Saving the Species Ch. 5 From the Ashes

#5 of saving the species this story is a compilation of responses to a roleplay between myself and moneywonder. the roleplay took place over a course of about 5 months and was all done by email.

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Saving the Species Ch. 2 In Plain Sight

#2 of saving the species this story is a compilation of responses to a roleplay between myself and moneywonder. the roleplay took place over a course of about 5 months and was all done by email.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 10: Pinkie's input

#10 of stp saving the ponies chapter 10: pinkie's input. twilight sat in her study, lazily dragging a hoof back and forth across the floor.

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Saving the ponies Chapter 15: War on the horizon

Maverick had just finished his fruit palace. He was relieved to have finally made it through all that fruit, but 5 days of not eating meat was beginning to take its toll. Maverick was desperately craving anything with blood: pork chops, chicken, even...

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Saving the ponies Chapter 13: Returning the favor

"So, you can make anything?" The three ponies, along with their human companion, were seated around a coffee table in Blacky's house. After a few venomous objections to being licked, Rainbow had settled for a glaring silence, pointedly staring at...

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Saving the ponies chapter 12: To the death! (In theory)

In a desperate attempt to save himself, he pushed rainbow as hard as he could, causing her to stumble a bit. in the brief moment of downtime, he made a mad grab for her hooves, managing to capture both of them in his hands.

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Only YOU Can Save The Wolves - 2011

  only you can save the wolves only you can save the wolves by tannim june 03, 2011 tony hurried down the road, muttering about the leak in his gas tank. it hadn't been there the day before, either that or he forgot to get gas.

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Saguaro Sky - Part Two - Save a Horse

Saguaro sky part 2 - save a horse hal's eyes peeled open to a face full of warm sun. he groaned and buried his head back into the darkness under the sleeping bag.

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Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 1 - Saving Sally

A fuzzy, hazy mist slowly dispersed from my vision as the tranquilizer faded out of strength. Although she could not make out shapes or features, I could tell she was on a floor surrounded by heavy set people. The deep, growling voices around her made...

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Got to save the Earth

The adventures of lisa the vixen: got to save the earth by raven fox; the lss night wing flies to earth to stop the lss nasal. the nasal is parked over new york city using the city as a shield.

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A Saving Grace - Chapter 2: Keep It Brief

  a saving grace chapter 2: keep it brief   "wake up sleepyhead!" a certain nidoqueen yelled into a certain 17 year old's ear "aaah!" henry yelled before falling off the dirt bed.

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Saving, then Playing! Pikachu and Snivy: Part 2!

#6 of the side story archives requested by fa: pimpchu snivy was taken by an unknown assailant and pikachu tries to save her. what will happen now?

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