Birthright I: Fledgling
Zhenten again. Rai sighed faintly at the tall lizard, shooting glances both ways down the hall. "What's wrong, my prince?" "Nothing." Prince Rai sullenly lifted his hand to be led. Mother never takes me places anymore." "The queen is a busy woman....
Just Another Gay High School romance chapter 8
Another month had passed since that fateful day in Coren's room. Will had been giving Coren the love and affection he had been craving for a long time now. He thoroughly enjoyed cuddling up against his big strong wolf when they stayed at each others...
Max's Dark Past
" don't think his parents...." john says and then leans in towards maria " involved in a accident do you...?" maria sighed with a worried face. looking a bit tearful from how sorry she felt for the young kit "i-i certainly hope not..."
Life's Pains (Part 7)
We had known each other since we were 4 and we knew each other better than anyone else, and yes that includes his own parents because as most of you know, parents don't always know their teenage children as well as they think. "well uh...."
Meeting Thomas
His parents may not have known him long but they could tell he was still feeling the effects of the illness but it wasn't as bad. before he wouldn't get out of bed unless told to.
Kayla: Two Years Strong
Leave it to her penitatas parent of all people to brighten a day.
Kayla: Vindication
Smiling nicely for her worried mother kept it secret, and her parent calm. she hadn't even gotten to show jacob it was functional.
Kayla: Mark of Penance
She was a licensed parent, and an experienced caregiver of penitatas - all of which didn't help her this time, as she tried to be neither a parent or a disciplinarian.
A Lovely Day
He never told his parents he had a girlfriend, at least not yet. he and d'arcy would always meet at her house in secret, since her parents usually gave her more privacy than his did. not to mention it was an easy feat to climb into her bedroom window.
Kayla: Enemy Tomorrow
Drakonian parents held their children by the scruffs of their neck for a reason - it was simply fleshy enough.
Kayla: Second Beginnings
Her disciplinary sense and parental sense were one.
OSAT CH3: Contracts of a Child
Now only two sorts would ever knock before entering the bedchamber of the young girl, the help, who were already in the room, and her parents. the doors were opened for the wealthy couple, having just returned from retrieving a special something.