Broken Pieces. Chapter Twenty-One.

He had to be replaced." mauler shrugged, not about to recount the story of how he tricked and took down his father as he, one day, expected reese to do to him. to replace him and take his rightful place as alpha within the pack.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 9)

#10 of mesozoic park my worry quickly faded, replaced by shock which too was quickly replaced, this time by pure joy, i smiled and pulled her into a tight hug before i could even say anything, i could hardly think, i was too excited "thats fantastic sweetie

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Now, with his replacement stepping in through the front door, it was back again, at least in the dingo's nose.

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Contracts: Part 1

Discharging the spent, smoking battery from his emp pistol, he caught it in one paw, quickly slotting it back into his bag and pulling out a replacement.

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Tina's Story Chapter 52 The Great DMV Walkout of 2009

"no, i mean i need to know who she will be replacing?" "replacing?" "yes, replacing. you'll be over staffed unless we create an opening. i need that right away." "let me call you back..." ray slumped in his chair. ‘replace?'

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Gooey Spite

His body would already be gone by the time his mind had finally left; a portly gooey belly would've already replaced his bipedal toned frame, a single goopy thick tail emerging from the short thing wagging mass behind him.

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The Sleepover

Right next to the changing table stood a diaper genie that had had the name koda stenciled on it, but that had been crossed out and replaced with hunter right below.

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Friendly Fire

"this is the fighter that helped take out andross", mitch wrapped his paws around the two handles that replaced the flight wheel of the old fighters.

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Boarding Pass (Otherwise Untitled)

The tiger's whiskers twitched as confusion started to replace impatience.

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Hands & Hooves

Its surrounding mass replaced human skin with that of beastly fur lined with muscle.

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A heavy sigh left the wolf as he reached up to disconnect his limbs, one at a time, and replace them with the larger, stronger variants.

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Stellar Wayfarer: Four

It wasn't till a week later that i woke up and found both my legs, and left arm and eye gone, as well as parts of my skull, hip, and shoulder replaced with cybernetic replacements.

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