Free Love, Exile and Rebirth Chapter 2
scratching his under arms.
Satan's Promise
scratch drawled out as one hand started to absently scratch along edward's jaw. the stallion snorted with disdain of that idea. he'd tried to lower his head, but that was going.. awkwardly. "poor thing.
I wish to build a great tower of my own, to pursue the pine needles with the urge to scavenge and scratch i am an animal, biting and scratching and howling, searching for my roots within this kingdom hidden in the towers.
Aiden's *Trip* Home
scratch said, waved goodbye to his friend, and went to work spiking the bat's juice. an hour later, scratch was in the library, pwning noobs, when he heard ghoti arrive home from work.
Losing a Dear Friend
"isn't there anything you can do scratch?" i asked between sobs "i an' i can't help him, captain my captain." old scratch replied "what i can do is help his spirit find peace."
S under D:[Arc 2]The academy; Chapter 4
scratch already knew how to push spike's buttons but seemed even know how to push ty to the edge. scratch just laughed again admiring his work. he loved making his brother uncomfortable.
bathroom emergency
Always scratched when i was nearing the edge. always made me loose it, despite how much i rapidly jerked off again. \*scratch scratch\* "damn it brueno. you always know how to get to me don't you?"
A Boy and His Lucario Part 4
"but you'll still scratch me, right?" john started to scratch him. "you know i will."
Felicia's Fancy 04 Lucky Day
Starts scratching blitz\* why don't you continue karin? karin: \*stops scratching blitz\* okay. so where were you...? oh yeah, i just laid atlas out on the ground and blitz chased that "brave" man away.
Guilty pleasure (commission for Teryx)
Right after flushing the toilet, he approached the door and scratched the sticker, waiting for something to happen. he was _certain_ someone had scratched it before, after all. at first, nothing happened.
CJ's Got Fleas
Cj scratched at his neck again and something caught flick's eye. for a moment he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but as the beaver next to him continued to scratch, there it happened again. something small and brown, hopping along cj's body.
Ticklish Day
Zurim scratched his left sole with his claws, scratching up and down. nathan started to laugh, feeling the intense tickling on his soft foot. meanwhile, the black wolf scratched his arch and the bottom of his foot, making his brother laugh loudly.