Nick Wilde's Knockoff Scales

Rubbing it on the bottom of the zootopia police uniform, he couldn't help but be stupefied at the lack of care left at the hole-in-the-wall store setup.

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MSBA- New Family

During the beginning i go for hurting them quickly and abusing my advantage and then eventually switch out to a more defensive or setup role. you are a late game character.

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Interview with a Villain Part 2

[r] "if you look at my record, the first reports of me raping occurred after i setup this neighborhood and announced the rules. all occurred within the boundaries i claimed as my territory.

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Nightcrawlers Part One

Wildfires were crazy here, and while she was protected underground, her air supply intake was at risk, so she kept this setup just in case.

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Sell Me

Alan just stands there, all calm on the outside, letting his tail swish back and forth, but inside he's thinking, holy shit, either this is a setup or i just made my quota for the next five years.

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The Lonely Hearts - Chapter Four: A New Home, A New War

Slowly he looked up noticing the same setup above him. he then noticed that both floors rotated freely to have a good 360degree kill zone. "i'll take the top gun.

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Tales of Torrnal: Chapter 16

We finally broke and setup a small camp in a small clearing just inside a small set of short trees. "calmon, lorth, you two ran hard today, go get something to eat and drink.

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High Demand for a Seasonal Treat

He was used to jerry-rigging this particular setup together, threading all of their inputs to a central remote so he could make the proper adjustments to all of them with a few button presses.

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Morphtalk: Blogisode 4 Part 1

The original setup for the experiment was to have the researcher doing the monitoring outside the room, and that's what took place while my researcher friend was observing her three subjects and their fun, and taking notes on the data that came in.

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Sales Training: Day 3

He really did seem sad about having to do setup. i figured it would be a harmless bet, but he seemed really bummed. i felt bad, but also a bit annoyed that he was making such a big deal out of this. then i had another idea.

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Mightyena and Me: Part 1

I took this to mean that he was asking me to setup a fire for us both. i nodded, smiling, and began to set wood in the brick structure. when i finished, i saw how poor i had set it up design wise, but it worked for what we needed.

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Pride Model

She waved to him to follow her through the doors and she would get him setup for the next stage of the interview.

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