Dragonheart Part 47
Said aqua. "i'm only here because rubino had asked me." she said. suddenly arcade are, for the sand beneath them began to tremble.
Drachenherz Teil 57
Die lava schoss in alle richtungen, doch als aqua seinen arm hob, hielt sie ein und bewegte sich wieder zurück in den vulkan, als aqua seinen arm wieder senkte.
Drachenherz Teil 47
aqua drehte sich um und sah, wie fairy eine schneeweiße flöte in ihren händen hielt und darauf spielte. „deswegen ist sie hier.", sagte er.
Pokemon: Waist Deep In Hot Water
After learning team aqua's location, jamie "borrowed" one of team magma's zubat and sent mail to becky on a nightly basis, the aqua grunt doing the same.
Pokemon - Waist Deep In Hot Water (Magma x Aqua)
After learning team aqua's location, jamie "borrowed" one of team magma's zubat and sent mail to becky on a nightly basis, the aqua grunt doing the same.
A EQ2 story. Qeynos Vs Freeport
It was a normal day in Qeynos.. People going about their duties and some wasteing time.. A white ratonga by the name of Argit could be seen argueing with a froglock nearby. " If i was here for trouble i would have done it by now! God damn you...
Chapter 12: Battle For The Badge
Wolf then used his pokedex to see sapphires moves which were swift, aqua jet, ice beam and aqua tail. he then put it away and proceeded to continue the battle. "ready for round 2, sapphire?" said wolf. "more than i'll ever be."
The Blackhearts - Ch1
aqua said fondly.
Schattenherz Teil 24
„gut gesprochen, für einen feuermagier.", sagte aqua lächelnd. seine stimme hatte noch immer diesen arroganten tonfall, doch dieser war gerade nebensächlich.
New Journey Chapter 14: Pastoria
You seem strong, and there's always tons of strong trainers on the way, and aqua always gets beat up when they challenge us."
Care Bears Family Adventures, The Cold Wars C2
Redemption and aqua turned their heads to each other and grinned then started giggling. "oh he doesn't know." aqua turned to passion.
Bushido White: A Poke'mon Story
Samurott turned to face the boulder, and took off in a blinding "aqua jet" charge with its paws spreading like ripples, closing in on it while lowering it's mighty horn. it connected with a loud "crack!"