident
Moving out onto the streets had already grabbed two furs attention, they did not trail sona for long, another more willing doe had caught them within minutes.
Backwoods Chapter 1
David said under his breath as he let the doe go in front of him. tera situated herself on the rear seat of the boat and david passed her to accompany donny in front as they both sat down.
The Woodland Visitor Ch 23: Self Doubt
When we parted i quietly asked her, "does that mean i can't tell you that you have a nice butt?" she immediately twisted out of my arms and started walking away. "i'll get the blanket and pillow."
The Woodland Visitor Ch 19: Future Death
"so does that make me some kind of powerful being or just a freak?" i asked as i walked back over and stood beside her. i ran my hand down the cut on her neck and watched as it healed before my eyes.
Nashita Natumie - Life Goes On
She was a young doe about five foot two and had a light brown skin that covered her body except for her underside.
The Scrolls of Kapern : Chapter2 A Knight of Passion
The doe clicked in realization that she had not given this knight a proper greeting.
Always remember Chapter 1
It was the young doe from last night. she looked over at me and smiled, she walked up to the counter. she receiver her coffee and sat at th able across from me.