An Introduction to a New Series
The alien vessels are also on a supermassive scale, approximating at .79 tlunars (terran lunars) and creating gravity differentials due to their mass equating at around .12tg's (terran gravities).
The Doorway Saga
You think that the anti gravity matrix is very advance towards you but towards us it can be a living nightmare. we demons are using the anti gravity matrix for about a couple of centuries but it still has some minor difficulties.
The Bond
Tectonic activity levels are increasing as the gravity field of the star expands.
A Celestial Garden
They twirl around her in a slow cosmic dance, slowly spiralling inwards as the gravity well of the galactic monster destabilizes their orbit.
Chapter 19 - Home Sweet.... Jungle? (The end)
Blake gasped, "won't the gravity of the planet rip micro-tears in the streamline, and you could be ripped to pieces on emergence." blake warned. "hello, does ‘evan's newest ability manifests over gravity,' mean anything to you?" evan remarked.
He could now feel the force of gravity tugging him downwards. "computer, steady acceleration at point four gravities."
The Second Law - Part XXIX
"yangurraa don't have artificial gravity. their ship teams train without it. with any luck they won't have many gravity-trained fighters, and certainly none that can deal with random gravity."
James Madford. Mechanic, Third Class
And then the gravity cut out.
The Tangerine Dream
On one of the monitors--one located near the main gravity control--a small squad of males who had no business being there appeared.
2593, Chapter 26
Being scared of gravity?" "from the little research i've been able to find, phobias aren't supposed to make sense."
A Jump To The Left
Ah, but mars had a lower gravity and was rather cool by terrestrial desert standards. so, he panted, chest heaving, feeling the pull of gravity at his body, sending his heart thumping in his chest.
Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.12
The transition was like nothing she had experienced before, generally when docked to a station with centrifugal gravity the force extended onto their ship, but here the gravity provided by synthetic singularities in the deck plates apparently dropped off almost