Drift - 03 - Utopia

I would say that i was foolish not to take an environmental suit, but the genetic polymer on the planet ate through my clothing. i doubt it would have had any difficulty doing the same to my suit, but i'm getting ahead of myself." dustin said.

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Bacon Bits: I Couldn't Even if I Fried

The polymer plastic felt hard yet smooth. a foot away the gas stove held four fiery pinpricks, flickering like blue gems in the dark. atop the nearest burner the cast iron pan had been left out. wendell peered over the ridge. warm and spotless.

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Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 4

#4 of vulcan automata a story based in <~adalore>'s vulcan automata world, we get to watch as two new employees from very different backgrounds and brought on-board and cyberized into creatures of polymer, plastic and electricity!

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Joining the Team: Chapter 1: Capture

He was a charmander, a blue one with scales that gleamed as if they were made of some sort of living polymer. but a charmander nonetheless. it was too much to comprehend, it was impossible to believe.

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The First Warning Part 2

. \>:) i threw the polymer bottle into the air as it crashed through the windows... all i could hear next was people panicking... then i saw the bitch bursting out of the window and lands on the ground. fired a few ember bullets to get her attention.

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The Fall 01 - Home Sweet... Gun...

Olive green polymer formed the ergonomic handle with black steel finishing the slide, hammer and the levers and switches. the breech cover was polished gunmetal grey, with the muzzle of the p226r "tapper" threaded so he could screw on a suppressor.

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Dragons Lair pt 21

Saiu smirked, "it's a type of polymer that is intensely strong. its melting point is too high for you to melt it and get your document back. we only want to compare it." "how did you intend to compare it?" "sight? how else do you compare it?"

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The Briin Expedition 6: To the White Forest

She snapped her ascender onto the line running down and out of sight, beyond the sectional, polymer floor of the hangar. "thank you, madam." "that said," she rebuked. "i'm not telling you anything." there was a tense pause. "i reserve my commentary...

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Recovery: Chapter Two

." --- lily hurredly rushed her belongings into a polymer bag and rushed out of her office just as hundereds of others were doing around the station.

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Research Agreements - Part 1

Advanced tracking programs, eyes with extra zoom and heat-seeking capabilities, a few nets and quick-hardening polymers..." "you know, there's a pretty big market for robotics right now.

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Fox Sphere ™

"now, the first step of the process is the application of our patented polymer. of course, i can't tell you exactly what's in it, but i'm confident that our results will speak for themselves."

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Adipose City: Operation House Cleaning

polymer armor and expandex fabrics groaned as their growing occupants stretched the elastic materials tight.

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