Despite All My Rage - Part V

#5 of despite all my rage despite all my rage - part v micheal looked into christy's eyes and saw an unearthly darkness. she was changing slowly but the look on her face spoke of her need for help.

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Despite All My Rage - Part IV

#4 of despite all my rage despite all my rage - part iv micheal burst out of the bathroom like a greyhound from its cage. panic nipped at his heals like wolves snapping at a rabbit. he could not believe he had forgotten about christy.

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Despite All My Rage - Part III

#3 of despite all my rage **despite all my rage - part iii** the break in the storm had long since passed and it had renewed itself with wild winds and large drops of rain.

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Despite All My Rage - Part II

#2 of despite all my rage **despite all my rage - part ii** christy stared at her black eye in the mirror. her heavy sigh would have been a fine indicator to the world around her that she was hurting... but no one noticed.

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Despite All My Rage - Part I

#1 of despite all my rage 04/06/2009 - 1st draft 04/14/2011 - 2nd draft 01/19/2016 - 3rd draft "the smarter and more creative you are, the wilder and more complex your fantasies become.

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The Bound Ones Final Draft: Rage and Retribution

#5 of the bound ones final draft **rage and retribution** "it can't have been anyone else, the bites . . . he opened the old scars, all of them. i don't know why! why would he . . . why would anybody do that, rhys?" "oraz," rhys repeated.

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A Child's Rage Chapter 2: Love and Hate

#2 of a child's rage chapter 2: love and hate silver felt the water surrounding him, flooding his body with heat. he was reminded of the feeling of his mother against him, holding him as a pup.

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A Child's Rage Chapter 1: Friendship and Betrayal

Silver said, his rage reaching a point beyond boiling, "how can you feel fit to speak his name? how dare you come into my mother's house, our lives, and criticize us!

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Team Canine Episode 2: The Pilot's Rage

Just by hearing that voice, Silver knew that it was coming from the door with the yellow letters that read "StarFox". Whoever was on the other side of that door was acting very violently towards his or her predicament. The metal door was being pounded...

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Chapter 10: Ryutai’s Training and Rohan’s Rage

Chapter 10 has arrived, and a new problem awaits. Comment and critic as you please. Don't really have much to say, although if you pay close attention to the time that's passed then you might catch something interesting. Anyway, here it...

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A Child's Rage Chapter 7: Pain and Pleasure

#7 of a child's rage chapter 7: pain and pleasure marisa looked down at the wolf lying asleep in the bed. his body gave off a mixed scent of musk and sweat.

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A Child’s Rage Chapter 6: Confession and Realization

#6 of a child's rage chapter 6: confession and realization morgan swallowed hard and knocked heavily at the door. her throat felt tight and dry. when the door opened morgan stammered, in a raspy voice, "i have to talk to you sir."

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