The Akira Chronicle Pt 4
See your mother together under amnesty article 6" the equine general said putting his hand on archer's shoulder "thank you, sir" archer replied "it's very generous of the government, sir".
Chapter 1 Incident
He was also the top researcher for the human government, chosen specifically by the higher-ups to research the xerlians.
The Farm
The government did such thing because they thought they were being merciful with the 'useless'.
The Federal Lupine Republic
Forming states, as regional hierarchical governments that would convene in a central location.
The Ultimate Survivors
Of course at the time the government responsible for the exposure not only dismissed the implications but even covered up the profound results.
Superhero Setting - History
Oppressed citizens overthrowing tyrannical, rich governments? said governments purging the population in order to diffuse such an attack? and when the attack comes who will stand up for the little man, the innocent caught up in the middle?
Lore: Regulian Alphabet
Reactionary elements in the regulian government and regulian linguistic hard-liners oppose the change, viewing the new alphabet as being an alphabet for a less refined species and consider it an insult that the government has replaced the script they have
Yes, the friendly government officials in your town always keep a sharp eye out in case someone is using magic without authorization.
Stories (Kill. Survive. Die) - Prologue [WiP]
government is what caused all of this - or rather, power-hungry militaries, pressured leaders egged on by a purposefully misinformed public, and egos backed by nations' macro-nationalism fueled pride. needless to say, government fell first.
Time Now and Time Than: it all begins somewhere
By this time, the sun had quit shining and the government began sending in troops to round up the survivors. most didn't want to go, so the government began moving furs by force.
Time for a Change – Part 4
If the government had not heard of this happening then that meant she was probably the only one this was happening to. on the plus side that meant the event was not causing a lot of other people to have the same problem.
What Good Am I? Chapter Six
I think in the case of the vote it was many representatives saying they are not happy with the current policies of their government and want to put in place a government in a developing nation that fits their worldview better."