D.E1 Chapter 10: Inevitable fate

To find a ship colony of these proportions drifting in the darkest sectors of the universe was not common.

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To Be Hunted

But over time, the colony learned how to hide from the predators that nearly spelled extinction for them. rules were taught to preserve the life of the colony members.

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Chapter Two

For the past twenty years after the war had ended, the colonies were furious of the rampant increase of quotas and demands due to the costs of the war. a small number of the colonies violently protested, resulting in their deaths.

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A New Family Prelude

A recent image of a colonial should be showing below the screen along with a detailed explanation of physiological traits."

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Chapter Eighteen - Homeward Bound

We're not at the colony... so where are we then?" she asked as she looked around. "oh... in the human place... why aren't we at the colony?" i smiled, patting her back and hugging her again.

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My Liege

My orders to the outer colony fleets were to maintain their posts for just that eventuality.

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Bugging Out (10/10)

The councilor just continued to huff as they walked into the colony's war room, which was basically just a command center that was connected to almost all the systems of the colony as well as the space station that hovered above it.

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Past Forward

With the additional exits, the colony was satisfied of their safety, especially with ninita's own nest being nearby.

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The Kresh - A Jackal's Cruel Fate

Of course, when you're in a colony of insects where there were multiple sexes, a male-presenting herm wasn't exactly remarkable. from the outside, the colony was entirely unremarkable, built into the side of a cliff face with multiple cave entrances.

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Floral Frolics 10

With each such aperture, the ever-vigilant eye of other colony members ensures no strangeness occurs.

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