Solitude in Sinnoh
The poison-type took another hesitant step towards him, then another as the owl didn't try to move further away.
The Black-Feathered Monk 4
He took a deep breath, feeling the heat of the poison burning through some of his feathers, through his skin, down to the bone.
Shukkon - Regret
"the poison worked. . . but how? anyone who has gone through lady death-fang's training should be immune to poisons like those." hanabi-ko sighed sadly. "we were both so stupid," she said softly, as she closed his eyes.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Fuchsia City
Tentacruel showed me his strength by winning with a poison jab. the second pokemon sent out was a cloyster and another poison jab was enough to defeat cloyster too.
"i don't suppose you would have any poison joke here, would you?" "poison joke? does this look like a weed garden to you?" "no, but i- forget it." the hardware store was up next. "hey, um, do you guys carry any poison joke?" "poison joke?"
Remember the Oath 3 - Bug Detected
Weedle, poison sting!" due to the slower speed of the kakuna's natural state, spike was struck first by a poisonous jab of the boy's weedle, which while strong did not do much to deter or even poison the cocoon.
Ayame's Chronicles- Training time
If the poison doesn't get you, the shard will, as it is formed with enough pressure to make what you humans call a diamond. the explosion is just a bonus; it turns out that my poison is highly flammable, so sparks or heat made it even more useful.
The Scorpion Queen
She had nothing that could stop the poison. except... she had landed within arms' reach of her sword. \*\*\* healing potions weren't much good against poison, but the sure did numb the pain.
Loyalty, Love, and Lust / Pokemon Fezandipiti x Human Trainer
A third drip of poison. this one tasted the best. she needed more, more of him, more of this poison; she knew it was corrupting her in a way she couldn't imagine, but that thought made her excited.
Lunch Time
Taking a knife into her mouth, she very carefully set about chopping the poison joke up, mincing it into a fine garnish.
Mad Science - The New Apprentice
**Mad Science** **The New Apprentice** By XP Author Austin Komori looked around, more hearing his surroundings than seeing them. The young bat sat atop a street light, easily hidden by the darkness of night. He had only a slight idea of what he was...
Motherly Treats
"i poisoned the cookies you ate." she heard the muffled cry or surprised from each boy. "oh, not that kind of poison. i laced them each with a fun little mix of drugs. it's why you're all so raging hard in your pants."