The Husky Romp
I yell out to let everyone know its time to eat as i grab paper plates and cups for everyone. Jack and Lee came rushing in and grabbed all they could and ran back to the couch and started to eat away at what they had before Chris came in to get his. As...
It's a trap!
"You sure 'bout this?" Matthew jumped despite himself, looking up at the gruff crocodile and having to gulp loudly before he responded. "Err....yea. Yea, I wanna do it." The crocodile shrugged and turned around, seeming to not care at all...
Practical Guide to Summoning
And just like that my lucid dreams have started again, first off the blocks was one that had me worked up so much I had to immediately put my fingers to the keyboard to get it donw. The old story of a novice summoning a demon is not new, but I hope I...
The Witch and the Templar
"C'mooon, I'm sure you yearn for it..." "Be silent, witch, or else I'm gagging you!" The lion templar's abrupt answer made the lizard sorceress frown. Two hours have passed since she had been arrested, fitted with anti-magic manacles and thrown into...
Krysten's Corruption Chapter 3
### Krysten's Corruption Chapter 3 Copyright of The Lady Adrianna 2013 Dante woke at his usually early time the next morning, his eyes opening, focusing on the ceiling above him. It took him a few minutes to register that something...was...
The Whitemane Destiny: Chapter One
Chapter One Upon the white-crested mountains there was a kingdom of true generational righteousness. Tucked into the valley of snow and fields a castle stood, high atop an outcropping of stone. Within this bleak castle lived the ruling family of...
Gooey Origins and Scholarly Adventures
# Gooey Origins and Scholarly Adventures A Story By: G'lek Commissioned By: Varien ([]( Guru sighed as he carefully stepped over a fallen tree. For some odd reason, he'd...
The New and Improved "A New Beginning" series. Chapter 3: A Steamy Surprise
Phil's knot began growing at the deep throat treatment alex gave him. i move my hand from his sack and grip just behind his knot. the pleasure became too much and before long phil's back arched as he came in alex's awaiting maw.
Arti's Plans
**My First try at something with bondage in it, Hope everyone likes it!** She was unaware of him as he quietly snuck up behind her. She washed the dishes as he rose her red collar up, and when she put down the plate she was holding did he snap...
Cafe Plaisir - Baron (part 1)
"Damn it! You freaking jerk!" yelled out one of three Pokemon sitting on a bed in one of the private bedrooms of the Café Plaisir. "Hehehe, sorry bud. That's how the game goes!" called out a second sitting next to him, giving the first a cheeky grin....
Work Hours are for Pleasure
From: Ariel ( To: You ( Cc: Warehouse ( Subject: Era Supply - Delivery 10am Thursday 06/17 Mohammad, Please expect a delivery tomorrow for 16oz Cartons &...
Nailed Wall - 1
"I cannot believe you kept this. It's disgusting ya know!" The orange fox was furious. The fiery fur moved with his extravagant hand motions. Gesturing at the black wall in front of him. On it were eleven large condoms. Each full and sagging with white...