
"i was born a long time ago, in what you now know as scotland, in a place that's now known as the home of the macleod clan.

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXIII

As far as i am aware homosexual men are prohibited from holding the position of clan head, this is especially true for your own clan being the head clan in scotland.

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXVII

We got the news all the way in scotland after all. your mother was a pretty notable model after all." she stated sadly. dad answered that one in a gruff manner as obviously he himself had interactions with the press himself.

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Half-Blood Chapter LV

Outside the mansfield clan, there were five other clans who with the mansfield's made up the 'high six' who were the most powerful clans in scotland and had the most history and prestige with the magical community.

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The Ryan Story Part V

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his address book and looked up the number to his friend in scotland, wondering if he should call. after a long moments hesitation he dialed the operator. "yes, give me the country code to scotland please.

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Larceny Olympics (part 1)

In the hallowed halls of scotland yard, an impatient carmelita fox paces in a break room.

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The knights of juno, prelude to war, part three

They are waiting for you with some sort of high tech military hardware that they stole from a research lab on the island of tiree in scotland." "how do you know that?" mikael asked and the frenchman smiled. "we have a man inside." he said.

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The Sum Of Good Things

scotland had fallen to them the previous week, and they were working their way south. "they must have really come across some really really good hardware. my guess they were trying to capture some mpa's." "are they still out there?" "we'll find out.

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The Revenge Of The Ice-Queen

Until four years before she had lived with her maternal grandparents in scotland.


TBW:IQ - Chapter One: The Start

Up until four years before she had lived with her maternal grandparents in scotland. she currently lived on the outskirts of vancouver, canada and was well travelled, having been all over the world at one point or another. "great."

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXVI

"good, i called my office yesterday and told them i wouldn't be returning to scotland as i planned." lucas looked at her surprised. "i want to be there for support, for you and erin both. my boss wasn't happy but he understood my reasons."

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Magnus -The Raging Bull

"we have been in touch with someone in western scotland. the woman lives with her brother near a little coastal town called portree. you are chosen for this task due to the nature of this specific individual as he could use an attitude adjustment."

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