Duke & Alex part 5~the Ending.
prince walked between his legs, and ran his paws up alex's arms. he rubbed the side of alex's neck, while alex put his paws on prince's chest. "prince...not here, not in public." he said, pushing prince gently away.
Hot Date
"that'll be 250 uic dollars", she answered a few moments later as one of prince's fox friends paid for the entire group. meanwhile, one of prince's raccoon buddies put his hand on prince's back. "hey, relax buddy!
Dominating the Prince of the Forest
He moved from the prince's neck up to his ear. he gently whispered, "you look cute in a collar, my prince," sensually before he nibbled on the prince's ear with just the tips of his fangs.
The Prince(ss) of Purrsia
"u-uh...p-prince fomo...we were...concerned that...ah...you and prince frosty were absent..."
Frosty Loops - Chapter 3: "Two for One"
"you are correct: you wouldn't send your own prince to dethrone me. 'prince' frosty, if you would, please clarify for us."
Double Duty
And of course, he had gotten some quick and stealthy appraisals from prince kalvin when the prince was not engaged with his duties. the prince's approval always made the day better.
Power, Strength & Appetite | Entree+ Sized Comm
Head swaying softly, the twenty-year-old prince held up a chunky paw to motion for him to take it away. "i d- don't think i c-" "ah, but my prince!"
Andy and the Stallion - 4/5
prince still knows the ropes, so he'd still be good whether andy's a novice rider or not. maybe in time, as prince is getting more relaxed with me, i might be able to ride him too."
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
prince wasn't in pain. prince was in heaven.
Between The Streets - Part 2 [Commission]
And prince waited.
Between The Streets - Part 1 [Commission]
prince couldn't deny that.
Making Royal Deals 1
The dragoness herself held a rank equivalent to the prince in title only, mainly due to her special assets. the prince blushed at his lapse of regality before regaining his composure.