Dragon Mound
Yet, there lives an exceedingly powerful being, ever vigilant on the events of the world. even as watchful as he is, he has much free time on his hands. treandalode sits on the edge of his bed after taking on an anthropomorphic form.
A New Dawn - Chapter 15 (With Friends Like These...)
Despite being 13 chapters shorter than a place to belong', with this chapter we have exceeded the word count of 'a place to belong'. just wanted to share this little nugget.
A Neo-mal's Birthday
The day went exceedingly well with leona being the center of attention of all the felines and humans. it was well into night before the last of our visitors left. we turned off the lights and headed for bed.
Pawford, Ch 3: CJ's Garage
Pawford ch 3: cj's garage copyright 2011 comidacomida despite what a poor job i did of preparing for our first camping trip, i considered it exceedingly kind of cj to invite me out on a second one that same summer.
The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 5, Scene 3b
Adding all rolls together must exceed 30.
Kovu and Mipa: Faith Failing
As if this stranger had come across some exceedingly odd variation of beetle and was deciding if stepping on it would yield an ounce of amusement or not. mipa couldn't take being sized up like that.
Harry Potter and the Tails Of Change
It didn't require many esoteric ingredients, nor did it seem to have an exceedingly long brewing time.
Guide to Fatal Radiance
Punishment is not allowed to exceed the crime, but can fall below and thus in some rare cases even be forgiven or dealt with a mandebod (blood money).
Run mowgli! Run for me
Grinning like the devil amar exceed the child by quite a margin. keeping him on his sight.
Agony of Steel
As you may guess these chapters or parts will not exceed two thousand words they will be short so i can still work on my other main stories with little hinderance.
Elder Scrolls Stream Story 3: The Payoff of Patience
Of course, there existed a few, as everyone had some level of curiosity, but it was an exceedingly rare individual that could keep alister following them for long. this arga was one such individual, and he had many plans for him.
The Payoff of Patience
Of course, there existed a few, as everyone had some level of curiosity, but it was an exceedingly rare individual that could keep alister following them for long. this arga was one such individual, and he had many plans for him.