Aaru - Chapter 3 (New Bonds)

"i will still be training you, but your time will be split up between myself and jan." callen explained. "okay." "so for the next few weeks your mine!" she cackled. any feelings of worry came to fast realisation.

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Michael's Path Preview

The white wolf looked upon the winged one with caring, startling green eyes, "messt jé jan part im wëld komprendieren. je leeven lässt án iim." michael gave a chuckle. "my part in the world is this. what i am now."

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Carr said that you were good people," jan started, carefully. "did you believe her?" casey jabbed his side, but dev held firm--lying was a bad foot to get off on, anyway. "we're just businessmen, jan. that's all."

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Servicekraft - K4 (1.2)

Es war zwar schade, dass jan nicht mit dabei war, doch lieãÿen sich die 4 freunde nicht entmutigen und gingen zurã¼ck ins kino, wo sie sich informierten wann wo welcher film lief.

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Making progress.

Qui 12 jan 2012 22:33:09 brt i entered in those dangerous waters and felt warm a... ?qui 12 jan 2012 22:33:09 brt i entered in those dangerous waters and felt warm and renewed.

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A White Mare

I handed welding goggles to stargazer and jan, taking a pair for myself. "no more hunger in africa." jan shook his head. "i wonder what happens with these developments once celestia goes back home."

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Case 1: The Wolf

C'mon, jan. let's go take statements." with that, he sauntered off again. jan followed, giving another apologetic smile, mouthing the word 'sorry' to him. tag looked at susan, who had just stayed quiet during all that.

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New Commission Prices (SFW)

Deviantart.net/lz7sbbafzhd7himlqc9el25na_0=/fit-in/150x150/filters:no_upscale():origin()/pre00/addc/th/pre/i/2017/017/b/2/family_by_feanor_the_dragon-davtiot.jpg)](https://feanor-the-dragon.deviantart.com/art/family-658107101 "family by feanor-the-dragon, jan

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Journals from BCT part two

04 jan 11 i wonder if you'd be proud of me jason.

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Roth Tales 03

What the hell would ricardo and jan think? he snorted into the glass in front of his muzzle. he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.

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