A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 1

She could feel the very quiet twinge of micah's thoughts mirroring hers.

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The Rogue: Part 2

micah. "wha...what are you talking about?" i asked, turning my head to face him. he was leaning against the wall near the door, his arms across his chest.

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The Suprise

micah chirped happily greeting the other boy. "hiya. micah." cameron's tail wagged casually behind him. "want us to sign your yearbook?" micah asked looking at the boys souvenir for the year. "sure, i'd like that."

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 155

Faelen said, long ago, that he knew micah was only their half-brother based on micah's scent, so it wouldn't be a surprise if connor could do the same, but not a mage _or_ a fur? "is it similar to how micah smells?"

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 7

She knew what he knew, she could fly this ship, she could program micah, all of his abilities were hers. and she realized exactly why he'd programmed micah as he had. the feeling that he had for marcus was almost identical to her own.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Seventy-Five

He sniffed the air, nicholas and micah were in micah's room, the smell and noise in the kitchen would say nathanial was up there. "upstairs, si- geoff. we should say hi to the pups, first. they're in micah's room."

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Going Home - Chapter Two: The Discovery

He gave him a cocky smile, knowing that mimi had just challenged micah's preconceived notions about female pokémon.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Fifty-Eight

It isn't just sex, like what he gets from micah, but i think it's domination, maybe even... um, masochism. pain.

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A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 19

The hayes' ai, under the control of micah and mary, had locked out all the controls, effectively isolating the ship in space.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Four

micah and nicholas came up and sat down. nathanial moved micah's breakfast over to him and gave nicholas an orange to tide him over till they ate at geoff's. "not just work, but be something to be proud of, dad.

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Unexpected Chapter 6

"you make jewelry for the corporation, micah. my stuff is already made when it comes to the shop. i don't have the training to make my own." micah chuckled, his eyes flitting over to angela. "oh hello. who is this?"

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